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Posts posted by demolaynyc

  1. I recommend you use Macromedia Dreamweaver, It's a WYSIWYG editor that lets you easily create style sheets and view it live. It will cost you however, unless you find a free CD key around there...

  2. There infact often teams from what I have seen (or claim to be teams or companys) bidding on projects over there.
    To be honest I'm not comfortable in a team environment, I seem to get aloe more done on my own (but of course less complex projects).

    I've checked out the website and I found that most of the freelancers there work in groups or claim to be a group. I'm just really annoyed at those who claim to be a professional group when their portfolio seem to look like it's been done by just one person.

    As for me, I tend to like to do things alone just because it's easier and of course, I like the jobs simple and not too complex. I'd like to make a portfolio after I finish this site I'm working on and start using that website to get me some money

  3. My friend uses Xdrive since his country only allows abut 1 gb a month on the computer. I think it is New Zealand or something

    What do you mean by the country only allows 1GB a month? Does the gov have control about how much they can store on their computers? That's just crazy so just wanna know what the deal here is.

    Alright, I finally got to check out the Xdrive.com website after countless attempts of trying to view it, and I found it quite good. I saw screenshots of the whole interface thing and it looks pretty good. I haven't been able to sign up to it yet because I'm in school at the moment but I'll sign up for this service as soon as I get home.

    So far I'm currently using the following hosts:

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, which offers 2GB of data no file extension restrictions except for .htm files. Unlimited Bandwith which is pretty good.

    http://www.eggdisk.com/, which allows 6GB of file and 30GB of bandwith which is a lot. Also, this has no file restrictions.

    The only problem I have with these two services is that I can't batch upload files that contain folders in the .zip file. That's why I'm going to try XDrive and see if they do offer batch uploading with folders.

    >>Follow up:

    Alright, I signed up for the service and uploaded about 225MB of files so far using the Xdrive desktop uploader. I gotta tell you, this eHard Drive rocks! If you download the desktop uploader and connect to ur online Hard drive, an "X:" drive will appear on your "My Computer" panel and you wil be able to access it and paste all the files in there with a breeze!

    I recommend this site to anyone who's a little secure about their computer crashing and losing very important files. I also recommend it to those who are almost running out of hard disk space (like me). The layout of the cPanel are so easy and very appealing.

    Cons: Direct linking is either disabled or there's a difficult way of doing so.
    Simple solution to problem: Use Eggdisk.com and upload those that you want to direct link.

  4. What I do is I create the page layout in Photoshop and I slice it in Photoshop. When I finish I then edit the image in ImageReady to Save the sliced up image as HTML. What you do is at ImageReady with the file open and sliced already, go to File -> Save Optimized As.After that, open the HTML file with an HTML editor preferrable a WYSIWYG for easy editing. If you want to add content over the sliced image, use the image url of the sliced image and make it as the background of that td table.

  5. I believe that God truly exists. If you ask yourself these questions: If the universe did start from a spec of dust, maybe even smaller, then where did it come from? If all living things did evolve from simple single-celled organisms, then how come there still are single-celled organisms lying around? Now you may counter that with a question similar to this: If there is God, then where did he come from? Well, the answer to that is that God is the beginning and the end--He is the Alpha and Omega.God's thoughts cannot be read by anyone, not because he doesn't exist but because his "mind" if i may call it that is way too big for us to understand with our little brains. It's just like a man trying to communicate with an ant--it's impossible. That's why God created the Word, the Bible. This bible is a compilation of stories and messages by prophets. But ask yourself this: how can all the books in the bible flow so smoothly altogether when each one were created by different people, during different time periods from different places. Some haven't met each other, yet they all share the same ideas and beliefs.

  6. I tried to look for a tutorial that would help me be able to store data into xml and what I found is the GNOME library for PHP 4. Now I know that Xisto currently supports 4 instead of 5. I'm wondering if Xisto currently has GNOME library installed? If it isn't, what can I use to add XML Nodes and all that other scripsts. Because wat i'm trying to do is I have a news page and I want to update the xml via a PHP form. Can someone please help me with this problem?

  7. I did try it but i didn't find it appealing to me. btw, I'm trying to learn AJAX but with this site in the making (my first actual professional site) is prohibiting me from studying it. so for the meantime, I will use action script because it's the only programming language i know so far besides php and js, to parse my xml and send its variables to a php page via POST method.The thing about this is that it's going to be a page farther away than php would because i would first send the visitors to the page where the flash movie that contains the parser before ssending them to the homepage which wouldn't look obvious however. Now, I know there's an alternative to this by using PHP directly but It's too time consuming to have to learn it first when I already know how to parse xml in flash and send it to php. My question to u guys is would that be the best approach to this? An example of what i mean is can be found in CingularWireless webpage. To those who have the service, when the person logs in, the site takes you to a page where there's a bouncing cingular logo animation which really is the parser and then it leads you to the php page where the variables have been sent. So instead of a one page process, it's one page extra.

  8. No problem man. Keep us updated, right?By the way, what's this site about? Is text real or just a placeholders?
    See you around.

    Well this site is about a fraternal organization--simply put a youth group sponsored by a masonic lodge. If you want to find out more about it you can check out my Almost finished page which is the About us section: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Actually the text is real, those are the news that were posted on my group's old website. All those activities are real.

    My uncle said that after I finish a webpage I should upload it instead of keeping it in my local hard drive and upload all of it when I finish all the pages, which was my idea. Which way should I go for.

  9. Wow, I was surprised to find out that even some government computers use illegal software. I thought it would be only to private owners and maybe a handful of small businesses but the government? Well I guess since it's Indonesia, there could be a reason. Not being racist or anything but I too am a Pacific Islander. I guess MS selling it a dollar per copy=50,000 dollars is pretty fair compared to charging them retail price per illegal copy which would be estimated around 5,000,000 dollars considering they have at least 50,000 gov computers using illegal copy and the software is sold for 100 dollars.

  10. Okay, the softwares I use the most are mostly for creating webpages which are:-Adobe Photoshop CS2: for the layout design-Adobe ImageReady CS2: to slice and publish the layout design-Macromedia Dreamweaver 8: to open up the published layout page and add content to it-Macromedia Flash 8: to add some animation and color-Internet Explorer: for general browsing and page testingObviously all I do on my computer is make web design and general browsing, sometimes AIM.

  11. Say you would like to make a website made in say tables with background pics to create the entire layout of the site, how would you go about actually DESIGNING the graphics and making everything blend in seamlessly. I have been having a lot of trouble actually coming up with smooth flowing graphics that dont detract from the usability aspects yet still looks good! Im not sure if this would be the right section or maybe it should be in the graphics but its got aspects of both.

    This was the same problem I had before. But to solve this you would first need a good graphic editor I prefer using Adobe Photoshop, even though it's expensive it's very good at making layouts and other things ouitside of site designs.

    So when you got that, create like a canvas (new file) which should be as big as 800x600 any size you want as long as it's not wider than the screen. Now the very easy part to do is to "draw the webapge" with any graphicas and colors you want don't worry about the tables and how they will be placed (well maybe a little) becasue Photoshop's image slicing does the job for you.

    After you finish the whole design, use the slice tool and create a box around the area that would contain content. This practice takes a while to master but it doesn't take that long. I can't fully explain it to you in detail but this is the general process.

    when you're done with the slices open up ImageReady which is a seperate program and go to "Save Optimized as" which would then generate an HTML page and divide the whole image into seperate pictures. Open up an html editor (WYSIWYG) and then make the pictures that need to be written over as background. and there you have a webpage.

  12. To me, if you have no experiences with Flash or don't have the Flash program, then don't buy it. You also have to look at the required programs in order to be able to fully manipulate the template for your website. I'd prefer you either aquire the programs required to edit it and learn it OR just buy an ordinary HTML template.However if you are just changing the text content of the site which are embedded on the flash movie .swf You might not need to open up the .fla file which requires a flash program (v6.0+) But before you buy it, make sure that the template loads strings either via .txt file or .xml file. This you've got to ask the company if they don't tell you about it.All in all, I recommend you learn Flash if you're going to have flash movies in your site.

  13. Just like what the previous posters already said, black bg and green bg will not be apealing to a person of any age. I find it that this color scheme feels like the 80's computers when GUI OS didn't exist. Unless it's a site that deals with a subject similar to that of the Matrix series.

    But in general, a good way to find out the color scheme is to look at the sites that the youth go to. Personally I wouldn't choose a color scheme that would look as if it was an ordinary colorful blog page that is most commonly used. I'd say to pick a color that isn't too irritating and boring and keep the color variety to less than 5. You can also do different shades of the same color.

    What I prefer using for my designs are neutral color such as black gray or white for background and a bit of color to contrast it and add a little flavor to it. I don't put too much because it gets very busy.

    An example of my design is this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  14. Well, I'm only a junior high school so I don't really have to worry about food and lodging, but i could help a bit on that. And by saying that if it's a one-day work, do you mean that If it takes only a day to finish a site then I can make more the next day to earn more money in a month. So with that if it takes me 2 months to create 1 website that costs about 200 dollars then it would not be a lot. Did i get it right?

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