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Posts posted by demolaynyc

  1. I had the same goal as you did 3 years ago but then I learned it would be annoying and time consuming if the visitors download 100mb everytime they enter your site. you should cut the flash stuff into pages and have them loaded mauybe in one flash program. and the music you can upload it to another website like snapdrive and stream it so they don't have to wait for it to load.

  2. I've been making sites for groups recently but I offer them free service just because I don't know how much to charge them, either by hours or by the size of their site. I've been a site designer and flash maker for years now and I make professional look websites and not one of those kiddy sites that use only html and have poor layouts. However, I'm new to the site making business whatever ucall it and I'm interested in making sites to make money on. So can someone help me out wit this, I don't know how much to charge them for my service.

    I have a sample homepage site that maybe helpful to you:
    My DeMolay Site

  3. I know most of you will say I'm crazy but I really have no complaints about IE6 and haven't experienced any obvious bugs. My IE browser is very stable and loads pages much quicker than the other browsers I have tried. Alright first let me show you my pc's specs maybe it might be the answer to why it's faster than the other web browsers.My PC specs:Intel PIII 1Ghz128MB RAM9GB Hard Drive - 1.28GB freeAnd now here are several browsers I have used and when I compared all of them to Internet Explorer the speed was incomparable:Avant BrowserFirefoxOperaTriton AOL Explorerand many othersOk, I'm wondering what makes my Internet Explorer faster and more stable and views virtually every page in its right layout? My IE6 is equipped with eSnips (i know wouldn't cause this speed) : Google toolbar : Yahoo toolbar (features tabbed browsing).Now I've heard people complaining about how IE6 does not offer tabbed browsing and Firefox does, well I downloaded a Yahoo toolbar and it gives me tabbed browsing. It's really helpful and fast. Please post all your complaints about IE6 so I may know why ppl move to other browsers.

  4. Alright, just downloaded the Opera just to find out if it's better than IE6 which I know is the least stable browser, but it was pretty fast. I know moving to Firefox is just stupid because it sucks even more than Internet Explorer because my MySpace profile laways gets messed up. Unlike this one it isn't.I'm using Opera right now and it's slower than IE6 but I'll give it some time maybe it'll become faster as the time goes by. BTW I like the simplicity of this browser and its clean skin. I'm pretty impressed by its Voice activated features but I soon found it rather time consuming and pointless.

  5. What happened to me was that it dropped way too much below zero and I went back to an unhosted account. I think it was 30 below 0. So my hosting credits was like 0 and would increase when I post and never decreased because I wasn't hosted. The way I did to reactivate my account was that I saved up 30 hosting credits and requested for a new account.Was this the proper way to reactivate my account referring to my issue?

  6. Yep, nice free file storage site. The pros about this site is that you can upload up to 1 GB a file. You will be able to send home videos for ppl to share. The cons is that they don't allow you to register and with this said, you'll have to record all the links if you are going to make a collection. Also, it's easy to lose the file if you forget the link.However these cons can be easily ignored if you don't care about having a registered storage space. If you do want a collection of files a good site is fileXoom.com which offers 2gb of space and unlimited bandwith. The bad part about it is that you can upload only 100mb a file.

  7. When I saw that same phone in the commercial I thought some new company of chocolate was coming out. Until I saw the phone rise up from that deliciously looking chocolate liquor. Hmmm how it looked so good. I give props to who made this clip but enough of that one. My only question to you is how much space can it hold? What's its maximum capacity because many mp3 players combined with handsets can only hold so much The razor can play mp3s but can only hold 20mbs. So I was wondering how much mb or even better GB of files can this phone/mp3 player hold?

  8. Lol as I'm typing up this post right now, my Google WebAccelerator is being removed from my computer. Not just because the author of this thread said so but it's because I truly have been experiencing the same problem as you guys. I just thought it was my hardware at first but now I know the service just sucked. I'm not saying that google sucks it's just this one service that they weren't successful in. This Google WebAccelerator did infact made my browsing even slower. At first only a few minutes after its installation I was quite amazed at how the speed of the page loads were increased, I guess it was just my mind playing tricks on me when I realized the day after that things were slow--even slower than before I had the service installed. I don't trust any of the web accelerators I just thought I could download this since I gave Google trust based on the other great services they offer. All in all, Google is a great company it's just that this one program they made sucks just like the other accelerators out there.

  9. I want to switch to Linux but what I fear is that I will not be able to play the PC games because of their incompatibility. This I don't know iff they're compatible with Linux OS are they? Cuz that's the only thing keeping me from moving to Linux. Also about the softwares are they also compatible with the Linux OS? If they are then I'll try it out. BTW where can i download a light version of Linux?

  10. You should go with Dreamweaver 8. Try it out by downloading the free software (30 days only) from adobe.com (adobe owns dreamweaver now). And see if you like it. I know you'll love it because even though it's hard at first but once you get used to it it's one of the easiest WYSIWYG programs. If you want to get the real version, you can go get it illegally but that's risky, I don't know. Also, go try Adobe Photoshop--it's a good layout designer, it's helped me a lot. ADobe has their own webpage maker it's called Adobe GoLive! It's a CSS designer but I haven't tried it. They say it's an easy drag and drop page maker but it sounds too easy but the pages they sampled are pretty cool. Has anyone tried the Adobe GoLive?

  11. I think FP sucks compared to Dreamweaver just because it has more ready made features such as embedding a flash object and other stuff like that. Even though FP does have the express view of the webpage on the tabs unlike DW's F12 function in order to view your webpage, it doesn't really matter. I know HTML coding but I still prefer WYSIWYG programs just because it's less time consuming plus I use photoshop slicing to create my layouts and all I have left to do is to input some text.

  12. Well i just looked at the reviews and ratings for the Monster energy drink, which I haven't tried before but it got a 4 1/2 out of 5 rating compared to xtazy's 3 stars. They say it's sweet and has no taste of the bitterness which sounds interesting so I'll go check that out as well and see how it tastes. Also about the info on the secretion of vitamins that's pretty good to know that I don't really need it but I don't get 100% of them anyway so I guess it's the easy way to get but about them being toxic turned me off so I guess I'll look for another alternative. Thanks for mentioning Monster, I thought it wasn't that good until I found some reviews about it which are pretty good compared to the Xtazy Drink reviews.

  13. I think Google in the future will be in the same level as Microsoft. Man AJAX really is HOT. Their spreadsheet project is tight plus it's even free! I hope they make a word processor as well. It would be really useful for those who don't want to pay over 100 dollars for microsoft's products. About graphics being placed on spreadsheets, maybe they'll make it in the future since it's still young.

  14. I hear ya on that one ;) I remember one time I was on a flight from one city to another, and I ran out of fuel on MS Flight Sim 2002 (I think it was 2002, might have been 2000 :D ) And the nearest landing strip was right in view. With some careful manuevering, I swing it onto the runway but slightly too fast. In an effort to slow down, I turned to the right and suddenly the control tower is right in front of me and BOOM. There goes my pilot's license :o
    Has anyone played MS Flight Sim 2004 yet? I've had my eye on it for over a year, but I've been waiting for the price to come down... but now I'll probably just wait for the next one haha. :o

    I played Flight Sim 2000 which had bad graphics but it was fun for a while, good thing I didn't buy it. I borrowed mine from the library, hehe. But yeah, during the flight it's really boring especially if the flight is departing from NYC and arriving at Manila (Philippines). I never finished a flight and I never got to perfectly land a plane. All my attempts to land a plane crashed. I turned off the engines and tilted the nose up high to make the flare but I was always too high so i dive for a bit and then I crash. I'm planning on getting the FS2004, are the graphics any good? Are there more buildings and structures this time cuz I really want to seee more structures or else it's just another boring flight not worth buying.

  15. The thing I heard about the hydrogen powered cars is that if you crash it they explode? Is this true or is it just a myth? The concept of changing the look of the car is also pretty cool. You can get a sports car and change it into an SUV! I hope it would be a small fee to change it hopefully free but I doubt that. Right now it would cost 5 million + But 20 years from now I believe it would cost as much as cars now because of the obvious mass production. I would get these as soon as they come out. A concern about the global warming and the rise of sea level, I think that these hydrogen powered cars would increase the use of water and lower the sea level since so many people are going to be using it. Plus it would obliterate the greenhouse gasses gasoline makes so that would be really cool. I just wish that they would release it sooner.

  16. What I loved about RCT1 and 2 (i haven't played the third one yet but I'm hoping to) is that I get to break the roller coasters and drown the guests. I would have them go to a dead end dock and then go to the editing mode and take off the wooden dock and watch them drown. Also when I lock up these vandalists by placing four benches around them so they can't move. It's a fun simulator and it was very addicting.

  17. I thought this game was a little bit like rollercoaster tycoon. I was disappointed to see how bad the graphics was. I guess it's just a simple game so no high expectations. But yeah rollercoaster tycoon was an addictive game! I got the second one and i was amazed at how they also had a rct version of the Six Flags great adventure in there and i got to see the tracks inside the skull mountain. I wonder if those are the real designs though because the rollercoaster tracks are limited to what they offer you at their library. I hope those rollercoaster tracks are accurate. They came out with the third rollercoaster tycoon where it shows the first person view of the coaster you made which is pretty cool. I might get that as well but not anytime sooner. It might just be a waste of money. Has anyone played it?

  18. Limewire is getting sued just like the used to be popular Napster. I hope Limewire wins this or else we would all have to pay for downloading files. in my opinion i think that these artists who complain about their songs being shared through the internet are taking the money they're currently earning for granted. wat i mean is some of these pop stars like Jessica simpson is so stupid yet she has millions of dollars to spend on so much stuff when educated people work so hard to get 10x less than people like her. I think that artists should be glad to know that they have so much fans that their songs are being shared throughout the internet. Besides there are other ways they get their money like making commercials and all the other miscellanous things they do. They don't single handedly rely on just the albums they sell.

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