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Everything posted by Acacia

  1. Acacia

    I Hate Parents. _

    I know I got angry at my parents but the solution was to move out.Easy done fixed and fixed. If you don't like the situation leave.Plus parents can be under a lot of stress. Talk to them and tell them how you feel about them arguing and see how it goes
  2. Acacia

    I Hate School!

    Lol thats life! You must be so sheltered if you don't think you'll see people you don't like once you leave school. When you work they'll probably be your boss
  3. Argh I hate that opinion... why do guys always think lesbians are cool and gay guys are gross? Seriously whats the difference?I hope to see this movie as well plus it has 2 hot guys in it WOO! :huh:Hopefully your classmates grow up and realise not everyone is the same... some people are individual
  4. Acacia

    I Hate School!

    You've got a report due in a month?? What's wrong with that... wow only a month to complete it.This is training to meet deadlines and a month is a pretty freaking good one!Suck it up and enjoy all the holidays while you still can.
  5. I'd agree in terms of the forums... I've been trying to get on and they go so insanely slow I give up.This morning all seems to be ok though and I've had no issues with my website itself.
  6. Pretty much lol.You make money with your magazines and get the highest rated stars to appear on the front cover or do interviews so then you get more more fame and more and more money! :rolleyes:I'm up too mission 11 now and its pretty repetitive but you get to unlock more pretty things. I'm just wondering if I have the option of unlocking any other areas.I guess I could look through a walkthrough or something.
  7. Acacia

    I Hate School!

    I hated school as well until Year 12... Not so much because of the homework though. I rarely gave that a shot if I didn't feel like it... plus there's always someone you can copy off the next day :rolleyes:But seriously doing 9-3 with 2 days off plus all the holidays is better than doing 9-5 with 2 days off and 4 weeks annual leave. Enjoy school and the free weekends while you still can before you have to go off to the evil place called work!It sucks about a million times more.
  8. YAY! I'm glad we can edit posts now because I sure need it :rolleyes:Does this also allow deleting of posts?
  9. Wow this new forum looks awesome!Very swish indeed.Although the reply box is killing my dial up it seemed the rest of the board loaded quite fast which is great!Can't wait for the shoutbox
  10. I was wondering how many missions this game has. I'm up to mission 9 and it seems to be going forever.The missions are really easy too and it seems to get very repetitive so I'm wondering how much longer it goes on for.How many areas can you unlock also? I have the pool/grotto, upper mansion, club house and the main mansion.I'm hoping I can get more work.
  11. I really want this game! My pc isn't fast enough though and as far as I know its not out on console (is this right?).Maybe when I get the chance to upgrade my pc I'll have some Movies fun
  12. That seems a strange arguement... only 3 or 4 people have seen it so obviously its not real... and yet millions of people believe in ufo's and aliens.And there are animals being found these days still. I read a report of one probably a month ago.In such dense forrest/jungle why is it so unlikely that undiscovered animals have been found?
  13. Thats what happened to me Goofy... I had to get so many things checked. It was getting really annoying. Lucky for me it was quiet and didn't take long to get done.If I ever use it again I'll remember only to buy a few things
  14. Why would contact lenses damage your eyes? lolAs if so many people would wear them if they were going to do something to their eyes, your parents are silly.I probably actually need glasses but I'm to lazy to get tested again
  15. Acacia


    Welcome... I just got my hosting accepted and although I've never really used CPanel myself I found it pretty easy to use. Also it seems pretty fast although I only have used it once or twice but it speeds through on my dial up connection :rolleyes:Happy Posting and hope you get hosted soon!
  16. I think it could be faster dogeater.Especially if you only have a few things it could be easier... but not if you're paying with credit That really sucks!Maybe i'm just a loser with no co-ordination lol but if they made it something like the trolley/basket was put onto a weight or I don't know something bigger! And WIN98 is pretty funny... shows how advanced the system is hehe
  17. Thats terrible that they did that to your Mum! I can't believe that service your poor Mum :)And to ask to pay in cash is so... wow its very backwards, the water company seems to be set back in time, how can they expect people just to put cash into a slot and feel secure that everything will be ok.Is there any type of group that you can complain to about this company? Its not right that they treat customers like that. Did they even send out a reminder for payment before turning it off?I feel so sorry for you for having to put up with that
  18. I was also considering going with roxr.com until I found Xisto... roxr is pretty much the same (as far as I know, I haven't really explored either to much but from the outside they seem similar) but now it looks like roxr has changed to forced ads - they used to have a similar format to Xisto where you post to keep it ad free - but as its a new system they've implemented I'm not sure if there will be an option to post and keep it ad free.
  19. Its loading really slowly for me but thats probably my internet... so far I can see the background and the cursor while I'll say both are cute!!Especially the cursor, thats really cool!Ooh its up now... the layout is really funky but there does'nt seem to be anything there... there's no blog entires, is that right?Oh well, what you have so far is really cool and I love the layout.
  20. In theory they're a great idea... if I only had a few items I'm sure there wouldn't have been a problem.There needs to be something implemented for people with a lot more shopping.
  21. I don't wear glasses but I kind of wish that I did. They make people look cool. I've been considering getting lenses with no hmm, whats it called? what glasses are made for Just so I could look suave
  22. I'm not sure how common these are elsewhere but I had my first self serve check out experience a few days ago.It kind of looks like a checkout but with no checkout chicks Anyhoo it was really fun to start with... open the bag scan a few items and then pick up the full bag to hear a voice "item has been removed from checkout, please put it back before continuing" so you put it back and scan some stuff.So here I have $100 worth of stuff to fit on a little rack, I got one back removed but it would not let me remove any others... it was soo frustrating hearing that woman's voice a million times! Then I happened to buy a knife so I had to get that checked to make sure I was old enough to buy.Finally I have stacked everything up in this little space and have to pay with credit card... so then that needs to get approved too.In theory this is a great system and i'm sure it would have been if I didn't have a whole heap of items and paid another way... there needs to be a warning about the ammount of products you can have.
  23. Thats very dedicated of you... I would never have done something like that in school I was lazy though. Hope your studies go well and I'm glad that this wasn't a 'the service sucks' post because I'm hoping to get hosted lol I'm glad its a good service.
  24. I don't really know. I don't much like very many new songs... I listen to a lot of Missy Higgins and Veronicas these days.Hmm, fave song that I listen to a lot:Carole King - Where you Lead
  25. I was thinking of signing up for roxr.com and well it seems like weeks since they've allowed people to sign up and now they're making forced ads a part of the service and you STILL cannot sign up.So I was searching on google for freehosting with no ads and here I am.And it seems cool and the name rocks! So hopefully all goes well and I'll be hosted here soon.
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