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Everything posted by SilverFox1405241541

  1. What do you mean? They made Vista to have waste processes so that it drains the CPU That's wired.
  2. Every model of PC brings higher faster Processors. I've found Processors as fast as 3.0 Ghz in normal home user's PCs. Companies are soaring the speed at which our Processors Process, as well as their cost. I personally have found little difference on my 1.8 GHz and the 2.8 GHz machines I have used. Simply I believe that the new Processors are overkill. The Motherboard remains a bottleneck with no solution but fiber optics, further driving up the cost of PCs.I believe the new speed of Processors is overkill, until the motherboard is speeded up and until the average user matches the Processor.Another travesty I have seen is a 2.8 Ghz or so laptop with 256 MB RAM. That's certainly a waste. My question is what are your feelings on this?
  3. I have been told that putting the files/folders on a FAT32 Harddrive would fix it, however I haven't tested that out.I have like 1 GB of files encrypted after reinstalling windows.
  4. I don't see why Windows partition tool would break windows, just isn't smart. Personally I never have had the motiviation to figure out the command line for fdisk...XP CD is easier.
  5. Building up credits isn't hard, I have like 80, but building up QUALITY credits is harder. But I am glad this got some feedback and people thinking
  6. Aww okay. Drop the idea. Can you say "SilverFox Ownes himself again?", I am so glad I don't have to hear that **** at Xisto. That's positive feedback!
  7. I think you've missed onthing I mentioned, that's the fact that because Xisto is older most topics have been covered, not as much ground to cover. I understand. Like I said that might not be implementable. Just thought I'd suggest it anyways
  8. But it does, I know that some of the sub-forums do. My suggestion is to LOWER the amount that they give. They already give some (well some of the sub forums do). EDIT: I am not complaining nor anything of the sort, just giving my feedback and suggestions.
  9. Thanks. Sounds like a good tool. Some of thier tools border on copy protection bypassing.
  10. I meant make it where the non-technology related forums that currently give credits will give less than the Computer and Tech ones. This thread isn't really about me per se. Its for people to think about it and for people who are thinking of applying to read. If I was to protest or anything to the mods it would be in PM for sure. I agree. More activity would help.
  11. To my understanding the 2 partition are seperate. But what if you ever needed the DOS Parition? If you installed Linux on a seperate partition you can still get rid of it, without harming Windows. Correct me if I am wrong but I doubt it. Fdisk is the only tool if I know of to do partitions other than one that comes with the Windows Installation CD but that's probably Fdisk too.
  12. Varies greatly. I'd say on average 2-3 hrs of real work. Espically in mid week. I spend like eerm..8 hrs online average. Not much working...hopefully I start working more on it. My time REALLY varies greatly. My whole life does. Sometimes I am still online but away from the PC house cleaning...that's like 2 hrs lately.
  13. For $15 I can get it done really fast by sub contracting it That's just a joke. I don't know anything about Perl or cgi. Goodluck finding someone.
  14. I think the reason why its so hard to get hosting here at Xisto is because of its technical nature. While many of us who haven't got hosting yet (me included) know a fair bit about Computers and other technical aspects there isn't much need to share it here, since the auidience is made up mainly of people with the same amount of knowledge or more. Most of the tutorials to be written have been written I think.Many helpful tips that would benefit people, we all already know. To make "quality" posts you must not just be technically minded but be the best of the better, since the majority of Xisto members have a fair knowledge of Computer related things. So it is hard to post "quality" posts. You have to scratch your head, which I guess is a good thing, afterall nothing good as Xisto should come *totally* free.One thing that crossed my mind that you might implement to lower the denial rate would be to have different parts of the forums give different credits. For example, the Life talk forum has many useful and quality posts, have it give credits differently than the Computers & Tech part. Since the Life Talk one still has good posts that deserve credit and the Computers & Tech is more what Asta is about. This would mean non-technically oriented people or people who can't think of something worth sharing that we don't all know already would not get 30 Credits as fast by posting non-technical stuff and therefore not apply as soon, thus lowering the denial rate. You might have already implemented this but I still lwanted to suggest it just in case.Another suggestion to the admins/mods is to not make Xisto sound so degrading. Maybe I am the only one who took it that way, but sometimes it sounds like your saying "Your not smart enough for us, go where the stupid people go", and even if that's true it might be better to soften the tone.Regards,SilverFox
  15. I doubt its viruses or the like.I had a friend who had this happen I think. It was something complex. Easiest way to fix problems like this is to reinstall Windows, if it continues then I'd say to investigate it while in Safe Mode. If it was made by reinstalling windows then I guess the fix is there too Or even better get a desktop.
  16. I think that if its all "professional" and no "fun" then its not as enjoyable by the members. Not all of us want to go to Xisto, I haven't because I said I am getting hosting by Xisto so I'll get it! Sooner or later.Keep the gaming forums, mods should just delete spam topics.
  17. Nice. Even blending takes skill. Its x100 better than what I could do. Kudos! There are 2 kinds of people online, overly nice or overly mean. That guy was just proving that.
  18. I think it has its place. Personally I feel that it might should not give credits or something if people are abusing it.
  19. I never have problems with Firefox. Use FireFox or Opera and don't worry, be happy ;)Also don't go where malware is.
  20. Well contradicting but there's more anti-drunking than pro.And I know firsthand aclhocalism (sp) is bad.
  21. There are other less direct words against drinking "strong drink". Also I might ad drinking alchoal with any degree of excess is not often a pleasent story.
  22. @Grafiti: I know somewhere in the bible it tells you not to drink..I'll find it for you heh.
  23. People who follow the bible and Jesus are Chirstians. Those who take up the cross and follow the Master are true Chirstians.In a very lose sense all who believe in Jesus are Chirstians.
  24. Interesting, the variant I had didnt' allow me to run explorer, but thanks for the information. I don't know how common it is, it might be only my OEM version but it was annoying. Heh.
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