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Everything posted by demolaynyc

  1. Hm... It's pretty cheap to use wireless. I just went to a store today and found a 100 dollar wireless router that includes a usb adapter for the computer that would be needing a wireless connection plus it has 4 ethernet ports available for wired connection. It's worth the purchase.
  2. Looks several people are having problems with the .be . People, forget those two letter domains with exception to .us I think you should just move to short URLS because people would get confused with the .be .nr, .tt, .tk thins because they're uncommon to the unexperienced. ShortURLS and those two letter domains are really close to each other just because the two letter domains are shorter doesn't mean they're easy to remember. If you will go to a short URL you should try CJB.net. It's the most common and people can easily remember it. A lot of people were able to remember my cousin's site and he got a lot of visitors using cjb.net. I myself tried .tk and oother two letter domains and you know how many visitors i got? ..:36:.. but they're all by me.
  3. demolaynyc


    Dot.TK sucks. I've used it for many of my websites and I got annoyed by the delayed service. Oh yeah http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is somehow ...not registered? That's exactly what I got most of the time when I signed up for a Dot.TK website. That's why I moved to CJB.NET I think it's the best one because it's the most common compared to the .co.nr and .tt because those are forgettable. A lot of people remember cjb.net better but unless you can find a free .com host, .COM, .ORG, .NET are the preferable domains. All in all, don't go for the two letter domains because they will be easy to forget. CJB.NET is easy even though it's longer than most of them, but the .NET part just makes it easier. Short URL with them .vze.com .2ya.com ---don't use them, i tried them already and tried to get my friends and family to get to my site but they kept forgetting the ".2ya.com" thing, and also they wonder what it even means like .vze?! I think it's pointless. CJB.Net they won't question, they'll just simply go there.
  4. Finally! Someone who knows a good phone company. In my opinion T-Mobile is one of the worst cellphone companies. People are moving from T-Mobile to something better like cingular and verizon wireless. I think those two are the best so far, I don't know the truth but those two have great services. Don't be foooled by all the cool phones T-Mobile offers! What can you do with it if you have "no" service? I got a pretty good phone Nokia 6102 from Cingular online and it was free because of the INSTANT discount online. I also got the LGC2600 and both are free and great. So if you want a razr just get it from Cingular not T-Mobile.
  5. It's a good site. simple but yet i don't think your site would get the same visitors if you keep it too simple. Spice it up a bit and add more "dynamic" content so you could reel in the people to visit more than once instead of just look at it and pass it by and never look again.
  6. I run my CS2 on a 128mb system, win2k, ... And fortunately it still works fine. I agree with Developer.Col it's probably in the registries. So just do the same thing he did hopefully it'll be back in good shape.
  7. UI've been hearing CMS what does that actually mean or where can I get that. I wanna try it out maybe it can help my problems. Can someone please post a URL?
  8. What I meant was I got skills and I can make any page I see from ready-made templates. But hwat I can't do are the ones I can see in my mind. I can't project it through my own made templates. I think that If I continue to copy those ready-made templates, I will be just a copier and have no original creation, but if I use those templates in order to let my creativity grow, then I'll learn how to project my own from my mind.
  9. I don't like the new look of the Office 12. It loooks like the theme of the new AIM version too. I don't like both the new looks of AIM and Office. It looks like it was made from Flash. I like how the Office XP 02 looks and I'm going to stick with that. Why spend more money on a new look when you can do the same thing with the older version.
  10. So far Xisto is the best choice for free web hosting. The first one I tried was Stormpages which at first I had fun with but a while after they made me pay and they changed their hosting plans so I transfered to Geocities, but the sidebar ad was annoying. I tried a lot more free hosts like Tripod, Netscape, AOL, and all those don't compare to Xisto. So it's good that you guys found it.
  11. Hm I got accepted by AdSense but i haven't even used it at all. I didn't even get my site up. Damn I'm so lazy. That's weird though, what made them decline your request?
  12. How large can the files be for the upload at GoggleVideo? If it's larger then I'll upload my stuff there. Oh yeah YouTube is the safer way of pirating (I don't know about the host though) Because you don't have to download it except to stream it. A friend of mine uses it to watch anime, they got bleach and naruto. I haven't tried it yet but i think it's a good and safe idea.
  13. Runescape is a good game. I left it 2 years ago but seeing this gave me the temptations to go back again. Now I'm going back to mining and smithing. lol. But what I found out is that the kids who play these games today are not like the ones from a long time ago. They're more serious about playing games and toooo into it. One of the girls even said that they "will get my lvl 91 brother on you." WTF !? Was that suppose to threaten me?
  14. I don't know every detail of that pc but i do have basic knowledge on the hardwares, and to sum it all up it's a damn good computer. it's obviously the best for gaming and video. i dunno if the 2k is worth it cuz i'm cheap as hell but i think people would buy it. i prefer buying a decent one that's fast and gradually upgrade it from time to time so i don't lose a lot of money in just a day. however it will take months even years .
  15. I made an account in youtube to upload my videos. it's at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ just in case you want to check it out. YouTube is so far the best video hosting site. You can upload up to 100mb. It's multipurpose. I go there to watch videos and full episodes of shows. I also use it to upload videos i need for my site. I recommend the site to anyone.
  16. I tried paintshop but it wasn't easy to cut out pieces of images from the original picture. I haven't tried the latest PSP but I prefer to use Photoshop 9 because i think it's the best out there.
  17. I make my own templates for my websites but the problenm is that I made a lot of them and they all don't look appealing to me. So I guess I'm going to look for a ready made template online and instead of buying it make a similar template. I don't like using templates because I'd have to pay for one and I want an original layout for my sites.
  18. What do you mean by the "christian-like" way? Is it the way christians live? Because christians dont live to be God but try to follow God.
  19. I just visited the MSN homepage and there weren't any signs of the site hacking into my system. If I didn't go to the right page send me the link so I can find out. And if it is true, i agree with the poster.
  20. Man, that's kind of a rip off if you are banned for good and you payed for all those "expensive" stuff. They shouldn't ban you if you payed for something even if it's nothing--you still payed for it.
  21. For game modding, i'd prefer to use 3ds max because it's very good at 3d modelling. But I heard that for animation, 3ds Max is good, but if you're really good use Maya. That's the program they used for Spiderman 1 / 2
  22. Wow, they're pretty good. I can understand that it is difficult to make the objects as detailed as possible. I tried making one object so detailed, but it took me so long and I didn't end up with a very high detailed product. Like the guy above, you got talent. Keep it up and you'll improve. I hope I can get back to my 3d modelling skills cuz I know I need a lot of improvement.
  23. Like what the other people are saying, the largest harddrive in stock for most stores is the 500gb hard disk. However if you want to go for multi-terabyte storage, then you may need to use an external hard drive and have at least 2 hard drives connected to each other--one master and the rest are slaves. Man I wish I had that much money to buy a big hard drive.Like what the other people are saying, the largest harddrive in stock for most stores is the 500gb hard disk. However if you want to go for multi-terabyte storage, then you may need to use an external hard drive and have at least 2 hard drives connected to each other--one master and the rest are slaves. Man I wish I had that much money to buy a big hard drive.
  24. whoa that's a pretty good way to earn a lot of money. But how are you going to make the people watch the ads when they're only pictures? Or are you going to ask companies to send u video ads so people can watch them. Anyway it's still a good way to earn money, props for coming up with the idea.
  25. Hmm... I don't think grammar or spelling is that really important. I think simple mistakes should still be considered professional, however if there is a major lack of grammar and spelling, then they need to change it.
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