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Everything posted by Kioku

  1. I'd have to agree about one thing, though. Alot of these safety tips are just common sense. Something alot of people seem to lack in this day and age.
  2. I don't see that many Free MMORPGs as even playable. Especially my keen hatred for how low the quality of Runescape is and I stick by it. Augh.
  3. You need each frame to have a title or name, whilst directing the a href to the target, which will be the frame's target. That's all.
  4. Geocities affectionately has a name amongst discussions I've had with people. Let's just say without vulgarity, I cannot say it, but it rhymes with Geocities and involves an SH.
  5. Personally, the only times I've ever dealt with artificial intelligence was when I was making a Custom Battle system for an RPGMaker2000 Game. That was surely a pain in the neck, considering I had to set up several variables for the X and Y to let it know what to, when to attack when close enough, etc. Long story short, I got frustrated and gave up half-way through. I wish I had a team of people under my control like the corporates at Nintendo do. Then my AI would be somewhat effective.
  6. It's quite easy, actually. Just ask yourself why you'd visit your own site if you weren't yourself. That sentence makes no sense at first, but just look at it from the viewer's perspective. The general audience would probably want a good layout? Yeah. They'd possibly want colors that aren't horribly clashing and don't hurt their eyes. On top of that, they'd need a reason for visitting and more reason to stay at the page and look at multiple pages. Reasons people visit are for various resources/services/information, etc. Myself, I have my website for general internet comedy such as my ( lame, I know they are ) paint web comics, articles, etc. for people to have a laugh. Obviously, they'd look around if they like one bit, blah blah so forth and so on you get the picture. Another good idea is to update regularly so they don't think it's dead. Otherwise, regulars won't check back often for updates after a while. ( One of my problems due to sheer laziness. ) That's how I found out how to spread my website through generally word-of-mouth, I hope it works out for you. Elsewise, try the corporate method of buying advertising. :huh:Just make sure your bandwith can handle what size of audience you're planning, anyway.
  7. Runescape is horrible, in my own personal opinion. The combat system lacks any feel to it. You chop with everything, except the bow. At least Jagex had common sense with that, for crying out loud. Anyway, I could go on and on and on for a while about it, but I just flat out dislike Runscape. There are many better MMORPGs out there.
  8. Wow. I never knew you could unzip all the files. I feel kind of stupid after uploading files one by one if I didn't feel like using an FTP client at the time. This should save time, letting me be alot more time suffecient when uploading stuff.
  9. The list above is just rumors. There's no official list. Heck, the Nintendo revolution isn't even out yet, let alone the sequel to Super Smash Bros. Melee.
  10. i've asked around and it's not exactlyu recoomended, since it can cause the conmputer to overheat or a laptop's battery calobration to go off, my one friend said. I don't know, though. As I said in an earlier post, I leave my PC on all night and day and it works perfectly fine. Excellent, even.
  11. Now that I think about it, Tom goes to the Mayor; that series on [adult swim] on Cartoon Network seemed to be a little Photoshopping people into a cartoon-ish style for an animation style.
  12. No offense to anyone who did fall for it, but I'd be abble to see through a scheme like this easily. IT'sd not that hard and don't automatically believe any email that comes in. Often, just confirm it with PayPal if worse comes to worse.
  13. My entire PC-usage--uhh life I guess I could call it? I've been using an Intel and it's been working fine for me. I see nothing wrong with it in all actuality.
  14. Personally, I don't notice much of a different either way. I'd always leave my computer on without a single worry and still do. If you have a really slow computer, I'd imagine straining it that much would push it over the edge and probably make it burn out.
  15. Not to be back-seat moderating, but you're not supposed to sign off on your posts. Anywho, I'd have to say this even if it might offend people. The Final Fantasy series is over-rated. My favorite RPG Game would have to be Earthbound for the good ol' SNES. While its graphics were lacking, it surely made up for in fun and game play. It's under-rated and I suggest it to anyone who hasn't played it. It's a classic.
  16. I've already known about this entire about:settings part, but I didn't know what specifically to do for tuning it up. Thanks.
  17. A while back, I heard a story on the news about a person supposedly catching one of these in a trap down in Texas. Personally, it looked like a dead chihuahua-rabbit-wolf-coyote to me.
  18. Usually, I just google for specific tutorials when I need them. Although, hey. I guess this could work, too.
  19. The FBI wouldn't email people, anyway. They'd use other more effective motives of communication where it could be verified. Or at least I guessed this from watching the X-files. 8)
  20. Personally, I don't think that releasing Resident Evil 4 to the Pc is the greatest of ideas. In my opinion at least, the Game Cube release of the game from capcom was the best, even compared to the playstation 2 one.
  21. No matter how stupid this might sound of me, I've been wondering how to have an icon show up for quite a while.
  22. Alot of gmail invites, if anyone needs any. Just PM me and I'll invite you. Last I checked, both of my accounts had ~100 or so. It's not like I ever even use them at all.
  23. I've been wanting to make my own radio server for quite a while. Jus to stream stuff and whatnot. This tutorial should probably help out. I'm going to go give most of what was said a try. Hopefully, with both fingers crossed, it'll work.
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