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Posts posted by psychiccyberfreak

  1. so, I got this book, C++ primer third edition, and it's a pretty old book, but it's really good. I'm hoping to read up some more, but It's good for people who want to start to learn C++ with no C background. It teaches you syntax, and functions, and even problem solving. Plus, I got a like new copy off amazon for eight bucks. Really cheap, compaired to 49.99 off the shelf. What do you think?

  2. you will get your hosting, jut write mini-paragraphs. Like about the length of this post. You get about a day worth of points by posting at this length. It's really easy to get started, but get the seccond hosting package, it's alot better then the first. I'm sure once you have your hosting, you will be very happy with the service you get here, as long as you don't forget to stay active on the message board. There you go, have fun on the boards!B.J.AKAPsychiccyberfreak

  3. Here's what I found:
    [+]ps3 has a bigger game selection, and usually has fun games.
    [+]xbox focuses on persition grapghics, and state of the art hardware
    [+]ps3 has all the great Ideas and improvements
    [+]xbox is all about entertainment with music, video, and games
    [+]Ps2 is known for disk read errors
    [+]xbox is known for bill gates' greed
    there you go.

  4. allright, so I'm going away to camp for 4 weeks, allmost half of the summer. I have to make enough host credits for this, when I only have like 11, and I'm leaving tomarow at 11:00 am. I have a day after the first week of internet access, but that's it. This is pretty bad, this much work in a little bit, you know? I'm just really stressed right now, so that's what I'm doing, but the good thing is that I'm learning engineering and some C++ at this camp, so it'll be fun. Still, I'm going to miss my friends and family, and I regret that I put this off for so long... Later, see you in a weekPsychiccyberfreak

  5. hey, guess what:

    Tyro-Fusion.Net/Smoga Shut Down

    Tyro-Fusion.Net/Smoga has been shut down.

    The OSC [Online Security Crew] have informed Evan Eccker [Owner of Smoga Town] that he must stop the creation of Smoga Town.
    Over the past month we have been getting emails about a new MMORPG comming out.
    In the past we have had security problems with such games.
    We went ahead and contacted Evan Eccker.
    He showed us his game and we didnt find anything wrong with it so we let Evan continue prodution.
    Around 1:43 PM we found a serious problem with Smoga Town, and we had to shut it down.

    I regret to inform you that Smoga Town is Closed.

    Jerry Smith,
    Owner / Founder of OSC

    so, yeah.

  6. he, funny thing about that game, my freind who was "the greatest soul calibur player ever" chalenged me over at his house, so we play, where hes been playing for like a year, and I just pick up the controller, having no clue what the hell I'm doing. So I push a bunch of buttons, (I don't have a gamecube, so I don't know what did what) and I actually beat him. It was so funny, you should have been there.

  7. See now you're going to have to change that attitude for a start .... trust me when I tell you that these girls are probably going through just as much *#it as you are .... the pressures on girls your age are just awful.


    I'm old, very old .... but I can still remember what it was like being an adolecent girl and it was a nightmare .... however, believe me when I tell you that it's a temporary state and relationships in general can be much easier the older you get .... of course then you have different pressures on you, but that's another story.


    You have to give girls a chance, remember they're not the enemy .... so be open and friendly .... I know it's hard to develope inner confidence at your age, but the more at ease you are with yourself, the more attractive you are to the opposite sex .... the majority of women are more interested in a guys character that the way he looks .... you may scoff at this, but look around you .... how many of the adults that you know are living with stunning partners, not flippin' many I bet .... as you age, you become less shallow .... if we all waited around for the perfect "prince", we'd have died out as a species long ago ....


    I'm pretty sure that the "preppy skanks" of today, will be fine women of tomorrow .... we all grow up .... and school thankfully becomes a distant nightmare .... so drop the negativity, it'll get you nowwhere in life .... be patient and open to people .... develope your own inner confidence and you will be attractive to girls/women .... and never think of yourself as a "loser" .... youth is a precious commodity .... unfortunately we only seem to realise this when it's long gone .... enjoy it while you have it ....


    I wish you well!

    Posted Image


    I feel for him, my school has barely any selection. They are all either tomboys (which I hate) or punks (which none of them like me, not that I know of anyway) so, even though I'm a pretty cool guy, I pretty much can't stay local, so that's why I travel alot.

  8. honestly feel really bad for them. It's cruel and unusual punishment. No games? now, what did they do back then? Oh yeah, they beat the crap outof a wooden hoop, right? how primitive. I dont know what I woud do without a day of videogames. The last time I did that, I was seriously messed after the week I got back from scout camp. It actually wasen't that bad, just really boring. think of going through that every day! :unsure:

  9. mabie try a skining system. It's pretty easy. All you do is this:

    say this is a header:

    and this is your footer:

    in PHP, you can include a content page. In this example, you are at the home page.

    <?phpif$theme=1thenecho"<img=yoursite.com/themes/theme1/header.gif>welcome!</img>"include http://ww38.yoursite.com/content/index.htmecho& theme=2etc...

    so this /content/index.html is the home page content.

    it's kinda tough to do, but it's easy and you'll get great results, try looking it up some time.

  10. this can be found on my site.

    Ok, so let's upgrade your nuked site. Make a temporary page saying that you're upgrading, or if you have nuke sentenel, disable your site.
    Pick a good version that is secure and stable. Use this link:


    ok, so now just upload everything, I suggest via FTP. You can just select all the files in the root directory and drag them into the root directory on your site. All the needed files must be overwriten. Now it's time to patch the site. Download the latest patch for your version of nuke. Upload it, install it, whatever. Now, go to your site. IF you remember doing certain file edits for a moduole or something, re preform them. Remember that sommare ( a special nuke menu thing) mods your language files, so you may want to run that script again.

    Upgrading the database. First run the included script for the version of nuke.

    Example:I want to upgrade from 7.5 to 7.7I would run : upgrade75-76.php -->  upgrade76-77.php

    it's all in the upgrade folder in the package. Now time to upgrade the DB for the patch. Run "upgradedb.php", it should have been uploaded to your site with the patch. Uprade the tables, and make sure you delete ALL the upgrade scripts. Once that's done, you are set. Check everything, and make sure it works. Once that is done, you are upgraded and ready to go. That's my tutorial, hope you have fun!

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