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Everything posted by krap

  1. i use .tk it's rarely not working, quite fast but best of all: it's FREE!! :(
  2. strange... i got a popup on the Xisto forum homepage. btw i think the new horizontal ads they dont annoy you when you read a post. @bexa instead if pressing [X] press Alt + F4 or use Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc in case you didn't know )
  3. i use imageshack.us it's very good and fast, i would never use my hosting account for avatar
  4. i think they are both good and the 2nd one looks better
  5. krap

    Pixels Pixels

    How often do you change your sig/avatar? every day? twice a day?
  6. I dont use ebay but i probably would if the library i use for the computer hadnt blocked it grrrrrrrr they also blocked my site cos of the games with blood.
  7. krap


    He said <br/> not </br> anyway
  8. When i use that script that only lets you see the page in frames then code works fine but there is a yellow "!" at the bottom where there is usually a blue e. How do I fix this?
  9. krap

    Pixels Pixels

    i tried editing yours a bit and got annoying at how difficult it was so i made this for fun anyway.... btw well done for your images you seem to be very skilled with using paint..... oh and also i made my my avatar and sig in paint too like them?
  10. krap

    Cheap sms

    i have to pay ?0.10 for sms. its not that cheap but i dont text much anyway
  11. I know this is quite and old topic but the guy above me i think had member number of 1,740 or something so that means if u have got 1000 then 700 users were deleted.Are so many accounts deleted because of 0 posts? who wouldnt post in Xisto when they see what it has to offer if you post? btw well done for so many users :-) Xisto is probably going to get bigger and we will have worlds best community
  12. im using freewebs.com and atspace.com they are both quite good but they have annoying restrictions Xisto is the best and i think everyone who uses it will agree with me
  13. i think i should buy a book because looking at a computer screen for ages reading makes my eyes hurt
  14. hahaha you have a gmail sig and you are asking what is gmail. please everyone what is Xisto??? ive never heard of it
  15. are there any free ones to download apart from phpbb? i want a forum in my site. my site wont be very big so it wont need a really professional one. thanks
  16. yeah i agree with you and when i make new site i wont use times new roman. It doesn't look very modern i think and you will probably agree
  17. quite long ago (cant remember when but it was before this post was made) i searched for a swf file and it worked so maybe its been able to do it for a while....
  18. theres a link in my signature to a page which gives you a gmail signature. it looks good i think and takes about 5 seconds
  19. i dont like disabling rick-click but after this person stole all my content it was only way. so if anybody wants this script below disables right click and highlighting. Btw thanks for that frame trick i will use it on the page that the person is stealing from. [/br]<script language="JavaScript1.2">[br]function disableselect(e){p[/br]return false[br]}[/br][br]function reEnable(){[/br]return true[br]}[/br][br]//if IE4+wi[/br]document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false")[br][/br]//if NS6[br]if (window.sidebar){[/br]document.onmousedown=disableselect[br]document.onclick=reEnable[br]}[/br]</script>[br][/br]<script language=JavaScript>[/br]<!--[br]var message="";[/br]///////////////////////////////////[br]function clickIE() {if (document.all) {(message);return false;}}[/br]function clickNS(e) {if [br](document.layers||(document.getElementById&&!document.all)) {[/br]if (e.which==2||e.which==3) {(message);return false;}}}[br]if (document.layers) [/br]{document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);document.onmousedown=clickNS;}[br]else{document.onmouseup=clickNS;document.oncontextmenu=clickIE;}[/br]// --> [br]</script> but remember everyone dont use it unless u NEED to.
  20. free host with that much bw?if there was such a thing then there would be no paid ones.My site gets about 500mb bw used a month and that was all my old server allowed so then my account half-died and i lost alot of people as they thought it was closed.grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  21. hey jb ur so lucky.i currently have about 3 one hour detentions for not doing homework.grrrr i think i'll move to Estonia
  22. i will put this at the bottom of every page on my sitethey look very cool Well done
  23. when I get my hosting i will be making my phpbb2 forum But dont worry admin it wont be popular so i wont use all your bandwidth. it will probably be the least popular forum in the history of forums but hopefully not...
  24. currenty my best songs are -Eminem - Just Lose It-Dizze Rascal - Stand Up Tall
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