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A W K1405241550

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Everything posted by A W K1405241550

  1. Ah, youtube. It was actually my second video hosting after Yahoo. In my opinion its great because the uploading time doesn't take that much of a time and doesn't take long to process. The comment system, thats great too, instead of reading those awful chain letters, you don't have to read them. Better yet, they get hidden quick.
  2. I'm starting to hear alot of good reviews about Gmail. I'm going to test this and set up an account. By the reviews of you people who say its great, well, here I go.
  3. I pronounce it 'ch-are'. (Ch as in charge and are as in car). It seems good if you say it as a seperate word. I've never heard of someone saying it as in 'care' or 'car'. My friend thought it was 'chair' once.
  4. I like Grafitti's the best. It has loads of artwork which in my opinion makes it a new sticky site for me . I'll be checking in most of the while.
  5. Sounds a little racist to indians now lol. Its quite funny. I don't think the indians will really even do those things in the first place. Microsoft's been outta their mind .When I read it and then read the translations, it got even funnier.
  6. I listen to system of a down all the time. I always hear them as metal. Once in awhile some songs are political, but great at the same time. Theres a few other songs that have rap in them. No matter what style they change to though they're still great.
  7. When I was younger I liked one like that. It had 90 million pop ups when you visited it, and the ads would spam you all over the page. The links were animated with flash and when you wanted to go to a different page, the links would lag you. But, then again, I just liked going there for the new updates and stuff.
  8. I see Xisto as the best service i've ever used. Every other free/paid services always have to have to place ads on your website. And really, the disk space for the servers are really a good deal.
  9. I had trouble when I first started my first website at first too. I started off using HTML. It's good for basic web design and easy-to-remember codes. You can find some basic html design on w3schools. When I had my website, I turned to them for many things that I forgot (in different programming languages).If you want a good software to use, you can use mysql. Mysql is easy and it doesn't take much effort to make a good website.
  10. There's windows live hotmail? Now that is pretty cool. What will they think of next?
  11. That is interesting, I've really never heard of bluebottle. On a scale from 1-10, how badly does it lag/load?
  12. I used to have a well traffic website/forum (paid host, different website) and I used all those tips and I think a little more, but I never heard of the robot.txt trick. Good thinking and good guide.
  13. MapleStory is pretty fun if you're looking to pass time or meet friends. There are upsides. But the downside that I really don't like is where you can only move left, right, down, and up. Well, at least the last time I played.
  14. The one I like to use the most is Yahoo. I heard Gmail isn't as safe as it as cracked up to be. I know for sure that AOL, AIM, and NETSCAPE mail services take too long to load and will lag your computer. Which one do you like the most?
  15. I use a free program called Xtremeworlds. It makes a good 2d game with lots of sprites and areas already created for you, all you have to do is tweak some things you want. Its online and enjoyable but i'm not sure if its the kind of source you're looking for.
  16. I use Google since its right there when I open up FireFox. I do like Yahoo better since it corrects you accurately, but still, I use Google the most.
  17. The one that surprised me is when you lick a stamp and gain 1/10 of a calorie. Interesting. I also think its interesting that our teeth is hard as rocks. I knew they were hard, but jeesh. I never though Flamingos could only eat with their heads upside down, it must be a digestive problem. But then again, we have google. And banging your head on a wall uses 150 calories an hour...I'd pass out before the first 5 minutes.
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