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Posts posted by psychiccyberfreak

  1. allright, I've seen some good scripts like that, so now I want a good place to learn DHTML. That way, I can use "sommaire parametrable" as the admin backend, and use it's database to intergrate the DHTML menu.

    one thing- can you carry variables over to javascript embeded things?


    <?php$myvariable = 56?><script>//I dont know too much javascript,//so this is where you would put a code that displays '$myvariable</script>

  2. wow, I think that's worthy of clapping!umm, yeah, I think I found something. I'm going to mod it so it is compatible with the very popular "somare porumente" or someting like that. It is going to be great!I'll tell you guys when it's done, but If you can find a dhtml menu with:-mysql reading-css color controll-large icons in the root items only-good functionalityThen please help me by giving me a download link!

  3. oh yeah, and by the way, you get the same speed as cable if you get the right company. I have verizon. also, It depends how far away from the conection point you are. DSL is much cheaper too. Cable has too much power in my oppinion. I mean, what are you going to do? download the pentagon's archived files? :( go with DSL, it's just enough power. Even for downloads.

  4. I say, go for a good download accelorator. Fresh download is my favorite, and if that fails, try going with DSL. I used to have dial up, but I got dsl. At first my phone company was mad and denied my service, but I got my way :( so ask them to update your line from the poll to your house, and problem solved. Good luck!

  5. Hey, anybody know a DHTML menu that reads info from a database?for people who don't know, just like windows' "start menu" with the popup menusI want to mod it so that in phpnuke I can edit it admin panel end.I would like it to be vertical.

    Notice from snlildude87:
    Do not use note tags because they are only for admins and moderators.

  6. are you talking about a forum? The ? after the .php means that whatever comes before the = is a variable that is being carried over to a different page, and after the = is the value. Anything else?

  7. I may not be a girl, but dolls are a little weird. I mean, I know this from when my sis had some, but they had no underwear, not even painted on. Ken had no *bleep* and there were too many clothes. I usually found a barbie shooe at least once a week lying around on a floor, before my sis just put them all in the attic (and the people rejoice). so dolls were actually used by indian children to simulate grown up life and trained them for when they were adults. Dolls are weird, but at http://www.strangedolls.net/ they have a whole bunch of messed up dolls that you can buy. Those are the only dolls I like a little bit, though.

  8. some scripts that use exessive file transfers will eat up your bandwidth. File downloads, images, and pages all use bandwidth. Anotherwords, think of it as your house's power meter. If you use too much, you get shutdown, or have to pay extra. Every month you get a certain ammount of bandwidth. If you exeed that, your site goes down untill next month. do you get it now?

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