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Posts posted by Becca

  1. Some guy in my school can beatbox. He's pretty good.. He can sing at the same time . I don't know how he does it.. he's like beat boxing and like starts to like sing from the back of his throat..He does a sort of duo thing with the other guy who raps and putson little shows...which I have missed :Dahh that's awesome... i tried to beatbox a few times but only managed to spit all over my mate's face and have a good ol' laugh about it...

  2. I know this sounds really harsh.. but you sound just like the guy i was talking about in my other thread...i mean EXACTLY.


    There's nothing wrong with being single.. even though all your mates have gf etc etc...


    Plus at your age most of the girls are freaking tarts and are all boobs no brains if you get me...


    But if you do want a girlfriend have you ever tried like... asking a girl out?

  3. I haven't spoken to this guy... he text me if i wanted to go shopping.. but I read it a tad bit too late :D haha...This is probably off topic.. but it's about some other guy that I had to like you know.. (reject is such a cruel word) .. It was sort of easy... but I kept going on about how I didn't like to go out with guys etc etc... and in the end he was like, all you needed to say was "NO" and well I felt pretty stupid.. as I took quite a while in thinking of a nice way to let him down. rofl.. There is NO nice way... The best excuse I could think of was you're too old..and he kept making other ways for it to "work". He was like 17.. which I think is a bit wrong since I'm still a minor.But this guy was older.. so I guess he was more mature about it. And the other guy is like my age and still in the "poof" mode...

  4. Ache.... Newest trend: EMO.. I totally swear emo stood for EMOTIONAL..which was a type of music...not fashion, way of life, label? :S.These days.. people are so desperate to be apart of a community type thing.. you know.. Anyways...the EMO trend is getting too popular.. there's nothing wrong with it.. just stating facts :D bet the old school are getting REALLY annoyed..I dress like ... well I don't really have a clothes sense thingy.. one day I feel posh.. the next I feel like a hobo.. rofl.

  5. If it was me and the guys were on the same level and you liked them both the same.. Then I would personaly.. give them tests.. haha. If you get me. SOunds odd but yeah that's me.Or you could just do it the way that everyone is going to tell yu to do,... go with your instincts blah blah blah.. but sometimes it isn't that easy/I'd choose the nicer one.. that way you know for a fact he wont ditch you or whatever. Or just do ip-dip-do.

  6. awwe! I remember using cjb.net's when I was about 10 XD I didn't understand the hosting thing though, it didn't really look easy..That was later years though.The wannadoo(use to be freeserve) and other isp providers who give web space is mainly for things like images for other families to see.. THey are not an ideal host for an actual website for the world wide web!!!! It's only like personal...if you understand. That's why the URL doesn't need to be short and easy =]I use to be hosted with web1000 which was excellent!! Until they added friggin adverts!

  7. Cluttered- that's true. Although I really like mmyspace, it's just kind of silly to see what people with no idea about web design or anything like that just stick a million things onto that one page. They put up videos and a song and a survey that stretches out the page all on top of a horrible background wit a font color that's unreadable.


    It's a bit like when I first got internet access and people had just discovered  places like tripod where they'd make their own sites that were just tacky and full of blinking, animations and crazy fonts. Perhaps that sort of thing still goes on, I just don't see it over here. B)


    Totally agreed.. I thought I was the only one that thought that.. They probably think it looks nice.. and it doesn't help either when their mates go OMG I LOV YOUR PROPFILE DO MINE..and then you get a whole gang of blinking messed layouts that are all stretched out and hold a kazillion survey thingies..

    Well actually you cabn't blame them, no one's really a born "good at htmler" people.. :| They're just normal peopole...

  8. Alright, I've had enough of this. In my other thread about this issue, your other moderator told me to try logging in by IP. Now you closed the other thread because now you don't want me to login by IP, and that's the onyl way I could. At the moment, only IP works. logging in to ftp by spudguns.trap17.com doesn't work, nor does cpanel. I can login by IP to both FTP and Cpanel. But if i change anything when I'm logged in like that nothing changes. I guess it's time to switch hosts, 3rd thread now.


    It got closed because you posted in something that said it worked???

  9. My Space is not good at all. It has some dirt pages and not good web pages. Also helps bring out ALL your personal information which is bad. I think My Space should never of open. Also next your are limited to your webpage like someone said and all you do is post comments (sometimes dirty) on peoples web pages. So I think My Space is bad bad bad.


    People don't have to see your myspace details if YOU don't want them to. Just make your profile private and they would have to add you to their friends if they wanna see your profile and you would have to accept it.

    Anyways... you don't HAVE to enter all of your personal information!


    My myspace is https://myspace.com/browser

  10. See the date I started here? Well I think like a week or two or whatever after that. I didn't really actually want to be hosted.. I did but not here because I didn't realise it offered so much stuff.. so in the beginning I think I was only addicted to posting.. as some of you know, I went kind of mad and stuff (lol)


    Thats probably like 5 months or more, I don't exactly know. I've had no problems that were caused by Xisto and I love it.


    maa *cringe* I soundd like such a freak before!!


    I've been hosted for.. OVER A YEAR !! Ok. So there's been some problems but it was never Xisto's fault besides the server changing, but that was for the better for u!! Anyways the only faulty things were the PEOPLE HOSTED who spammed the system.. like creating lots and lots of mysql thingies which crashed the system.


    You don't get suspended unless you do something that's breaking the rules... I mean that's not OUR fault is it? You broke the rules and you will have to suffer the consequences no matter HOW much dedicated you are blah blah... You can still resign up and try for hosting again.. providing you've learnt your lesson.


    The hosting is SERIOUSLY quality and the main admin is sooo friendly!!


    So those who have had hosting for over year give the evidence that Xisto.. will stay alive unlike other "free" hosts and well you get good hosting -what more do you want?

  11. That is awesome for a first sig. Mine sucked so bad.. I nearly cried and deleted it all off my computer XD. Anyways I like the "ice cold" feel of the background and the render looks cool. Only problem is the text I think it's a bit too "round" for the effect you are going for.. And the glow makes it look like the main point of the image, as my eyes were imediately drawn to it and not the picture. All in all it looks good (better than most first tries) Hope to see more of your stuff in the future =]

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