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Albus Dumbledore

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Everything posted by Albus Dumbledore

  1. Incorrect Incorrect The book is coming out in the English language on July 21st, 2007. Despite the rumor of having it come out July 7th, 2007 (7/7/07)
  2. Yeah, i don't think that intertwining Xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting like that would be a good idea, but the problem with people joining just to get the discount would be an issue, so maybe something like a certain amount of time that a member must be at Xisto before getting a coupon code to get a small discount from Xisto - Web Hosting for say something like 6 months or something like that? enough time to let the site grow to where they have to move to a larger hosting....i dont know about paying credits for it.... i think the credits is a good system for keeping the hosting up and running for however many days that you have the credits for, but not really for buying things, because i think that just the fact that someone has been at Xisto for 6 or more months and contributed to keep their hosting up and supporting Xisto would merrit a small discount from going to taking up space for free to paying for a larger amount of space. just my thoughts XDhey pleno! lol
  3. I was just going through and ordering hosting through Xisto - Web Hosting, and i came to the charges screen and i noticed a place for people to put a coupon code. And i got to thinking, People are already choosing Xisto - Web Hosting because it is a good and cheap hosting company, but maybe another thing they can do to get people to use Xisto - Web Hosting is to offer a promotional code to the members of Xisto who wish to advance in their website and move on up to Xisto - Web Hosting by offering a coupon code that will give them a small discount for switching from Xisto, to Xisto - Web Hosting.i dont know if you will understand my proposal above but let me try to make it shorter.If someone who is with Xisto wants to move up to Xisto - Web Hosting for more space or w/e, then perhaps you should offer a coupon code to encourage the user to continue using the Xisto corporation and switch to Xisto - Web Hosting and receive a small discount for moving from a free host in the xisto network, to a paid host..... it may be a small discount, but Xisto - Web Hosting with make some more money with it i think...just a suggestion :}
  4. You may be stating your opinion, but you are suggesting that your opinion be put into action by the government. And if it were to be put into action by the government, that would be considered discrimination against the homosexual community, whether it be. Definition of discrimination from wikepedia EMPHASIZE the sexual orientation, and to make a distinction between the straight people in the world, and the gay people in the world would therefor be considered discrimination... Now what you were opinionizing is that homosexuals should pay more taxes than what they already pay.. that would be making a distinction between straight and gay people..... How is that not bad? the tax payers of America already have their own kids to pay for, their own taxes to pay for, and their own expenses to pay for, so why should they pay for the lives of other people who cannot afford it on their own? @ your proof, the GDP per capita | Population below poverty line really doesn't have anything to do with this argument but w/e. i congrat you on proving that the growth rate in undeveloped countries are very different and higher than that of the developed countries. But even if this is so, we should be thankful that the population rate isn't very high in countries like the united states. my main concern about homosexuality is the US, not other countries. we should be thankful that the population increase rate isn't as high as other countries because if we didn't have many of the homosexuals in America that do not produce offspring, then our population growth rate will most likely be higher than what it is now, making it to where the united states natural resources for living are being used up.....
  5. @ husker,lol, that kinda thing makes me mad. when people who don't really support homosexuality participate in the day just because it is a day to be excused out of talking at all for the day.It is a weird kind of protest but it works, because this year in middle schools, high schools, and colleges across the nation, nearly 5,000 of those schools participated in this years Day of Silence (Wednesday April 18th). It may not be something that is commonly known among the United states or anywhere else, but people who are bi, gay, lesbian etc... get picked on and harrassed quite a bit. not but two weeks ago a Gay teenager was walking home from his high school in colorodo and 6 students followed him home, calling him names and one of the six students threw rocks and other objects at the student breaking his nose and causing many cuts on exposed skin. That is the reason that day of silence was made, just to show he many people are aware of it, and do not support what people are doing to the homosexual community.I myself experiance a sort of harassment from many people who despise gay people at my school. I get people who follow me to classes and yell allowed and point at me saying, This guy's a *BLEEP* he supports homosexuality. Although it doesn't bother me much because it just makes them look like idiots there are people who have actually thrown objects at me with something along the lines of a note attached to it saying you're gay and blah blah blah. And I'm not even gay, i just support it....
  6. yeah, Virgina Tech is a really tragic thing, stupid people these days lolneways, it's ashame that it happened and i feel sorry for the family's of the dead ones even for the family of the shooter.i feel sorry for them most of all because it's gotta be hard to live knowing your son's a murder and is known world wide.In Marysville (couple towns away) there was a guy who apparently was walking around with a gun downtown or something like that saying someone like, 'I'm going to make Virgina Tech look like a casual death.Such an idiot he is! lolThe morning DJ for the radio stations that i listen to is really pissed off at the Virginia police because they are not releasing any kind of a time line for what was happening, so there are gaps that he cannot report for in the time line that they have constructed by themselves that they cannot account for because the police aren't releasing any information on the subject. He is also mad because they are not releasing information about what the police were doing outside while the guy was inside. they weren't releasing any information on things like snipers on the roof ready to shoot him down, or swat teams ready to raid the buildings etc...but yeah, really tragic thing.
  7. Day is Silence is a non-profit organization that was started in 1996 by a group of students from the University of Virginia. What started out as a simple class project on how to involve themselves with their community turned out to be a very large program Country wide. Day of Silence is a program that is designed to help create a safer school. Day of Silence is a program that is focused on LBGT people (Lesbian, Bi, Gay, and Trans gender) and how they are treated. Day of silence is a program that is designed to bring attention to the anti-LBGT bullying and harassing, and discriminating in schools and even out of schools. Day of Silence is a day where gay people. bi people, lesbian, trans gender people, as well as their allies or friends gather together and be silent for a day no talking or communicating. Students who are participating in this will pass around a card to anyone who asks why they are not talking that reads: Best of all, teachers cant get you in trouble for not talking during class.....
  8. still pure bullock, that is discrimination and that is exactly why a university created the "Day of Silence" for people who do not believe that people of a different sexual orientation should be discriminated against and doing this would do exactly that/ Having gays pay extra taxes would be like making black people pay extra taxes just because they are black..... it's discrimination and should not be allowed. It's just not logical..... If a mom has two kids and needs help financially, they already rely on welfare, they should need to rely on the gay population to pay for their kids... it's bad enough that the tax payers are paying for other peoples welfare. ....if you think the increase in overall world population is not coming from the developed countries (like US, Canada, UK, France, Italy, china, japan, Russia, and other big countries) but coming from the underdeveloped countries or third world countries then there is a great problem with your head..... because it is not true..... most of the worlds population comes from developed countries, the large ones..... they are near the same but the developed countries are ahead by a bit I don't know where you live but i have many gay & lesbian people in my family and they all live with their boyfriends / girlfriends as well as many gay / lesbian friends who have boyfriends and girlfriends who live with a loved one...... Do you get out much? Have you noticed company's allowing the adoption of children into homosexual family's... That is a small thing to consider because even if the parents of the child try to persuade the child to like members of the same sex rather than members of the opposite sex as the kid grows older and hits puberty, he will be able to decide by himself what he or she likes and what he or she doesn't like. the world is not a good environmental place for kids to be in right now...... there are gangs that parents have to worry about their children going into and drugs that parents have to worry about and much more things. Whether the child is grown in a gay environment or a straight environment is the least of the worries. Just because you don't like the fact that someone can like members of the same sex doesn't mean that everything regarding homosexuals is bad
  9. the bible is rubbish, therefor this statement is pure bullock.there is no possible way of telling the future of a world, even so far ahead
  10. my vote goes to SMhis is nice kinda smooth and blended well.
  11. I feel like i can shoot you in the face and feel no remorse at all!!! Gay people pay taxes just as much as straight people do so why in the *BLEEP* should they pay more taxes just because they cannot produce offspring??!?!?!? Do you have ANY IDEA how many foster children there are out there. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA how many foster children there would be if there weren't gay people, who are not capable of producing offspring, to adopt them just so they can have a kid to call their own??!?!? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA how quickly the worlds population is growing. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA that if we keep reproducing at the rate that we are soon there will not be enough natural resources in the world for it's inhabitants to consume?? Apparently you don't because your incompetence clearly shows that you know nothing about it. If it weren't for the fact that 35% of the worlds population were gay, there would be an exponential growth in people overwhelming the worlds natural resources. If it weren't for the fact that 35% of the worlds population was gay there would most likely be 4-6 times the amount of foster children that there are in the world.
  12. McGonagall does become headmistriss, she is basically the secondary Headmaster so that in the event that the headmaster is unable to make a decision or is otherwise incapacitated or deceased she becomes the Headmaster or in this case Headmistriss. And since that is the case, there will be a new co-headmaster as well as transfiguration teacher. and the rest aren't really spoilers, anyone who has read all of the books are rather obvious
  13. lol see, that's why we have people proof read things like this, because spell checker doesn't always pick things up like that hehe XD thanks everyone. i'll be sure to include allot of the things that you are suggesting.
  14. No, i am saying that if you were to hear a glass break in your house and you were in the room, you would have enough time to grab the gun and go to the location of the breakage and investigate the source of the noise. ROFL nice on haslip! @watermonkey, let me be the adult and take this argument out of the forums; see the PM
  15. like i said before, i am not saying people should walk around with guns in their belts daily. i am talking about just protecting your home! having a gun, locked up in a safe, bolted to the ground with a combination the adults in the house know to get to the safe so they can get to a gun.
  16. thnx watermonkey,@ the age thing: yeah i suppose that's a good idea @WPM, i turned in a resume to taco bell and the manager did not know what WPM meant and he suggested that i add the translation in there.@listing the skills, i will defiantly change that.@spell check, spell check came up fine for me but punctuation i don't do good with so i'll have a look @ that
  17. I agree with that, If you want to legally have a gun in california, you must have it registered so if a murder ever comes up and matches you guns, they can match it but to get that liscense you need to take a shooting class and get background checked etc... which i think is fine. If i am understanding you correctly, you understand my topic to allow people who are walking around in the streets to cary guns for saftey in the streets, this is not what i ment, i ment to have a gun, that is locked up in a safe in a house and to be used only to protect that house not to be carried around the streets in case something might happen there, there are things like pepper spray for that, and besides, you are in public chances are the criminal would be too scared to attack at all. @richierich1m Like i said earlyer, i don't think they should be allwed to walk around with them on the streets, and even if people are allowed to hold guns in their own home to protect their home, it still wont stop wanna-b-gangsters from buying the guns illegally and using them. @salamangkero if they take their gun out in public and shoot someone with it because they get jumped then i think the people doing the jumping should go free and the person who shot them should be put in jail for taking it out in public, because the whole concern about this is for protecting your home and your family in the saftey of you own home, but out in public is a whole nother story. theres pepper spray and you are in public. @farren again well then that person is an idiot and shouldn't have been given the gun. There would of course be investigation which would then show that there was no forced entry, and no means of the dead person to attack the person with the gun then obviously it would prove that the person shot him in cold blood and not for protection. @ watermonkey i don't need you to tell me how to talk, thanks
  18. Somethiing i might suggest is Google mail for small business. it is free, you can have as many accounts as you would like, and you get i believe 2GB storage space for each e-mail address. But you would have to own your own domain to get 'you@domain.com' Which it looks like you are hosted at Xisto. so that would work.
  19. Controversial Topic: Weapon Ownage Recently i had to do a speech for my school, and one of the topics i thought about doing my speech on was personal weapon ownage. I changed my mind because i found a different topic to be much more interesting, but i figured i could start a topic about it here on Xisto to find out what your opinion is on the subject. I personally think that personal gun ownage should be allowed and no laws made against it. I think this because in today's day in age there are idiots who go around robbing houses, and kidnapping people right from the saftey of our own home. So i think that one needs to have the ability of safley protecting yourself in the sanctuary of your own home even if the means of doing it are by deadly weapon. Put yourself in the position of a father of a 6 year old daughter and a 16 year old son and all you want to do is be able to protect them. But one day the 14 year old son goes to a friends house and comes home kinda late at night like maybe 9-10 o-clock and the dad has no idea what time his son was coming home all he hears is the door open and close while he is laying in bed, he calls the sons name but no response from the son then you hear the laughter of the daughter in the front room but you think it is a scream followed by sudden silence. What would you think? Personally i would have thought that someone broke in and silenced my daughter and was trying to rob the house or something, so how would i protect myself effectively? a baseball bat? i doubt that someone would be afraid of a baseball bat because the most it can do in a couple blows is break a few bones unless the swinger hits in the right places, which is unlikely. and since they aren't too afraid of it, they would probably attempt to disarm you, which would not be hard to do since it's a baseball bat. So instead of a baseball bat, you have a gun pointed at him, the chances are you can get a shot off in their arm before they even get a chance to run towards you and disarm you. working much more effectively at protecting yourself from being hurt and possibly killed. The reason i provided you with the anecdote is because that has happened to me before, i came home and snuck up behind my sis and scared her and my dad apparently called my name and i didn't hear, so i didn't respond, and since i didn't respond, he said i was lucky he didn't come down the hall with a gun because he had thought someone was breaking in. Someone in my class did their speech on this, and they suggested that only jobs that require guns like a police officer, security, military etc... should be allowed to legally have guns during their job and only their job. She suggested other things like a baseball bat, or a dog. I don't think that either would be effective. What do you think? So How do you feel about personal gun ownage? DO you think there should be laws against owing a gun for personal security?
  20. I am going to be apply for a couple jobs, and i would like to have the best resume that i can. (you wish this was my actual address and tele number hahaha) Chris Gulick chris_aka_big_red@yahoo.com Profile: Although I am only 16 years in age, I am a loyal, dedicated, and hard working individual who has a desire to get a job to save up for college. I might not be experienced in allot of the fields that other applicants may be, but I love to learn and I am always up to a challenge no matter how hard it is. I work well with others while at the same time I am good working on my own. I am looking for a position where I can learn new things and excel at what I am doing Education: Highlands High August 2005-Present 6601 Guthrie St North Highlands, CA 95660 GPA of 4.0, signed up for Advanced Placement Classes, Taking Honors, Perfect Attendance, and took a summer-time class at the local University. I am taking a class at my High School that is called the Business Academy, which deals with teaching students the fundamentals of creating their own business and managing it. In my computer class my Typing WPM (Words per Minute) was 80+ each time I took a timed test. Job Experience: Don Julio Jr High School June 2005-August 2005 and June 2006-August 2006 6444 Walerga Rd North Highlands, CA 95660 Customer Service, assisting students, teachers, and parents finding any information they might have needed, Technical Repair such as computers, printers, copy machines, or anything that needed fixing, Data Input Additional Skills: I have many skills, most of which include technology. I have been dealing with computers for around 5 years now and have learned much including fast and accurate typing skills. I also have a great desire for science, business, and helping people. Achievements: I am a very motivated person who has people who care about me and want to see me succeed in life. These people are the reason that I work as hard as I do on the things I put my mind to. References: Available Upon Request http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (you wish this was my actual address and tele number hahaha)
  21. I've gotta give this speech that i wrote this week to my english class, the requirements for it are that it has to be a controversial issue, sources must be identified in the speech, must be between 4-6 minutes (ignore that one) and must address both sides of the argument... and that's it. So besides your personal views on the subject, how does the speech look? Gay Marriage I am sure that everyone has heard or seen on the news people arguing and protesting about gay marriage and gay people. Well guess what, you are going to be hearing more about it from me while I attempt to persuade you to think differently about gay marriage and gay people if you haven't already. Gay marriage shouldnt be thought of any differently than straight marriage because it is love, it is love between two human beings. Gay people shouldnt be thought of any differently than straight people, because it is the way that the person thinks, and no one can change how someone thinks. The situation in the argument happens to be between two males or two females but that doesnt make any difference! If a man likes another man or a woman likes another woman enough that they love them and want to spend the rest of their life with them, its love. Whether the love be between members of the same sex, or of the opposite sex shouldnt matter because its love. Marriage is not about what sexes are involved in the ceremony, it is about the love that the two participants have for each other and no one in the world should be able to say differently than that. If you dont like it then just do what you do to other things that you do not like, and avoid it and ignore it. Now, I do not want to go into the religious part of the argument but it is essential to proving that gay marriage shouldnt be looked on any differently than straight marriage. Almost every argument that has ever been started about gay marriage has ended up on what the bible says about the matter, on how it shouldnt be allowed, on how people will burn in hell for believing in it, and what to do about the ones who are participating in it. The bible gives sets of rules, or guidelines for people who wish to enter heaven to follow and believe in. But todays day in age, there are a few rules or guidelines that we do not follow because they are in-humane and are not allowed by the law of the state. One example of the terms the bible says people should believe in is slavery. The bible clearly says in Exodus 21:2-4, If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything. If he comes alone, he is to go free alone; but if he has a wife when he comes, she is to go with him. If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the woman and her children shall belong to her master, and only the man shall go free. Now a days, slavery is illegal because in the 1800s people fought to end slavery, and they did end it. So despite what the bible says about slavery, the United States of America finds it illegal to own slaves, clearly going against what the bible says about it. The bible also says that genocide is something else people should believe in and think if right. In Numbers 25:4 it states, The LORD said to Moses, "Take all the leaders of these people, kill them and expose them in broad daylight before the LORD, so that the LORD's fierce anger may turn away from Israel. In that passage, it is clearly supporting genocide. It is asking Moses to take all of the leaders of a group of people and to kill them. Now a days it is illegal for people to kill other people in the United States. That is another good example of how the United States does not always follow the bible. Whether the United States of America allows homosexuals to get married to one another or not, will never change the fact that they are out there and will not stop them from doing what they do. The whole point of providing you with these quotes from the bible is to prove to you that the United States of America has not always listened to what the bible says about other things like slavery, genocide, and rape. So why should we let one small thing like gay marriage be any different than the choices that America has made to turn against slavery, genocide, and rape? The simple fact is, we shouldnt!
  22. If a man likes another man or a woman likes another woman enough that they love them and want to spend the rest of their life with them, it’s love. Whether the love be between members of the same sex, or of the opposite sex shouldn’t matter because it’s love. Marriage is not about what sexes are envolved in the ceremony, it is about the love that the two participants have for eachother and no one in the world should be able to say differently than that. If you don’t like it then just do what you do to other things that you do not like, and avoid it and ignore it. Now, I do not want to go into the religious part of the argument but it is essental to proving that gay people shouldn’t be looked on any differently than straight people. Almost every argument that has ever been started about gay people has ended up on what the bible says about the matter, on how it shouldn’t be allowed, on how people will burn in hell for believeing in it, and what to do about the ones who are participating in it. The bible gives sets of rules, or guidelines for people who wish to enter heaven to follow and believe in. But today’s day in age, there are a few rules or guidelines that we do not follow because they are in-humane and are not allowed by the law of the state. One example of the terms the bible says people should follow is slavery. The bible clearly says in Exodus 21:2-4, Now aday’s, slavery is illegal because in the 1800’s people fought to end slavery, and they did end it. So despite what the bible says about slavery, the United States of America finds it illegal to own slaves, clearly going against what the bible says about it. The bible also says that genocide is something else people should believe in and follow. In Numbers 25:4 it states, In that passage, it is clearly supporting genocide. It is asking Moses to take all of the leaders of a group of people and to kill them. Now aday’s it is illegal for people to kill other people in the United States. Whether the state allows homosexuals to get married to one another or not, will never change the fact that they are out there and will not stop them from doing what they do. The whole point of providing you with these quotes from the bible is to prove to you that the United States of America has not always listened to what the bible says about other things like slavery, genocide, and rape. So why should we let one small thing like gay people be any different than the choices that america has made to turn against slavery, genocide, and rape? The simple fact is, we shouldn’t.
  23. the maiin key though is changing the default password to the network, which not everyone does lol -my neighbors-i would imagine that this paint should and would only be used on the outer walls of the house because if they were used on the inside of the house, the wifi signal would not go to all of the rooms of the house since the walls are painted with the stuff that blocks the signal.I think that people just need to be smarter and have double the security that is required for the wifi network because they are stupid if they don'twhen i say double the security, i mean having the password that you need to know, then having a password to get into the router, then programing the router to allow only computers that you can approve or deny through the router. i am sure this is possible lol but i just don't know how XD so i just have the double passwords.
  24. lol, i doubt that they would be able to pay the 1.7 million dollars, i mean, who can afford that?Lol anyways if the govt computers are so vonurable to be hacked into then they deserve to be hacked into really. you would think that their computers would have better security than that.
  25. Recently I was customizing a computer for my neighbor's needs. All was going well giving her the proper amount of RAM and hard drive space and all of the components she would need to run what she needs to run, and then we got to the Choice of operating system.There's good news, All listed as Windows Vista. I have never run windows vista before but i heard from a friend it is much more advanced than Windows XP, so i got on the phone with the tech and asked if it would be possible to get windows XP on it instead of VistaBut i was told that Windows Vista is the new operating system standard, Meaning if you buy a computer now, it will most likely have Windows Vista on it with no option to put Windows XP on it and there was no way to get XP on it unless you buy a certian computer and buy windows XP from a store and install it on there..
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