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Posts posted by Becca

  1. When I first saw that phone I thought to myself "UGLY" and now...? Still Ugly.. :( As a stupid girl I like my phones to look good to me..Because I don't know I just like things that look nice and pretty :P And that phone is one minger, yeah it may be thin but it's so weird. I think I understand why guys and business people like it but I certainly don't.I don't really know anything else about the phone but from what the other member just said about only holding 1-2 mp3 songs it's disgraceful :( I'd like a phone that can at least hold 20 full mp3 songs.. :(Anyways/.. hope you're enjoying your phone :P

  2. Welcome dude, hey if you don't get hosted your hosting credits will just gather up and like stay there. Has someone said that already...?Anyways if any time you get "board" :P from posting {lol I'm such a joker;)} just check out the army system..which you might have already or just pop by the shoutbox or something :P

  3. I hate that thing...It's REALLY good to chat to your friends..but when you get 21 year old men from pakistan trying to phone you and telling you to pick up the phone constantly it gets REALLY freaky..I don't eve know how they get my address.I used this when it was sort of really new and no one knew about it except me and my friends and loads of other people from around europe... It was a really horrible experience..I'm not going to say what happened because it might scare people into not downloading this awesome program... just remember, be careful!

  4. pfft.. I got the email apple email :P I think it looks kinda cute and I was hoping for a smaller ipod.. I still think it looks too big and I don't really need the color screen and other stuff as I'm probably just going to listen to it not stare at the screen all the time.I MIGHT get this because it's kind of cheap but then again I might not.

  5. simply-me.. who you gonna kiss? your 40 year old boyfriend.. o.O ??That was a bit gross how it was all in detail and crap... I mean do you even need advice to kiss...I totally swear it came naturally and "when the time comes you'll know what to do.." or whatever they say.I remember in primary school my friend french kissed her friend, who was another girl.

  6. I hate the name, it's so cheap I've never been hosted with them, they look shabby and the websites that ARE hosted by geocities are mostly shabby. I lke any other free host most than this is.. It just looks wrong.The adverts there annoy me the most because they appear in everypage.. I mean what if you want IFRAMES... you can't exactly do anything. PLUS all the good names are probably taken because soo many people are hosted with them.

  7. where in the world is the photoshop forum? I prefer Photoshop A LOT more as I've gotten use to it but when it comes to vectors I think Paint Shop pro is a more suitable program. I reckon PSP is a REALLY REALLY REALLY good program and good quality graphics can come out of it and plus it's soo much cheaper than PS BUT as some say PS is more professional.. it doesn't really matter these days though you can tell from a graphic whether is psp produced of ps produced...

  8. haha same I started playing whn neopets was fairly new and it didn't have as much people on it. I started playing when I was 9 someone introduced it to me and I got addicted. I only managed to get about half a mil but they froze my account or some reason that I still don't know.I started playing on it again like a year later..quited for about 3 years and started playing it again for about 3 months and left again, and now I just can not be bothered . I haven't played on it for a long long time now. it's a pretty cool game because it's not just pets there's also games selling things auctioning and stuff like the stock market and stuff which is kinda cool practise :(:P ....BUT it's REALLY addictive to little kiddies and can sort of cause social lifes to colapse..not that it's happened to me it's just I've it happen to a few people.Neopets have come a long way.

  9. to me anything unlucky in the superstition world is lucky to me. I think 13 is lucky and I think friday the 13th is lucky. I know about two pople born on a Friday 13th and both are extremely clever and talented people.People only notice it more on Friday 13th because it has a reputation. The same things could happen another day but you wouldn't really care because it's not "the bad luck day" so it's all in the brain, I reckon.

  10. I think it is a little bit better as in some of the layouts change, well I think they have, but I don't really care as long as I still get to chat to my mates... I don't know if 7.5 is out yet but I got it in the beta stages which was ages ago.If you want to find it just search for it in google.

  11. Christina!! I LOVE YOU!!! :) -- SHe is MEGA tall...GCSE is soo stupid. I mean you get about a course work to do for like a month..They expect you to spread it out in a month..but you don't just have one you have about 9 other subject's coursework you got to do in the same one...right? And that is what III find out of order. Anyways I got all these geeky weird people in my class that I don't know and like I dunno...Anyways Simply-Me :) I think you should just let it flow..I think as you go along you'll do just fine. Plus you're really smart

  12. does mine not count then? Well I like sprites sig because the contrast of it is really good and the colors have kind of come out bold and really nice. And I like the line things on it. And I like how the text looks kind of like it's on the object..instead of just planted on like WHAM ... anyways I don't really nkow what's in the picture but oh well.. it's cool4 sprite

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