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Everything posted by LegallyHigh

  1. I've gotten banned from Google, however it was my own fault as I provided an incentive for Clicking ads. However, I'm using Google Adsense again, and will not cheat the system, though the first time I was unaware you could not promote clicking the ads. However, as for Bidvertiser, I have used them and I was not scammed. I received $10.04 as my first payment through Paypal, and find their service very useful. However, the only problem with Bidvertiser is sometimes the ads are not as related to a site as you wish because they have a smaller amount of websites they advertise for. When I had a Game Cheating Website, the ads were very irrelevant, however, I still did make money (and receive the Pay Out), and the good thing is that you can control which ads through a checklist, of what will get displayed n your page.
  2. Not sure on all my Plan Details, I'm using Road Runner Service in Columbus, Ohio as of nowDownload Speed: 4.89 MbpsUpload Speed: 473.11 kbpsI think my Service Promises about 5 Mbps, so It's pretty close. I may upgrade to Road Runner Premium for another $10.00 and receive 10 Mbps (5 Mbps more) download. However, I wish my upload speed was much higher, its weird that it is so far from the download speed.
  3. Hmmm, to be honest with you I have never heard of Gaia, but I guess I will check it out, what is it all about?
  4. In my opinion Windows XP is the best system. However, I can not make a fair call, or vote a an unbiased vote because I have yet to try Linux, and other Operating Systems such as those found on Mac Machines. The systems I do have experience with include Windows 95, 98, ME, and XP. I didn't mind 95, or 98 because they were all there was, however, ME (Millennium Addition), was a bit on the buggy side. XP blows all the older Microsoft Systems out of the water because of the amount of features it has, however there are still a few kinks. I have yet to try Vista, but I ahve heard it is a bit buggy, as well, and lacks support for a good number of applications and various Hardware Drivers.
  5. It's a good thing I have a Bought Version of Windows XP. I don't see why Microsoft is so stingy about this though, only a very small percent of Windows XP Machines are using Hacked Software. If I was Bill Gates, or another Worker of Microsoft I would just be happy that anyone bought a copy of Windows, its overpriced and under performing.
  6. I am pretty sure we are in fact descendent's of apes. However, my question is, why haven't the other Apes evolved, or begun to evolve yet? Shouldn't they, since we have, also become human beings, or evolve into the next stage on their way to being human beings. I know evolution is a slow process, but wouldn't we at least see a sign that they are slowly evolving into *person* sapiens. Also, with the deal about Christian religion and the conflict between religious ideas and the ideas involved in the theory of evolution: I do not think Christians will stop believing in their religion because of the conflict. Though, it is true some parts of the bible are nonfactual, there is still a lot left in that gigantic book for Christains to believe in.
  7. In your opinion what is the Best P2P Prorgram for these following Categories...1) Music Downloading2) Video and Image Downloading3) Software (Games, Programs, etc.) DownloadingI prefer to use LimeWire for music, however, when I am looking for videos and images I use BearFlix (a Bearshare Program). I haven't yet found a decent P2P Program for Downloading Software, I usually just use BitTorrent Programs such as Azureus for that purpose.
  8. I downloaded Limewire Pro from Limewire before as well as from BitTorrent and it worked fine. I don't remember, does Limewire Pro even require a Crack or Serial Key to Run? I would download Limewire Pro but I cannot connect to Limewire at this time, and it has been like that for the last couple weeks. It is really weird becasue on my brothers account he is able to connect to Limewire, I think I have some sort of Firewall enabled on my account alone; really weird wieird.Also, for those who are afraid of .EXE files because of Trojan, or Virus issues, just make sure to scan the file with a Virus Program before attempting to open the file.
  9. Oh, I was just wondering because in past sites I had made up to $1.00 per click, but I guess times have changed. Do the keywords your ads are related too effect the pay out of a Click. Also, do you think filling up the Space my Google ads currently occupy with Affiliate Programs would be more Beneficial for my sites topic (Legal Highs)?
  10. Wait, also, do you know of any places you can specifically submit forums, such as a Forum Search Engine, or a Forum Directory. I ask this because I know when I had a blog there were many Blog Directories I could submit it to to get a good amount of traffic.
  11. Alright, so by limiting the amount of topics there will be more conversation. I will try and Create more general topics and only use Subtopics if things become to dense for one topic alone. Thank you for the advice, sir.
  12. I've used Google Adsense before and the results were never too bad. However, I just started using Adsense for my New Website and For the first two clicks I've only made $0.03, or $0.015 per click. Do you guys think my profits are this low because it is a new website? When I get more visitors do you guys think the Pay Per Click Rates will increase. Or is it because the subject of my site has a low profit yield? I didn't know Google could Pay so little for a Click, is there any way I could set a limit like in Bidvertiser where you can control which advertisements are displayed? One final question (sorry for all the questions, by the way) when I get my own domain, instead of a sub domain, will that have any effect on the amount of money I could profit Per Click?
  13. What is the best way to Drive Traffic to a Forum, and Get users to actually Register? Are there any Forum Specific Directories or Search Engines I should submit my Forum too, or should I just submit my Forum to the regular Directories and search engines? Also, I was reading an article on Google that says I should create Multiple accounts on the Forum for myself, and use them to get the Forum started, is this a good idea?
  14. Yeah, I also like having Free Hosting. Sometimes posting becomes a hassle, but I rather Post than pay any time. Also, since Xisto.com offers all the features I need, PHP and MySQL with no restriction, I have no need for Paid Hosting.
  15. Thank you for the suggestion, I found a Promo Code for GoDaddy, so I went with that, instead, I think the total came t o about $7.00 compared to $10.00, which it would have been without the Promo Code.
  16. I use Google, however, that is because it is my Firefox homepage. I guess if Yahoo was set as my Homepage and it was quicker and minimalistic like Google I would use it more. However, the results are usually similar, so I don't think it matters which one you chose to use.
  17. What is the Best Place to Register a New Domain. In the past I have used GoDaddy.com. However, now GoDaddy's prices have risen to $9.99 per .Com Domain, and I do not feel like paying that amount. I know there are cheaper providers, and I would like to know if any one would recommend a Domain Registrar excluding GoDaddy.com.
  18. I was randomly browsing the web yesterday when I found This Site about Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO), and all the negative effects the Compound has on people and the environment. I actually bought into the idea at first, but I kept looking back at the words Dihydrogen Monoxide, and finally figured out it was only a joke, a good one at that though, it had me running for a while. Has anyone else here ever heard of this website, or been fooled by it?
  19. I hope. Sorry about the double post, I've just never had any problems like this with Xisto, and I'm hoping my website wasn't get hacked, since I don't have a backup. I was going to switch domains today so this problem is in my way right now.
  20. My Website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ will not load, it says it is unable to connect. Also, when I log into my CPanel Account, there is nothing but a blank white screen. What is happening?
  21. Haha, I used to play Habbo Hotel a back in the day, a very long time ago. I don't blame you for Scamming other Habbos (In my opinion paying for Virtual Items is a Scam in itself, shame on Sulake). Just as you, I used to Scam members of the Habbo community when I played using a "Free Credits or Habbo Club Pass" Website. In the WEbsite I claimed if you filled out a form, the information would be sent through the Habbo Database Server with a script enabling the Client to get what they checked in the form. The Website was very basic, with just one Graphic, a simple Layout, and a Form (including Habbo Username and Password), which would be sent directly to my email. It's amazing any one was gullible enough to fall for it, but it was much easier to Scam People when I played because Habbo Hotel was new and people were greedy, they would do anything for Free Credits or a Habbo Club Pass. Even though most of the People I scammed had little or nothing I Scammed atleast 50 Habbo Club Members. I eventually was led to the same fate as you, and I was banned from the Hotel. However, I never really worried about it, I never spent any money on Habbo Hotel, so I lost nothing. Though my days with Habbo Hotel are well in the past becasue when you Scam people, no matter how ridiculous it is to pay for fake furniture, you are stealing, and since they paid actual currency for the furniture yiu are stealing money, I will elp you out with your problem. If you want to get around the IP Ban you need to a Proxy. IF you are using Firefox Go to Tools ---> Options ---> Advanced ---> Network ---> Settings. Now Switch the Dot to Manual Proxy Configuration. To obtain a IP to Run your connection through go top Google and Search for Proxy Lists. Use the details you find on Google to Fill in the Form in Firefox, all you need is an IP Address and Port #. Some IP and Port solutions will not work because the Proxy will not have Shockwave support, however keep trying and you will come by a good one. I used to use this method when Digg banned me before, though I am uncertain to this day why I was banned.
  22. Alright, I love SMF and the Themes and Modification Possible for it (Though I do agree Mods and Theme editing was much easier with my Old PHPBB Boards because I'm better with HTML than PHP Scripthing), I can easily install Mods for the Main Theme (SMF Default Theme - Core) it is hard for me to make Modification work on other Themes. I have a Forum at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (soon to be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) and I love having the Ad Management Mod (I need it to Display Adsense) as well as the Shoutbox Mods (I don't have one yet, I'm deciding which to add), however, I also love the Themes. My favorite is Kelo-It, which I used to have as my main Theme before I added Mods to my Forum. I would have kept Kelo-It Theme if I knew how to add the Mods I like to it, but I don't. I already have the Mods Installed on My Forum, I just need some one to help me add the additional Mod Script into the Files of the Kelo-It Theme. I have tried to ad the Ad Management Mod to Kelo-It and I couldn't get much to work out because I am not too great with PHP Scripting. So if any one wants to help me on this just replay to this Thread. Also, if any one is able to Make a Nice Fitting Banner for my site (That would look good with the Kelo-It Theme) Just register at my Forum and Send me a Private Message (LegallyHigh).
  23. I do not know too much about Forums (or Bulletin Boards) and Forum Programming (I am having trouble learning PHP with My Simple Machines Forum). I was just wondering what is the most SEO Friendly, or most easily Spidered Forum Program. Also, what is the Most Seo Firendly Free Forum Program, and which Forum has the furthest Potential to become the Most Seo Friendly Forum Program (with additions of Mods, of course)? Sorry if this is a lot of Questions in one Thread, I;m just wondering.
  24. Okay, I made a legal highs website called LegallyHighForum (Found at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) which discusses ways to get high without using illegal substances (marijuana, cocaine, etc.). I was wondering what kind of affiliates I could use for this kind of site, however I found a couple of sites which sell Salvia and Kratom, which are two legal highs, that offered affiliate programs, and I signed up for these already. I think I may join Adsense as well, and see if Google has any advertising for Legal Highs (I'm sure they have a couple). By the way, I was also wondering how hard it is to get into Google these days? I used to have an account but it got banned, I forget why, but I've never been accepted by Google since, do you think they saved my IP, or my sites just aren't good enough? Final of all, if any one )even though it seems a bit barren) here feels inclined to Register at my site feel free to, I figure the more members I have the more members will join, sort of like an exponential growth situation, not sure though. What is the best way to collect traffic for a Forum, anyways? Alright, I got carried away, that is all though.
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