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Everything posted by LegallyHigh

  1. Haha, I hated Proofs in High school. I think I'll pass at attempting this one.
  2. Yeah, I;m also using Comodo Free Firewall it is is working well for me, also. I would recommend it. In the past I have used Zone Alarm since it came with my Dell. It served me well and had about the same features as Comodo, however, it would annoy me as it always asked for me to pay for a newer version and upgrade (It's not free).
  3. Does it work correctly? Are there any problems with DNS and things like that? I'm interested in receiving a free domain, it would be a lot better than paying >$7.
  4. What will the Service Pack Update include (What bugs will it fix, will it increase operating speed, ect.). I thought SP3 just came out the other day, why would they release the two packages so close together?
  5. I have heard Orange Box is really fun. However, I was watching my friend play Portal on my Xbox 360 once and it looked very confusing. However, that is probably just because I had never played it before, and had not read any instructions on the game.
  6. I've never heard of Fire FTP I just use Core FTP Lite. However, since I use Firefox as my default browser I may give that extension a try. I like FTP Programs that have the Windows Explorer Interface look, which to me, makes them simplest to use.
  7. Haha that is a good story, man. I didn't know anything about the drinking laws in Japan so thanks for that information I know in Mexico, around Cancun, and other large tourist sites there is no enforced drinking age limit. Also man, you need to learn to hold your booze, drinking isn't exactly fun if your going to end up puking everywhere.
  8. Yeah, Safari is weird about the fonts, I don't see why they replace the Page Set font to begin with, but other than that I still install using Safari to browse. Also, it looks like I'm going to have to try out Opera, it seems like it might be worthy of a good browser. However, my Upstairs computers are only running on 1 GHZ Pentium 3 Processors, so, if it is a bit of a memory hog it wouldn't be practical for them to use.
  9. That's a nice tool. I tried it for both my domains (GamerGlitch.com and LegallyHighForum.astahost.com) and it seemed to work fine for both.
  10. It looks good to me. I've seen a lot of Good Hosting Review sites when looking around for free Web Hosting, that's how I found Xisto and Xisto.
  11. Yeah, right now I'm just looking for a quick fix, though. I know I have a backup, so I could restore the compute at any point. I'm just trying to see if I can delete the file and get rid of the Virus so I don't have to go through that effort.
  12. Honestly, I don't care what others believe since at this point I don't really have a religion, I guess you could say I'm an atheist. So, I guess I am very tolerant of others' religions, however sometimes people bring ideas or themes from religion to the wrong places and it can be a bit of an annoyance, but other than that it's okay.
  13. Since the World Wide Web was created there has been a need for software to navigate it. Since the first Browser, Netscape, many others have followed including Microsoft's Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Products such as Opera and Firefox. So I was wondering which Browser do you guys favor. Currently, I have three browsers installed on each of my three machines (Two desktops, One Laptop). These browsers include Mozilla's Firefox, Microsoft's Internet Explorer (It came with the Machines since I run Windows), and Apple's Safari Browser which I let install with I-Tunes. In my opinion Firefox is the quickest. However, that seems to have come with a price as Firefox hogs the system's CPU and Memory. This isn't a problem on my main computer (the Downstairs Desktop), however, since the other two computers are older they to freeze up when too many tabs are open. Also, the loading time can take quite a while on the older computers to even get Firefox up and ready to browse. One more not on Firefox is that when I am browsing some sites it just freezes up, however I think this may because of a Plugin Conflict, and not the direct fault of Mozilla. Now, Internet Explorer, I have a lot of experience with this browser since it is an old time standard. Though Internet Explorer has never been the quickest browser for me it does load up fast on the older computers, and is usually reliable since it doesn't freeze. However, it did take me a while to get used to Internet Explorer's new interface (from Version 6 to 7), 7 is just as good if not better, since now instead of using windows you can take advantage of tabs as many other browsers have done recently. The third browser of my use Safari, is new to me. It took me a while to get used to since it is a product of Apple. To close tabs you have to click on the left of the Tab instead of the right as in IE (Internet Explorer) and Firefox. I think the speed of Safari is somewhere between Firefox and Internet Explorer, not quite as fast as Firefox, but a bit quicker than Internet Explorer. In my opinion Safari looks nicer than the other browsers in terms of looks. The only complaint I have about Safari is the lack of Remember Password Feature. And though I do agree that this feature is sometimes invasive of Privacy, I love the feature as it makes things a lot easier. Actually, I'm sure there is a plugin or some optional setting that allows Password saving I just haven't looked into it yet, but I would rather Password Saving be present in the default settings of Safari. Over the times I have tried other browser including Opera and Netscape, however I don't have enough experience with the present versions of these browsers to say anything positive or negative. I have in the past also used a Cube Browser which was actually pretty nice. Instead of tabs at the top the Browser in full was a cube so there were six pages you could have up at the same time and just rotate the cube if you wanted to switch pages. Well, that is about all I know in terms of Browsers, what do you guys think is the best present browser.
  14. Hmmm, I think I will stick to my Service Pack 2. And finally, when all the bugs, kinks, driver issues, and other problems are fixed in Vista, I will upgrade to that.
  15. Yeah, that would be sort of cool. It sounds scary, though. I can't really say I would ever want any robots inside of my body no matter how large or small they may be. Also, yeah, if they got in the wrong hands there could definitely be some problems.
  16. I use a 15 inch Monitor at 1280 * 1024 which is a pretty standard resolution. I know a lot of people are using 1024 * 728, however I think the amount of users using the 800 * 600 resolution is becoming a much smaller group. On my basement Computer I use my 28 inch HDTV (at 720P -1366 * 768) which is also nice. I would say just set up a page that looks good for all resolutions by using % measurements instead of Pixels. That way as long as you don;t have large objects on your page (images or movies), the browser will size the page to whatever the user's resolution is set as.
  17. I like Limewire, too. I've been using it for a long time now, probably two three years. However, recently I have noticed that on various occasions I cannot connect to the Peer to Peer Servers. I get no green bars, and am unable to download any files. Is this just me? I didn't start happening until a couple of months ago.
  18. I have no idea what's wrong with my account I think the problems are associated with the previous Server Migration, though. I am working on building my Credits back up and I will try to use my new domain tomorrow.
  19. Yeah, haha I figured I should get a better Virus Protection program, that's why I asked for recommendations. Thanks for the Online Scanner suggestions, I am about to run those right now and hopefully I find something.
  20. A couple of weeks ago I was sent a file over AIM (Instant Messaging Service). Stupidly enough, though I didn't know the person I accepted and opened the file. I didn't think there was anything malicious about it since my Virus Program scanned it and nothing was found. So I opened it and a message soon appeared saying "Your trial of Obsidium is over." I have no idea what Obsidium is and I never installed it, so I simply closed the warning box and forgot about it. However, the next time I booted up the machine I tried to login and the computer hesitated, the same Obsidium message came up and another message appeared in the top right corner appeared which said Systeminfo32 (I think that was the name of it) was trying to update itself. I pressed CTRL ALT Delete since my system was now at a halt, with only the two boxes appearing to make progress. Under Processes in Windows Task Manager I saw a program I could not recognized called "system32:systeminfo2.exe". I closed it immediately and I was able to proceed and everything was fine. However, now this occurrence happens every time I start up my computer. I searched for "system32:systeminfo2.exe" on Google and I was unable to find any good information. Can some one help me out. I have even tried using MSCONFIG to disable the EXE on the startup, but it just comes back every start up. I even tried using Hijack this, which is like MSCONFIG, but has more you can disable such as Browser Add-ons and such, but I had no luck. This is a pesky little virus, and though I have no information whether it is eating away at my System's internals, it could be. I tried to find "system32:systeminfo2.exe" so I could delete it, but even running a search left me unable to trace it. Any advice or help on this subject, so I can successfully remove this problem. Also, what kind of virus scanner would you guys recommend.
  21. Some one let me know when the problems are fixed I would be glad to find out.
  22. I knew it would take some time to fix the problems involved with the Xisto server migration, however, problems still exist today. I;m pretty sure it has been almost a month since the crash, and still when I click the link to get to my CPanel, the outdated IP Address is being used, and the connection times out. I know there is a way around this by using the new Address to access the CPanel, but it would make my day easier if the "Access Your CPanel" link simply worked. Also, I remember asking a question about this a while ago. A new domain, I am still unable to set up a domain using Xisto, it says there are still l problems with the servers. When these problems have been fixed can some one please Private Message me. I have been wanting to set up (Change) the domain of my site for a while now, I purchased the domain a month ago, and now the money I spent on it is going to waste because I have not been able to use it for my site. I am sorry for the length of this post, and I am sorry I am such a complainer, I am just eager to start building onto my site after I get my own domain, and now the decision is becoming harder to make because my Xisto subdomain is receiving traffic and an Address switch could mean a loss of visitors. This has become somewhat of a dilemma, but I realize I must complete the domain change for my site to look more reliable and professional.
  23. Thank you, sir. At my old school they used a filter called Bess which I think was part of Novell Client which was the networking service. Bess was a really tricky filter and they updated everyday, blocking new gaming site, proxies, and anything fun. The only way I could get around it was by using Firefox and finding proxy lists online and then entering them into the Network ---> Connection options. However, I will give this service a try, and hopefully it works. However, I have a question, do the proxies created by the service allow downloading, JavaScript, cookies, and flash and shock wave content to be visible. I know when I use the Proxy settings I can use all those features, but with various in site proxies I have been unable to.
  24. I know Xisto and Trap 17 both use Xisto in terms of Hosting. However, are there any differences between the two site in terms of web service, do the free hosting programs have any differences among them. Also, I used to be a member of Xisto as I once had an old site there. It seems to me that their community is larger than the one here at Xisto, or at least more active. Is Xisto a newer service or something? Also, if there are no differences present between these two very similar websites than why are they seperate websites, wouldn't it benefit o merge them into one, larger community. I'm not saying I have a problem with Xisto, or Trap 17 as I have loved them both, and they do provide the best alternative to payed hosting, I'm just wondering. Any answers?
  25. I am aware that when Vista was first released it was full of bugs and was very nonsupporting for Drivers. I was wondering if it has been fixed up at all by this time since it has been out for quite a while now. Also, which Operating System is better for gaming at this time, Windows Vista or XP? A final question I have is that of the worthiness of Vista, is it worth it to buy the Ultimate Edition, or what? If I'm planning on using the computer for Web and Image Design, as well as Hardcore Gaming what Edition should I seek?
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