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Albus Dumbledore

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Everything posted by Albus Dumbledore

  1. yup, those are also examples of operating systems made by microsoft and like i said up there "A few examples of Operating Systems are:" but what delivi gave you was pretty much a full list of all of the operating systems that microsoft has released...and also a longer summary of that...thanx delivi
  2. yeah, we could have it monitored by the mods, or we can have a formtat that everyone has to follow, for example, it would have things like [b]Movie Title:[/b][b]Who it was produced by:[/b][b]Actors Who Were In The Movie:[/b][b]Good things about the movie:[/b][b]Bad things about the movie:[/b][b]Your personal opinion about the movie:[/b] or somthing along the lines of that, just as a suggestion that i thought of while not paying attention to my english teacher or we could still have the mods review it like the tutorial section.. id like to know who voted yes but with no credits, but of cource they dont need to come out and say it >_<
  3. it basicly tells you how long it took the server to generate the page that the user is viewing...and how it works is i dunno, i believe it pings the server and however long it takes to respond it posts it there...and i do not think it will delay your page any longer than it allready does..it jsut depends on what the script has to do
  4. lol i wouldn't be using it 10 hours a day thats for sure >_< maybe 5 or 6..but on weekends OO BOY but basicly a bulb a year isn't bad :-d i could live with that, i dont have the budgeting now but once i get my paychecks from my jobS this summer lol
  5. I was questioned by BuffaloHELP i think it was if we should add a Movie Review section, so if you saw a movie the other day wether in theatre's or on DVD..and you can post a review...vote and tell us all wether you think we should have it or not, and wether it should have post count as in you get credits or no poast count as in you dont get credits!personaly i think we should put it on here WITH post count so people can get credits easier... tell us what you think!
  6. it is possible to increase the number of points for the quality of the post but you would have to bring that up with OpaQue in the suggestion board...but the admins said earlyer in the shoutbox that they are open for suggestions on what kind of content to put up on the site...like what kind of discussion boards etcc could they put up so its not so hard to post..post suggestions in the suggestion board located HERE
  7. oo special, i would like the lights just because they are blue and cool! lmao! i wish my current keyboard had the lights and thats it because the extra keys i would never need even if they are just for one game..or many games i dont play many games...but it is a cool ideal...to have the lights behind the letters..ha id definatly buy one that doesn't have the led or the side buttons for gaming
  8. a goog little tutorial that you have here kubi, especially for some of the noobs..i had someone ask me the other day how to resize an image, and if i had known this was here i would have re=directed them here *sigh* so i had to explain it to them..it took a while..but i wish i had this >_< lol
  9. thnx, i changed it to the two examples you gave me..i dont ever use mac never will either so i dont really know what they call them
  10. i have not used any HTML Editors other than Ace HTML and that is becaus i felt no need for it, after i downloaded Ace HTML i said this only has stuff that i know about..but since soo many people like Dreamweaver i might go with it and see what it has...or ill go with Adobe Golive just to test them both out
  11. oh, i see ok. lol got a few things mixed up but i guess thats what u get for using an old power supply...eh really sucks still
  12. if by Contemplate The Meaning Of Life, you mean wonder if i should continue your life...then yes i have thought about it..but then i thought about all of the good things i have done.. and about all the people that love me and what they have done to make my life better..but if you mean Contemplate The Meaning Of Life, as in question why some things are ment to go a seperate way etc..yes i have as well done that..when i feel down i look for someone to make me laugh and get my mind off of the subject because if i dont then i will think about it forever even if i try to stop thinking about it myself and it wont work....
  13. yeah, but it will stop your topic reply notifications on the ones you dont want...but yes they do get annoying
  14. well, a simple way to get rid of them is by shutting of topic reply notification permenatly, and only selecting the oens that you want replys to...for instance when you reply to the post at the botton it gives you three Post Options Enable emoticons?, Enable signature? and Enable email notification of replies? simply select the Enable email notification of replies but yea they can get annoying and may be pointless, but it is a way for the members to get the hosting credits that they need....lol YES! now im at 400 posts watch out Saint_Michael im catching up!
  15. as OpaQue, and many of the admins/mods have said before..it is a breach of Google Adsence's contract to discuss your earnings with anyone..and posting them on these forums would be sharing them with over 12k (12,000) people, so maybe we shouldn't post anyones google adsence earning to keep the contract intact?
  16. good job, like i said in your introduction post you are good at graphics and i look forward to seeing your work posted here! maybe you can join the gfx team, and compete against other people!
  17. ive never told people allot of things, lol i havent told people in my accual life that i am absoloutly obsessed with Harry Potter, star wars, and lord of the rings, unless i know they will accept me for who i am or if they are as well..ive also never told them that my dreams have acculy come true in my life..they'd just be to stupid and act hecka wierd...but its true...they have.the other day i had a dream my dad was going to call and ask me to wash his car when he gets home..20 minutes late im awake and on Xisto...he calls and asks me to wash his car..creepy ..but theres more but im not about to say it on the forums or anywhere for that matter....my life is a bottle waiting to explode with secrets in it
  18. If you smoke anything for any reason besides medical reasons...but, and if you do it because you got addicted and tryed to stop i wouldn't let that effect the way i think of you, but if you do it because you think its ocol..or whatever i most definatly cannot hang around with you..because i just think you are too much of an idiot...wether it be weed, or just a cigarete, they are both bad unhealthy for you...do you realize that for every year that you smoke two or more cigs a day you are putting a PINT or ACCUAL TAR into your lungs...it is disgusting, have you ever seen the inside of a dead persons lungs when the person smoked..its unbelivable, but dont do drugs, people may think its cool..but its not..not in any way shape or form...if your doing it to fit in..fit in somewhere else cuz these people arent your sype...but ive never done drugs, never will..alchahol on the other hand is another subject :-D a good one though...lol ive tried that just ebcause i wanted to and im not addicted to it but i do like it every 2 months or so..maybe a magarita, or strawberry daquerie..
  19. I know i have posted on here before that i have plans for buying a laptop for school, but i also have plans for my room! big plans! i am only 15 and i have another 3 years left in my parents house atleast..and so i want to make them enjoyable, and i am planning on making my room a type of theatre..i am thinking about doing this;setting my TV up on a projector so if i want to watch somthing big screen all i have to do is pull down a screen and the projector will be positions onto the cieling pointing at the screen...i also plan on having surround sound lol yes i know it is a verry small room but i still think it would be cool! i would put the screen in front of my clsoet *which has no doors so its good* and i can pull it down, hide all the junk in my closet *not much cept clothes* and watch TV or a movie, while listening to it in suround sound...im guessing the projector would be about $1k-$2k...($1,000-$2,000) dollars..and the screen would be under 1k, ($1,000) i allready have the TV and DVD player..the surround sound system, from the looks of it under 500 dollard depending on how i customize it..so i'd be talkin $3.5k ($3,500) and i could take these with me wheneevr i move..so its an ideal..voice your negative and posative opininions!! convince me not to, or convince me to do it even more!
  20. yes, then there would be practicly No One online or on the computer for that matter :lol:Thanx! Only took me a few minutes ot get a quick 4-5 credits :-D
  21. must we go thorugh your issues again? it is getting quite difficult to explain to you...*JOKING* and i do not know, maybe you clicked add reply and copied and pasted the old post in it then edited it..or maybe it is a bug
  22. Well it i s kind of obvious, but i have gotten many questions from people on here before asking me what some people ment by OS..and so i explained it to them, and i thought i might be able to explain it to other people on here OS aka Operating System OS is short for Operating System. An Operating System is the system in which a computer operates on. Basicly it manages all of the other processes/programs that you put on the computer.. As defines by google it is: A few examples of Operating Systems are Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows XP Windows Home Edition Windows Professional all of those are made by Windows but there are also other ones like Linux Tiger Panther You see, without operating systems, our computers today will not run as smoothly as they do..we would have to manage EVERY process, and every program that we run... Notice from BuffaloHELP: Review the What Is...? section description. Moving to Operating Systems.
  23. i reported it and jlhaslips said that it will stay oppen, because the answers are clearley posted...and it is still an active topic
  24. it is sad that all of these young kids want to end their life because of one issue, or because they feel life is unfair for them, or because they feel responsable for somthing that they had nothing to do...i just wish they would seek help from friends etc..before doing somthing like this *sigh*
  25. and since he is banned...maybe the topic should be closed?? or hid riddles gotten rid of so noone answers them and then waits oto long for an answer
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