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Posts posted by psychiccyberfreak

  1. Let me elaborate on the database and config.php file setup.Ok, so make a new database by going to cpanel, and name it nuke. Next, create a login for that database. Enter that info into config.php and save it to your server. Next, what you want to do is import the database from phpmyadmin. Under the sql tab, import the tables from the sql file. Then, immidiatly, go to the site and make the admin login. Once you do that, configure the site and test everything.- The difference between installing it in cpanel is that the 7.5 version is more secure, but the 7.6 version on cpanel is less secure, but esyer to install. I still reccomend using 7.5, cuz if your site gets big, your going to try to get hacked. That ain't good.

  2. Ok, so you want to have a php nuke site. First of all, what is this "PHP nuke", and why is it so special?

    Php nuke is a web portal system. It is expandible, and can be very usefull. You can find an example here. Yes, it is that good.

    So, lets take a closer look. It's pre-packaged basic features are:

    *a login system

    You can allways de-actuvate some features, but it's near-imposible to remove them. Kinda annoying, but you know. Some people may not need phpnuke, or cant have i period. You need:

    *some type of database support
    *about 80 megs if you have an advanced site
    *an apache server

    Some people may not need phpnuke. If you have a forum-driven site, you really dont need it. Also, if it's completely content based, then you don't need it anyway. PHP nuke is for people who want content, and input from their visitors.

    so, if you still want it, keep reading.

    So, let's download php-nuke. I woulden't reccomend getting the latest version, but the one before it. Usually there's a securety hole somewhere. Also, make sure you download the latest patch. It's a big help.

    So, to download, select a link:

    Latest version of PHPnuke
    Nuke patches <choose your version and go to fixes

    Ok, follow the install instructions, and configure everything. Make sure ou do NOT edit any files in notepad. Not even the instructions! (it will drive you crazy trying to see the un-identified characters)

    now, read the basics manual found here, and learn the basics first.

    Next, you want to send a good root down the mineral filled ground called the internet. Add some links, forums, etc. Get settled in.

    Next, comes my favorite part, add-ons. Download add-ons to sute your purpose. (anotherwords, if you have a website for your music group, download a mp3 player)

    Some good links include:

    Nuke scripts
    Dispal Designs
    php nuke official site
    Raven php scripts

    Find some of your own, but those are just some of my favorites.

    Then, configure the new instalations. Make sure you back EVERYTHING up before you install the new addons, including the database.

    Then install. If anything goes wrong, and your site gets messed up, uninstall the addon that is reaping havock, and restore the database.

    Advertize, and get new members, and then youre set! make sure you update regularly, and get some good content for the site.

    Again, the how to manual is very usefull, I would reccomend it.

    again, you can find it here.

    If you found this usefull, please give me some reputation.

    This tutorial can also be found here, at my site.

  3. Hi am new to this all I think it is awesome that you guys at Trap 17 you must earn your Free web space other than paying.  I would like to be able to stay active and see what I can do to help anyone who decides to help me and I am wondering how many directory(s) can we have?  I hope that I will be able to post more and future.


    you can have one main Xisto login account, but you can add subdomains on, you get unlimited ammounts of them, but at most you can get 150 mbs of space.


    Welcome! post! have fun!



  4. most of the time it's the fans. Try liquid cooling. It's highly efective and I dont think it makes much noise. also, only if you have liquid cooling, you can put sound proofing in your case. Make sure you deactivate all the fans, so you dont get a short. I think if you do that, you should get a quieter pc, but it's imposible to comlpetely silent it. unless you find a cooling system that has no noise. good luck though.<br><br><center>if you found this helpfull please give me rep for thes!</center>

  5. Hello!
    anyone want to know how to animate in flash well? the super flash brothers really know what they are doing, they have some great tutorials too.

    please give me some rep for hlping you if you found this helpfull

    Notice from snlildude87:
    I fixed your markup. HTML does not work in these forums - you have to use BBCode instead. Also, do not ask for rep points; people will give them to you if they feel you have helped them, and providing a link really is not helping. You can try submitting a tutorial.

  6. ok. I'm working on getting some nameservers.


    It will be: http://www.hflw.org/

    right now it is: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/




    If you are interested, just create an account there. Then PM me once you have an account. My uname is psychiccyberfreak. You may have a prob with the e-mail thing, I'll look into that. Otherwise, just post something here.


    oh yeah, also, tell me your are ready to be an admin, and I will create you with the password you must specify n your pm. Otherwise, just ask me more questions here.

  7. Hello.I need serious and deticated admins for my siteIf you are here, you probably know basic html, php, java script, and how to use an FTP client. If you dont, I'm telling you now, your not in. sorry. Also, I need people that know how to use PHP nuke (https://www.phpnuke.org/) and know their way around it.What you will be asked to do is basically, maintain my site when you have free time, mabie put in some add-ons, and other stuff like that. It's a great way to train before you get one of your own.I really need some help, because right now, I am the project team. Preatty sad. My friend is also in it, but not really. I want to hire at least 15 admins for my site, you may get paid too. If you dont know any programming languages, that's ok, but these tools will help you get a better admin rank in my eyes.Macromedia flashjavascriptphphtmlftp client

  8. I also use web CEO, it does everything I want it to, for free!!!It it the most efective way. It has everything you need to edit, upload, optomize, and more. You dont need to know html, but if you dont, you shouldhave some designing software like macromedia dreamweaver. It has some handy tools, like meta tag adding, and surch engine submision, but if you dont have any competitors(like if you want to beat google, then it will give you tips) It's preatty cool. really awsome. % stars if you know how to use it and it fits your site, but otherwise, I wouldent really reccomend it unless you have conpetitors.

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