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Posts posted by Becca

  1. Maybe if there was some competition or whatever? Because I don't play the games...but I DO agree the icons look a bit..well crap.Even though the graphics aren't the pleasure of the game...it still makes it more pleasant to look at..Oh it isn't important by.. changing them makes the thing trap's? if you get that//I mean like million other forums have the exact same icons..bit boring...

  2. Don't understand man/.. The third one is soo cool. The color contrast is really like um strong? And brings out character and weirdness to it..which I likeThe smiley is really cool ;) lol. Reminds me of jelly..Any ways the ther two avvys are the typical grunge/render text thing...which is cool..but not really my taste.but.I guess.. they are rather good..lol

  3. Anyways. the site should definately be banned. It's got all the hacks and stuff for COKEMUSIC. I actually think you should take the links off incase people like me would download all that stuff..so um I think If I can I might edit the post...

    TAKE IT DOWN.....it's totally not allowed..TOTALLY true..I use to go on coke like AGES ago..and like anything like that is breaking the actual site's tos.. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or whatever the link is now..

  4. My chinese name is my Last name then my Middle name.. It isn't the pronounciations but the English version which is LIU KAMAN which sounds like LOU{or loo ;)} CARMEN... like my actual name is Rebekah Kaman Liu。Yeah。。。I was named with an english name when I was a baby。。so I don?t have a Chinese-English name, if you undersand,as my first name。


    Prounounciations。。um I kind of forgot something like Liao Jia Wen

    but my chinese name is 廖 嘉 雯 {may come up as boxes }

    I can?t actually read or write chinese。only my name ... haha.


    Posted Image


    oops had to edit..image weren't showing...

  5. I KNOW! It's the one that don't fuzz and go weird went you rotate it...everyone could of just said that before ..instead of just using freakin' technical terms.. ;) uh excuse me..becca is no one's but MINE. :Psorry..had to edit it..i didn't write what i wanted to --Anyways I changed it to the second one and I'm going to do the "AA" thing and I'm turning this image into a layout...anyways does anyone think it's kind of too simple?if i made this into wallpaper..would anyone use it?

  6. Oh my GOD! I freakin' hate those people! My website has been NOT even been ripped but FULLY stolen..images..css...coding EVERYTHING... they didn't even bother to take down the massive VINTAGEFAIRY.COM and called their own website Vintagefairy.com I emailed them and they put up some lousy excuse like they always do... THis wasn't even the first time It happened to me..people use to use the free layouts I gave out and takeout everysingle link linking to me and even my name on the image!! What pathetic losers...it's illegal as well but there's no one stopping them or jailing them because you have to file a thingy against them..which is wayy too much hassle..I HATE it soo much you don't understand just how much..I really despise those idiotic people who can't even make their own website and resort to stealing other people's..hotlinking their images..stealing their content..and PRETENDING TO BE YOU , STEALING YOUR PICTURE, NAME AND EVERYTHING.I know how you freakin' feel I nearly cried when I saw that website exactly same as mine and the person wrote on it something like I MADE THIS WHOLE ENTIRE WEBSITE, YES ME , SO DON'T STEAL. arGHH. My stomach twisted and tied a kazillion knots.. ;)

  7. Looks good, better than any of my peices. :P


    <3 becca :P


    wow you just sad those famous words that I say to everyone else's piece when I can't think what to say because it isn't good... Sorry to all those people that have just read this and been told by me that their pieces were better than any of mine, I meant what I said though so don't hate me.


    Yeah so like how do I turn off the Anti-Aliasing thingie then? I've read what someone wrote about it above..still don't understand is it like the pixelated thing?? What do you freakin' want from me ayyyyyyyye!!!


    And thanks for the 7.6/10 and thanks that it's over 5 :P


    O.K so one person likes the other one and the other likes the other..so which one am I freakin' going to put on my deviantart account?!?!?! AYE!?!?


    @Buff we're forced to study all these artists, copy their work do a sort of written piece about them and also make your own work with a similar style but your own design... ;) pretty boring..nothing you've missed.

  8. Sorry I'm posting so much in my own topic but I edited it and which one is better?


    Posted Image


    I think I still need to do the last black circle but I couldn't be bothered to back, so I'll do it later.


    Which one do you think is better?

    @BUFF lol yeah I know all the Popart stuff I'm from Britain and we did it in year 9 and studied Warhol ;) Thanks though.

  9. lol ya Johnny dear, I spelt it that way. I'm no spastik like some people ;) Hey well I neatened up the edges of the face using the pen tool, but I don't know what to do about the neck i tried putting a round black thing around the bottom of the neck and connecting it to the circle below it but it looked like a freakin' floating head. Oh and can someone please tell me what that Anti-Aliasing thing is?

  10. Well its pretty good. very professional looking. the only thing i have to say about improving it is i dont really like how the cloud goes into the head like in the chin area. well like to the left of it.


    there's nothing below the chin..that's why I did it..lol! Anyways @Phyre the pixel stuff is not actually part of the piece.. I didn't take it off..it's suppose to be for the layout and like I couldn't be bothered but I'll probably do that for the actualy layout, oh and um did you mean it's too like blurry thing? or what? I don't know what anti-aliasing thingy is...

  11. yeah I'm REALLY late lol.I think they make the mini's because they know their usual products are well expensive and so if they made cheaper but with lesser stuff and smaller..there will be more buyers like us ordinary skint people, lol..That's what I think..or maybe theiy're just doing it for fun.

  12. I don't know if anyone has suggested this yet and I think button rotation means the same as banner exchange




    I think easybannerfree is the easiest to use. I've used it for sometime now and I have to say it's absolutely amazing. The coding is soo easy to edit and put your on addons on.. I've customised my admin panel to the way I like made my own PENDING PAGE and ACCEPTED MEMBERS page for people to view also you can easily change the look f the login, registeration adn everything else really quick and easy but just editing the CSS and some of the code. You can use buttons and banners of any size and it's so fast. The installation is really simple - if you know what you're doing and well everything is really cool. They also have a professional one where you can pay which is ideal if you want a sort of business.


    You don't have many options except ACCEPT MEMBER or DELETE MEMBER or EDIT MEMBER INFORMATION but it's kind of cool. I've added some pictures of mine to show you what my customised admin panel loooks like and what the code looks like


    You may find some errors and disadvantages but for a simple banner exchange/ rotation for a small website it's highly recommended by me ;)

    I use it on my site rotation I have over 60 members now. it's not a lot but I think it's growing.


    This banner exchange is deal for FREE rotations that you don't have to pay or join as it is not connected with any payment program thingies.


    Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

  13. Hey this is the first piece of art or whatever thing I have done and finished in my new Photoshop CS2. Yup..I took quite a while on it..well only two days :P lol. It looks simple but it was actually fairly hard to make it look it.


    Anyways I've uploaded it to my deviantart account..you can comment there or here or whatever.


    Give me suggestions because I still think it needs fixing a bit. I think it's a little bit too cluttered but that's me..cluttered... ;) Anyways I still got the PSD file as well as the squashed one so I can edit it :P


    You can read the stuff I wrote about the piece on my dev thing.



  14. I found this in my spam email, but it's soo cool! I'm kind of late on things so it might be old news to you but oh well lol.

    Apple have got a new 'thing'. It's called the Mac Mini. It's this adorable little mac machine (6.5" sqaure, 2" high). Its basically got everything that a mac is plus it's tiny and cheaper. It's just big enough to slot a cd in it.
    I mean HELLO?!...anyone else out there craving for a mac PC..but can't afford one!?!?

    I don't think it comes with anything extra like speakers or mouse etc... but the price for the mac you probably wouldn't expect it. Sadly It doesn't have a floppy disk drive.
    On the site it says something about plugging and electric guitar in it. So I think it would probably be suited for musical purposes more and photoes...

    Size isn't everything...

    here's the site by the way http://www.apple.com/mac-mini/

  15. Does wordpress {blogging script} count as a site builder? lol... because what's left of mine is only the posts...I deleted the whole layout and created my own.Well I sort of now most html now and just type it all up by hand in notepad... it's all wrong but most of the time it works..and when there's a error it's easy to fix because the coding was all written by you and you sort of know your way around.I've never used a site builder thing to create my sites but when I was little I tried to use the ANgelfire one and didn't understand it...

  16. Yeh I'm with mizako and guangdian, Link Exchanges are actually really good! I've joined loads and gotten practically all my viewers from them.I opened a Link Exchange like earlier this year and I've gotten more traffic...but it's not real traffic as the people only see the link exchange page, if you get that. But still it looks good on the charts. Last month I got 12284 unique visitors, I dont know if that's good but it looks like a big number to me. LolComment on other people's blog, just remember to actually read their blog first... because it's kind of rude to just pop in and go HELLO and then leave expecting them to visit your website..

  17. a free icon cursor thing that's good would prolly be FavICON for me. It works well and is free...but it doesn't convert all the images you made in another program..you have to draw one in FavICON...the quality is not all that good though. - Just a suggestion.

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