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Posts posted by demolaynyc

  1. Yea, um I signed up for the domain but when I got to the offers page, It threw me off and I thought to myself, this is a scam. I mean fatlotus.com is proof--yes--that the domain lagoon service does not work. Since his domain doesn't work means that all the effor he signed up in completing the surveys were a waste of time. Just pointing out the obvious to those who don't find out as fast as others.

  2. I think this news should get more exposure from tv news channels instead of the internet because this is pretty big stuff. And also the Global Warming issue should also get some exposure I already found out about a new movie coming out soon about it. I love seafood and I hope it doesn't die out in 50 years. I think 50 years is long enough for the fishermen to be informed by this or a law passed I don't know but something should be done. This could ruin the whole ecosystem.

  3. I had a background on my site that i got on the internet. I don't remember the name of the site but from it I was able to save the background (which was a textured blue background) to photobucket.com. I've had it there for awhile, but now, all-of-the-sudden it disappeared. I guess you can only keep things on photobucket for so long. But how do I keep a background on my site if I can't host it somewhere? Is there a way to put the picture in cPanel and use it from there? If there is, I cant figure it out.

    Images that are in your homepage should not be hosted anywhere else other than in your domain. The problem with hosting files in file hosting sites such as photobucket is that they can easily be deleted or its file name changed for whatever reason. Especially if you hotlink an image that is hosted by another domain is a bad action because the admin of that domain may delete it and you won't be able to see that image in your webpage.

    So the best solution to this is to host your images under your domain, and if it's too big try uploading them to stable file hosting sites that do not delete your hosted files after 30 days (most file hosting companies delete your files after 30 days of inactivity for space conservation).

  4. Well if you haven't uploaded the home video from your video capturing device to your computer, then you should first do that. And when you finish the transfer, if the video file size is under 20MB, then you can directly upload that video to MySpace, which will give you a code to put in your homepage when it's finished being processed.If your video's file size however is too big, I recommend you upload it to a video sharing community site similar to YouTube. I suggest you upload the video to YouTube not just because it's the most popular but it's also easy to use. They will give yout hte HTML code that would allow you to put it in your homepage.

  5. Alright so my client wants me to create a Flash guestbook. The user would be asked to enter in their name, email and their comment and that would be sendAndLoaded through GBaddPost.php which would obtain the xml file passed through by the flash program via POST method.

    The PHP file would then open up the guestbook.xml file, write in the new guestbook.xml content using the obtained xml info and then close the file. The method I'm currently using to obtain that data is via file_get_contents("/php/input/;); Now Xisto's apache program has no problems with this but HOSTWAY.com does. I don't know if It's because of the version difference (Xisto=v4.3? and Hostway=4.0)

    Now I know the Actionscript works because When i tried this same flash guestbook in Xisto and 100WEBSPACE both they work. However, in HOSTWAY, it doesn't work.

  6. Alright, now I have no problems in Xisto but when I upload it to Hostway.com The PHP script doesnt work in that host site. I used php/input/ and $HTTP_POST_DATA.The same flash works here in Xisto but the hostway.com uses only 4.0 version. Does that cause the problem. If so, what code could I use to be able to save the guestbook.xml file?

  7. Yep, they're both in the same place. Hold on, I'll give you the url and you test it for yourself. I post a comment and it loads into the output TXT however when I go to a different page, it disappears.

    Here's the AS code, please take a look at it and look for any errors.

    var inputXML = new XML();inputXML.ignoreWhite = true;inputXML.contentType = "text/xml";inputXML.load("guestbook.xml");var outputXML = new XML();outputXML.ignoreWhite = true;outputXML.onLoad = function () {	gb_output ="";	var postElement = inputXML.firstChild.childNodes;	for (var i=0; i<postElement.length; i++) {		gb_output += "<b>Name: </b>"+postElement[i].attributes.name+"<br>";		gb_output += "<b>Date: </b>"+postElement[i].attributes.date+"<br>";		gb_output += "<b>Message: </b><br>"+postElement[i].attributes.message+"<br><br>";		gb_output += "__________________<br>";	}}outputXML.load("guestbook.xml");btn_submit.onRelease = function () {	var date = new Date();	var cDate = (date.getMonth()+1)+"-"+(date.getDate())+"-"+(date.getFullYear());		var node = inputXML.createElement("post");	node.attributes.message = form.gb_message.text;	node.attributes.date = cDate;	node.attributes.email = form.gb_email.text;	node.attributes.name = form.gb_name.text;		inputXML.firstChild.insertBefore(node, inputXML.firstChild.firstChild);	inputXML.sendAndLoad("GBaddPost.php", outputXML);	popup.gotoAndPlay(2);}	

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/[8].swf --go to Fan ZOne page

    <?xml version="1.0"?><guestbook><post name="Albert Villaroman" email="masugidsk8r@yahoo.com" date="10-14-2006" message="Yo man this is just a text but I think this test will work. I sure hope so man, I really do so please load and send it back to this movie please? THank you." /><post name="unnamed 1" email="nomail@domain.com" date="10-11-06" message="hello" /></guestbook>

  8. Hi, I'm trying to make a guestbook using PHP and XML but I can't seem to save my XML when i try to save it. I use the XML.send() function to send the raw_post_data to be saved onto my guestbook.xml file. Somehow, it doesn't seem to save it. Can anyone help me?

    Here's the php code

    <?php  $filename = "guestbook.xml";$raw_xml = file_get_contents("php://input");print $raw_xml;$fp = fopen($filename, "w");fwrite($fp, $raw_xml);fclose($fp);?>

    Is there anything wrong with this file that I don't see?
    Can anyone give me an alternative php script?

  9. I hate WYSIWYG editors, too. One look at the source code makes me cringe.
    I use NotepadEx. It uses tabs, which helps me organise my pages better than Notepad, but that's about it's best feature. I like it anyway.

    I couldn't even get used to syntax highlighting at first. Now I kinda like it (helps me remember to close list tags, and paragraph tags - occasionally I still forget), but still don't use an editor that has it.

    So you say you hate WYSIWYG editors? What's so bad about designing in WYSISWYG editors? Designers should be using WYSIWYG because it's a lot to do with the visual display of the site. If you were to design one with just coding, you got to be really good to make a very professional webpage.

  10. Well, I've posted a similar thread about this and what they said in response to it was that no they'll keep the PHP4 version instead of the 5 because most users still use the version 4 of PHP and moving to PHP 5 would cause a lot of the hosted members some problems because of the difference in the coding. I don't know about MySql however but I think they'd also keep that to 4.

  11. Well, if you're just starting out in HTML coding and other programming languages then you should first start out with a simple HTML editor to know the basic tags and what not. You shouldn't start out with a WYSISWYG editor if you don't anything about HTML because if an error occured and the "Design" view don't help, you will be forced to edit the code itself and if you don't know anything about the HTML language, you're doomed. So for a start, use Notepad and learn all the basic HTML codes. And then when you're done, you could use WYSIWYG editors such as Macromedia Dreamweaver. I prefer to use Dreamweaver rather than MS Front Page just because it's more stable and has more features. I've tried to make a webpage using FP but it was just so bad at handling my Photoshop layouts so i moved to Dreamweaver.If you are to use image layouts I prefer you use Photoshop 7+ rather than Macromedia Fireworks because it has better tools for editing the image.

  12. Being new to photoshop, work quality such as that is expected. It's very basic and boring. The image quality is very bad.. Which version of Photoshop are you using because Photoshop shouldn't produce an image quality so bad unless it's below version 7 or so (maybe not even). I like the description about your site though, you should keep that.you should try using the filter effects and text effects such as drop shadow, those always look good. So keep making some more and soon you'll get better.

  13. Man I thought it was true until I came to the part where a Google worker would print out a form from one user and gives it to the engineer guy who puts the google username up. Doing that for thousands of users signing up everyday is just stupid. Don't they use scripts that automatically does that like, the things being put into database and sending the automatic response email. What a pointless excerpt. It's interesting however because it could be a bit believable to those who don't know anything about computers.

  14. This is a pretty interesting project. It's a great Web Word-Processor but it's just a decent Word-Processor. I like the way that one's able to save the file as different formats, thus it can be opened up in MS WORd or Open Office and even WordPad and notepad.There is however a big drawback and that is it's not as flexible as MS Word. There are no rulers and you can't adjust the margins. But after all, this is just a BETA so expect more features to come.

  15. a 1 Terabyte drive for home computers....lol...thats insane. Think of all the spyware and malware that could be uploaded to a home computer at that point. Besides what would the average late night, websurfer do with that much data storage....hmmmm
    Warz, Warz, and more Warz?

    having a 1TB hard drive IS insane for an average late night websurfer, but to those PC gamers who want to play games that store up 3GB each is a good thing. Not everyone who uses computers need that much hard disk space but there are those who do. I myself has only 10GB hard drive (which is even more sad to the guy who has 20GB) and I have backed up softwares that still need to be installed.

    besides, wouldn't it be possible to have 4 250GB hard drives inside a tower? Or 2 500GB hard drives. Then you have a 1TB Hard drive.

  16. You ought to use use GIF format layout pictures rather than JPEG because it would be easier to load the webpages (even though I had no problem loading it). There was no quality problem with the gif layout version. They basically looked the same. If you have Photoshop 8+ you could use "Save Optimized" feature. That's what I use for my layouts. I agree with Pyost, you should find an alternative to iframe.

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