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Posts posted by demolaynyc

  1. Streamloader is a pretty cool idea. I wonder if people would be able to have a website hosted in there like uploading .html pages into it. It'd be a pretty cool idea but I guess since hotlinking is not allowed then it's not possible. I signed up however not know what to use it for but just to have it there in case i need to use it. It'd be a pretty good alternative to using flash drives because as long as one is connected to the internet using at least DSL then there's no need to use a small flash drive that can hold only up to 1gb today. The limitations would be that the person wouldn't be allowed to upload any .exe files or any ZIP programs and whatnot so it depends on how the user will use it. All in all it's a pretty good website and it would be useful to some but not everyone.

  2. I've thought of this idea but it was when I had broadband connection. I thought of it as a stupid funny idea but I never knew that someone would actually do this in real life in a serious way too and not just for the fun of it. I'm sorry to say that this is a stupid idea and if it is done and you share it with other computers then the connection would be twice as slow maybe even slower. OK this post made me think of another stupid funny idea concerning this, why not establish an Internet Cafe where all the computers are connected to a dial up modem and charge them the same amount as other broadband cafe's. Posting that idea just made me realize that workplaces and cafe's did use to have shared dial up connections did they? I thought it wasn't done yet.

  3. Umm that sounds very amateurish but I haven't thought of that and never tested it so you go do it. It kinda makes sense in a weird way but I don't think it is going to work so go do it now! and tell us if it works or not cuz it's a pretty good idea even though it has a noobish concept. If it does work go post it but if it doesn't post it anyway so I can double up my internet speed as well.

  4. Mine is bad. And very slow. And all that crap.
    Intel Pentium III
    USB 1.1
    CD-ROM drive

    etc etc

    No additions to it. So my computer ends up having a lot of freeze-ups. >_>

    I know how you feel. I also have the same specifications as you do. My previous desktop was an

    Intel Pentium I
    64mb memory
    USB 1.1
    CD-ROM drive
    broken floppy disk drive
    broken built-in mic
    broken built-in right speaker
    all the screws are gone that connects the cpu to the monitor (yes it's an all in one Gateway Astro PC)

  5. I found a new energy drink that's pretty hard to find. I tried looking at all the Duane Reade stores around the city and some Deli's but couldn't find this energy drink. The good thing was that it was just down the street in a gas station only a 2 week walk from my cousin's house. This drink is smaller than the gamefreaks' BAWLS drink but has way more content than it looks. It's got at least 100% of every ingredient. The B vitamins reach up to 2000%. The way this drink affects the person is unique because even though it has a lot of caffeine it makes you tired and sleepy at first but at night you'll be staying up for a long time. I couldn't sleep at night so I tried to do some push ups till I was real tired but my eyes wouldn't shut. The drink tastes like any other fruit flavored soda but its effect is different and it's pretty good I don't know how but just drink it and see if you like it. Here are the ingredients:

    Nutrition Facts: Serving Size: 1 can; Amounts Per Serving: Calories: 160; Calories from Fat: 0; Total Fat: 0g; Sodium: 50mg; Total Carbohydrates: 40g; Sugars: 40g; Protein: 0g; Vitamin C: 600mg; Vitamin B2: 3.4mg; Vitamin B3: 20mg; Vitamin B6: 0.17mg; Vitamin B12: 60mcg; Vitamin B5: 10mg; Taurine: 1000mg; Guarana (Seed): 900mg; Pante Ginseng (Root): 25mg; Milk Thistle: 25mg; Ginkgo Biloba: 15mg; L-Camitine: 50mg

  6. Windows Fiji sounds like a bad name for an OS. i heard vista is getting bad comments about it's features ppl say there's too much going on. I think Fiji is a false rumor. But if it is real I'll go with the statement made above this post--they should finish vista first before thinking of making another one.PS: I think they should just keep naming their OS like they did in the past ie: Windows 2000, win98 those are simple and they would be easier to put them in order so ppl would know which would have more and new features. but that's just my opinion.

  7. Well i called the cablevision guys and they told me that i shouldn't use more than one splitter to connect the main cable to the cable modem. and i don't have any router so what i'm planning is that i move the cable modem to the living room where the first splitter is located and connect the modem to a wireless router and get a long phone line modem because i use a broadband phone. the two rooms who have computers would have wireless usb adapters and they're like 50 feet away from the living room. how would the signal be like if i did it this way? would it be the same speed because i have no choice but to place the cable modem to the living room. or should i use ethernet cables and let it run across the house to connect to the pcs. which one would be faster?

  8. As a gamer, i think it's not that cool because it's pointless. I prefer windows os all the way because i just prefer its GUI compared to the other two. For programmers i guess it would be useful but i'm not that kind of guy... yet.

  9. Everyday my cable modem keeps disconnecting me. I get disconnected at least 3 times a day. I tried reformatting my computer to see if any viruses is causing it. After reformatting it worked but after upgrading it to service pack 4, it happened again. Is it the computer that's causing this or the cable modem. The cable modem is pretty new, it's only 4 months old. Can someone help me with this?

  10. Just wondering which search engine do you guys use for research or plainly looking up something in the web. Google? Yahoo? Lycos? Hotbot? Dogpile? Or do you know of any other search engine in the web, share it with us. I used to go with Yahoo or Lycos. Now, i just Google. :P

    I mostly use Google.com because it's the fastest search site to download. Yahoo is as useful as Google but it has too much stuff on its homepage. Google is multipurpose. You can search anything from shoes to even locations of stores with the google maps. You can even find towns from different countries. Yahoo can't do that.

  11. I've heard of runescape and all of the sites that have been mentioned in this topic, but I've never been to them or signed up for them. I usually play at pokemon rpgs or I go to freegameaccess.com and play some games there. But that's the most I do.

    Dude how old are you!? Playing pokemon? That's pretty old. Oh yeah and how come you've never heard of the more popular games like MU Online, Gun Bound, and Runescape? just from seeing this post I think you need to stop playing in freegameaccess.com and go to Arcadepod.com. I think that's the best place to go to.

  12. RsHeaven Owner: it is directly against the runescape rules to buy accounts items and other such things with real life money:That was from Runescape.com .

    If you dont believe me go to the official site.

    Don't break the rules. YOU WILL GET BANNED!

    Well if you're going to sell your account then there's no account that can be banned now. If they ban the account you sold then only the guy who bought it will have problems because he just wasted his money. An alternative to selling things on the internet is "dealing" in real life. Runescape "dealing" isn't as dangerous as drug dealing, obviously because what nerd would bring a gun, especially when you're selling it in the library. So the best place to sell accounts and items are in the library. But make sure they are old enough to even have money to spend. You'd be stupid to sell runescape stuff to a 10 year old. He may even tell the librarian on you. So, avoid making deals online because you might get caught with the computer programs. Use the old way instead and sell it face to face. I haven't tried this but it's worth a try if you're really that desperate to make some money.

  13. Yeah same here, I was on 100webspace.com before I moved here to Xisto. That was exactly the thing that made me move. There are too much ads on my site. They're at the top of each and every page. some of the features they said was free wasn't. In the CP it said I had a free webmail, and hwen I try to use it it doesn't lead me anywhere. I tried to edit my settings and those didn't work. Even though it had 100webspace and has good bandwith, the service is bad.

  14. Dreamweaver is easy to use. It doesn't take long to master it. All there is to master are the codes if you're going to use them. however you don't need to master HTML codes unlike the server-side scripting ones. dreamweaver types the HTML codes for you. But you don't reall need Dreamweaver to make a professional wesite. You need good creativity to make a good one. I've mastered Flash, Dreamweaver, and Photoshop, the three top programs for making the best websites and my site still suck. It's because im lacking the creativity requirement which i need to build on.

  15. that's the same thing I wanted to do. microsoft "stole" my idea. But it's kinda different from mine because mine was supposed to be really LIVE like you can see what is really happening over there. It's like being teleported there singa cumputer. You'd be able to take a plane to go to a different country and just tour there virtually LIVE! I'm gonna check it out when I get home because these libarians in school may think its a game. i don't wanna get kicked out.

  16. Well everything seems to check out right, except I found those algebraic equations hard to interpret, here's something that may help interpret why this maybe so:
    a^2 - 2ab / c + ( b^2 ) / ( c^2 ) = ( c - ( b / c ) )^2


    a = 3, b = 5 , c = 2 and ^x is used to represent powers by x (a number)

    So in that above equation, what you're trying to prove is that:

    a = c

    And it's quite obvious, in that relationship, considering there's no 'a' equivalent on the RHS, so in solving this equation to it's simpliest form, it's possible, you'll get a = c.

    I haven't proved this, however I've looked at the above post and can see why it would be considered this, Ramanujam was an excellent Mathematician, could say he was obsessed/artistic with numbers.

    Aahhhh! Such math! I like Math but those confusing equations just made me dissy. But I did get this poster about the "a=c". But it's still weird.
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