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Posts posted by demolaynyc

  1. First of all, I would like to start off this post with a clear understanding, that these are mere questions, not allegations or paniful hits against the religion Islam or any religion.I am not that type of person, and would just like to find out the answers to these questions.

    Only answer if you know a lot about Islam, and know the true facts, not spread around rumours.

    Q1: Islam constantly boasts about the fact that it is the fastest growing religion in the world, yet do you lay the facts out and let people decide, or do you preach, and preach and then force people to convert to Islam? If so, do you think this is what God wants?

    Q2: Most of the time we here about everything magnificent that Islam has brought to the world in the past, which is very fair, look at Spain and the expenses of the Middle East etc. - but do you actually take into consideration ever or like to remember the pain and suffering Islam has impacted on other religions that they have targeted nad victimised, ie Sikhism, when the Mughals viciously forced and forced the Sikhs to convert to large extents, where they bricked walls around mere helpless children and boiled people alive. Surely, Muhammad (pbuh) didn't say to his fellow brothers and sisters that there is suffering in the world, so keep on causing to to those who refuse to convert to Islam?

    Q3: Non-Muslims or non-believers, kafirs go to hell. Is this really fair. Why should a religion set upon where your destiny will lead you, in my case burning the fiery depths of hell. yes yes, we have all thoguhts this and searched on Google, and found that post saying about how all Non-Muslims don't go to hell, it is those who turn against Islam and on Judgement Day you will be filled in with the details etc etc and then if you choose to convert you live happily ever after and if you don't to hell with you all. Is this true, and at the end of the day, if your a Non-Muslim to the end of time, your going to hell, or not?

    Q4: Everyone is seen equal, and all Moslems belong to a larhge brotherhood etc etc. Is this true? Then why do you constantly argue with the fact that women have so many rights and so forth and so on, when look at the comparison of rights of men to women. I mean women can't marry a non-muslim but men can. Women belong to the men they marry at the end of the day. If they get divorced from thier husband and he wants her back, then she has to marry another man, and most likely sleep with him every night until the thingy is finshed and they can marry again. If a Muslim man wants the peausres of sexual intercourse, his wife cannot deny the man of his needs? Is this really equality for everyone?

    Thankyou, please answer my questions.

    I appreciate you clearing up my questions and proving me wrong.

    Please note I am trying to be least offensive as possible and am truly sorry if I have come across as offensive in any way.

    On behalf of my Christian faith. I agree that those events happened, however, you should not generalize the muslims with these events. Most muslims live peacefully. In fact even Christians in the past forced people to convert to Christianity. I agree that these methods are not the way God told us to do but because we are just humans, we tend to get outside faith's narrow path no matter how small or big it is.

    It's not just Islam who did this but other religions as well. Fellow Christians would disagree to your idea just because of its ignorance. There are Muslims who are not terrorists but live a peaceful life.

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  3. Can you explain a little more about what you are talking about. Maybe with examples? Why do you use the term "anti-spiritual"? What is this "push for hierarchy"? Do you mean "authoritarianism" or the right to dictate morality to other people?

    I know this has been already explained to you but to add more, I'd just want to say that religion is "reaching for God" when in reality it's really "God reaching down on us". Since we are just humans and our hands can only reach so high, we could not possibly reach to God. In religion, its followers try to please the God(s) by practicing rituals, even self-inflicted wounds (some practice in Christianity), and other "Unnecessary" rituals.

    The idea of "anti-religion" in Christianity is that because of God's love for us, he sacrificed himself to save his people who are slaves to sin (meaning us). All good works are done, it's just up to us to Believe in Him and put our faith in him to gain salvation. Salvation is not through good works, it's through faith.

  4. 1) not only that..to create a new species, It must happen a lot if not millions of DNA mutations. That is impossible to happen by chance..,,besides that,,if you try to breed different species is impossible because they have different pair of cromosomes..OK..you have your point..Some especies adapt to their surroundings,,but does that mean that it is a new species? ,,or just that it adapted..You know,,if it adapted,,then there is no DNA mutation,,and There is no new species..
    2) About the contradictions...In my experience,,only people that love some kind of sin,,is the people that find any reason,,to try to deny Gods reality..Other people,,find sense in their religion...

    3) Wrapping all up, people who likes to sin, will find any excuse to stay in a relativism about good and evil ( everything depends on your point of view...yada yada yada ) and people who do not like to sin,,will seek the truth,,and the truth will set them free...You know Jesus is the truth..

    Well this is just an opinion,, I did not try to offend, I just tried to point some experiences I had...

    Adding on to this (I hope you don't mind) is that those who like to sin and want to find the facts to prove it's ok to do these things will try to deny God's existence. But those who are broken down and have become so low in society (not saying that you have to) have tried to look for someone. They turn to God when they find out about him.

    If you are one of those who deny God, look back and think about what you felt about commiting these "sins". Did you feel any remorse?

  5. But when you talk about an eletronic system, if I was a hardware engineer, i'd simply open the system up and look for myself, not read a book.
    I can't do that with jesus now can I ;).

    Or if I wanted to know about the land at that time, i'd dig up the earth and find out, not read a book.

    So.... what can ya do eh.

    Referring to "The Exodus" the movie by The History Channel, the people DUG for the truth and found the descriptions in the Bible to FIT into the information they FOUND.

    - Isn't it foolish to dig up something you don't know about?
    - Isn't it stupidity to get to destination B without a map? (meaning getting to B for the first time)
    - Wouldn't it be idiotic to dig up a treasure without a map?

    The answer to those are YES.

    Before every digging for truth, you got to have a source to give you a general location of where to read.

    Wouldn't it be so stupid if you try to look for evidence of Jesus' Existence in America or any place else where JEsus never set foot on? ...because you didn't know anything about the Bible.

    You must read something! It won't have to be a bible, it can be a verified article out there on the web.

  6. Well personally the difference between jesus being a god or a cockroach is none to me. But that's because I don't believe in any form of what is currently believed to be a god so yeah ;).
    If it did however, I suppose Jesus was your man. I guess there is nothing to say that he wasn't, or perhaps it was all made up with good intent.

    First, Jesus did exist. If you are to read this: https://www.gotquestions.org/did-Jesus-exist.html It explains the credibility of the Bible by basing it on the Romans' records.

    Moreover, the Bible is not just a book. It's a book rich in history. If you are to read passages from the New Testaments, you are to find yourself reading about the Romans and its great empire. If you've seen the movie "The Exodus" produced by The History Channel, it proves that the writings in the Bible described what happened during the time. Even the land features' history backs it up. It explains how all the plagues came to be.

    Now if we are to take these accounts to be factual. Why not the existence of Jesus?


    Now to get to my point, is Jesus really God?

    My answer is yes, because even the Jews witnessed to seeing the Cave, where Jesus was buried, to be empty. Unbelievably, the GREAT Boulder that blocked the doorway was Easily MOVED.

    Now you may ask, how would it be possible to even place a large heavy Boulder in front of the entrance? Well the people did not move this boulder instead they broke off the rock right above the entrance so it would just drop and block the entrance entirely, making it Impossible to move it.

    The Jews and the other people saw that same boulder moved aside so easily and Jesus wasn't there. After this event, the Holy Spirit of the trinity revealed himself to people and that's when a number of Jews converted to Christianity.

    So with this said, I'd say that Jesus is God.

  7. Wow, programs inside flash drives are pretty amazing. I thought of installing programs to my Card Reader (1GB SD Card) but never tried it because I thought it would need to use registry keys. I'm hoping they would be able to hold Flash and Photoshop in a Card and that's about all I'll need. Cool topic, worth taking my time to try it out.

  8. Like I already said, just because part of a species evolves, that doesn't mean that there wouldn't still be some left how they are. If humans evolved from monkeys, that doesn't mean that the rest of the monkeys are going to evolve into humanoids. The species
    branches off from the other and they both continue to exist.

    Okay fine, but don't you find it interesting that Humans are the only speicies who have these advanced technology compared to the rest of the animals. ONE RACE

  9. But i think that chistianity has its BAD bits too.Like the garden of Eden, its a proven fact: evolution happens.
    In australia since the introduction of cane toads lots of australian critters are dying
    because they try and eat the toads, but some animals are evolving and adapting to the
    Thats EVOLUTION!!!!!!

    As Christians, we don't deny evolution entirely. I agree that living things adapt to their environment such as IMMUNITY. The Spaniards were immuned to the disease they brought upon the Native Americans. That's a fact for sure and is foolish to deny. Survival of the fittest is also true because if a specie can't survive then it's doomed to extinction. But the idea that we have come from single-celled organisms is not

  10. Well, we could be a branch off from the development of monkeys, in which case the monkeys would have evolved (humans being the product of evolved monkeys). Just because part of a species evolves doesn't mean that the rest of the species will. Time alone does not change a species. There needs to be an environmental factor driving the change. A species could stay the same for extended periods of time if it is fit for it's environment. This is why we still have roaches and lampreys which haven't evolved much at all within the past hundred(s) million years. They don't have to evolve because they have no problem surviving as they are.
    I would say that a possible reason for our intelligence and accomplishments is that we eventually stopped wandering and learned to farm and live in a localized area. Since humans spent less time searching for food and hunting, they might have had time to use their brains more for things less related to survival. It seems that there were more arts, crafts, and other non-survival related activities being created once people started settling in one place for extended periods of time. Some of these activities involve more abstract thinking.

    Okay, if you say that species don't evolve is because they're fit for the environment they live in. So if they're fit for that environment then that must also mean that their resources are right where they are--leaving room for them to settle and discover new things such as creating more advanced tools than what they've been using before their settlement.

    Monkeys have settled in the jungle for long periods of time, yet they haven't used much of their brains.

  11. Put the facts on the table, don't preach, just tell, and let people make their own minds up.

    Speaking for Christianity:

    Many ministers have done this. The fact is, truth is so overwhelming and scary that people turn away from it. If someone says "Repent!" to you or "You are going to hell!" or just purely give out the facts to you when of course you know nothing about the religion, you would be turned off instantly.

    These come from past experiences. Our pastor told us just a portion of the facts during our worship service and almost all were overwhelmed with confusion, fear, and disgust. The truth is meant to be given out in small portions, just as Jesus have preached long ago.

    If you are to read the book of John, it shows you that Jesus our Lord and Savior did not give all the facts, instead spoke of them in pieces and showed his Power bit by bit.

    If we are to tell and put the facts on the table, the listeners will be too confused to even take in all that information to make their own minds up.

  12. Catholic means "The Universal Church"This means that all christian beliefs including Roman Catholicism and Protestant Movement churches are under the term "CATHOLIC"What the title should be is: "What is the diff. between Roman Catholicism and Protestant Churches"My purposes is not to bring down Roman Catholic but purely to show the slight differences between them.Roman Catholics:- worship saints- pray to saints as to praying directly to the Lord and Savior- some believe in "Salvation through good works"- ritual prayersProtestants:- "Salvation through faith" (meaning all work is DONE by Jesus Christ at the cross)- No man is sinless other than Jesus our God- pray only to God and no saints- all Christians are saintsThese are not guaranteed because some people overlap these beliefs.

  13. Who is to say that that couldn't happen to monkeys or any other species in another few million years?

    Okay... monkeys have existed waaay before we existed, yet they still haven't developed technology that ties in with us. Since we "came from monkeys" they've existed before us, thus should give them soo much time to develop their minds.

    However, monkeys are at a stall, and they still haven't developed technology the same as humans do. They still act the way they do millions of years ago. We've just been here recently and we've developed the fastest. How come other animals couldn't do that?

  14. Alright, one of the main goals of the democratic party is to get the troops back home and out of Iraq. I'd say most of you would be cheering when they come back. I'd cheer to if I had a relative finally come home. I apologize now for not having one sent to Iraq but this is just a point of view.If the troops were to be sent back, who would rule over the country? In my opnion, the rebel forces who drove the troops out of the nation simply because of their superior power (weaponry and suicide bombings). I'd be glad to have the troops sent home, but if we were to pull out without finishing what we started (establish a just government) then it'll just go back to the same old tyranny. And with this said, this would show the other nations how "weak" the power of the US.Furthermore, enemies such as Iran, and the other countries that have bad relations with the US will be encouraged to do something. --Something's gonna happen for sure--Iran and North Korea are already nearing to nuclear power. More countries are doing the same thing. There will be chaos all around, and it wont take long until the doomsday clock's hand will be moved.All in all, we've blamed Bush for all this mess we're in right now. Now, I predict that the Democrats will take office this time and what's ahead for them will be a challenge.Now if this party would be to face these events, will we blame them too? It's up to you.

  15. Alright, Im going to ask you guys this question:Out of all the thousands (millions) of species in the world, how come only one has intelligence so much superior than the others?If you disagree with that statement, prove me wrong that another species has the same intellectual capability as us in which they can build cars, houses, phones and other man-made object. I'm sure there's a number of animals that can make their own houses (made of dirt or rock) but can these animals build anything that takes them to outer space? Wage war against each other by the masses?Humans are very special. We are "scientifically" animals, but we are not like any other animal. We have souls, feelings and emotions. How come only one species has so much mind and intellectual superiority?

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