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Posts posted by Becca

  1. well,i did not see the post and show my view in shoutbox :P

    it's really creative and beautiful...cool enough.but how do u save your previous good layout.you'd better to offer links to visit former same awesome style.overall,i really admire your unique thought :D


    whatwhat?? :P You don't make much sense.. but I think you mean you want a link to previous layouts? Well my previous layouts are sort of saved but and the screenshot is tiny. heh.

    past layouts


    it's quite funny actually.the first like 5 look pretty cool... *cough cough* A few wre from my old site.. butterfly kisses. *chuckles* I think i use to get 3 times more unique visits than i do now...

  2. Thats awsome.  I like how you have the kid holding the box where your content goes.  Did you actually make him?  or is he just a render or something?


    One problem that I can see is that you won't have to much room for content unless you just have lots of scrolling.  But other than that, I think its tite.




    I made him you smelly! I vexelled an imaged.. IE.. used the pentool to draw all the contor lines etc.. *phew* I prefer to make and draw things for myself... (so you don't really have to credit anyone except the image.)


    + I've never sold a template in my life.

    + I didn't code the 'image', it's simple but I'm way too lazy. but it took me ages to actually lay the layout out and add the bits and place the text boxes in the tables and configuring the css to the style took long.

    + scan lines on face.. to cover my (kinda bad) vexelling. It's still a big dodgy.. do yeh.


    But what do you mean by formatting the scrollbars? Making my own ones or what? i've done that before.. gave me lots of errors

  3. I dont know why you think that photoshop cs is better, because photoshop 7 has the same funcitons. I've tried photoshop cs, it takes a lot of space and RAM. I prefer to use photoshop 7 because then I can use another programs at the same time and faster  ^_^


    I thought that at first.. Until I started using the proram. It's a lot easier to I don't know.. make an image to get the 'look'.... well PHOTOSHOPCS '2' Pawns all .. OK?


    Oh and MS PAINT Rawks.. and yeha.. you can create pretty awesome graphics using it..i do all my pixelling in it...


    If only photoshop let you do Dashed outlines :'( it would be the perfect program.

  4. wow Ilooked through your blog.= thingy of the bass and it looks pretty coo. But you should of made an unsual shape.. :lol:I don't play and instrument. But I *think* I'm naturally talented at playing instruments but I'm just too lazy. I use to play the clarinet but i stopped because I don't know why... ^_^ My mum's forcing me to learn the piano soon, it's a bit too late as I'm quite old.. but I guess I need a hobbie other than computers.

  5. Ok.. get ready to SHIELD your eyes.. because .. oh is it too late ? muahahaha.


    Anyways this took me ages to code and get right.. Most people here have a different taste to me so I understand why you lot probably wouldn't like it. I'm too hip for you , eh? ^_^ haha.

    all photoshop cs2

    Feautring a vexel i did of some guy rainbows.. all simple elements etc.. I think it's a bit too packed.. but ah well it needs to look occupied :lol:.


    It is NOT viewable in 800x600... i'm sorry guys.. but you lickle res' people are soo losing out. I made the layout viewable in both firefox and internet explorer.


    Anyways enough talk.. here's the image..


    Posted Image


    I resized the image.. so like it wouln't take that long to load. ^_^ (did i mention the long black things are hands.. 4 fingers and a thumb :P )

  6. Awee somebody has already mention the WIDTH="100%" thing. It's not Valid HTML, but it will do.. so it's best to put it in the CSS than the actual HTML. Also if you are using images in a table grid.. You might be able to do this sort of thing.. <td background="image" width="4234" height="5345"> so that when a person has a smaller resolution is can be made even smaller... but it will cut the layout off.. but it will save the scrolling on the bottom.I always do this.. when the top of my page.. (all of it) a a gradient..and can not be repeated by using a background.I hope you understood that.. haha

  7. Hey I JUST finished this like 10 minutes ago or something. I did everying PHotoshopCS2 except the stitching which was done in IllustratoCS. It took about 3 hours, which I quite enjoyed.. Except now...I have a throbbing headache and backache ^_^ Vexelling the converses took ages..I tried to add as much colours - that matched - as I could.. there are still some jagged lines but I'll leave it like that..so I'll see my faults in the future and perfect them in my later pieces <3

  8. He looks like he's wearing a blue skirt, w/ big hair, and black make up, kind of like my bud's halloween costume!  Cool work, one of these days I hope to learn some of these cool tricks.


    tricks? TRICKS? TRRIICKS? Is that what you call them boy? !?! It's hardwork! Sitting there for hours and hours.. click..click..click.


    black make up is so sexy on guys.. GRRrrowwl

  9. I just made this a few minutes ago... in my lovely Photoshop CS2 and I thought I'd post it here.


    Wells it's just something I did as I went along, simple vexel of some hot looking guy etc.

    I know there are spaces everywhere, but that's how it is


    Posted Image


    The neck and trousers are the most dodgy and te black pants that go a bit off.. but I have a headache so I'm going to fix it later.


    Used pink and green because those colours are the greatest... ^_^ happy happy happy colours, that's what I say.


    btw..he has eyelashes..because I couldn't help me self.. i hate doing vexels of guys..

  10. did you draw that by mouse on photoshop? less then half an hour? coo, that's so awesome!!! i like the background too! that'd make a perfect wallpaper for halloween!! everyone is getting into the halloween spirit! YAY~!


    yeah simple vexel of a pumpkin by mouse.. drew the ugly spider too.. i forgot how many legs they had as well lols.. i had to google it.. (>.<)


    oh and S_M ... i didn't know what to put there because the pupkin was too big.. ^_^

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