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Everything posted by derouge

  1. Even if you're going to be using PHP I'd recommend learning HTML first. In my opinion good looking sites are best made using HTML, with PHP providing assistance for certain functions. I learned HTML using HTML Goodies but the site seems to have strayed to a more .. commercial design. I'd suggest W3 Schools, as someone did above, for HTML, PHP, and any other languages. Anyways, if you have any specific questions keep asking, most people are more than willing to help.
  2. I discovered the W3 site a short while ago, and since then it's really opened my eyes. I'd never realized there were standards that should be followed when coding a page, I just thought if it shows up right it's fine. Having read through many of the W3's rules and whatnots I've sorta "rebuilt" myself as a novice HTML Designer. When designing my sites I place a lot of emphasis on doing what meets the standards, not just what works. The W3 Validator has helped me a lot, it's an amazing error finder and a useful tool. I plan to switch my HTML->XHTML within the next couple months, and hopefully I'll find the change easy.It's nice to know that when I do make the change there will be people here ready to help. :mellow:Thanks, MC!
  3. I've never really consciencously thought that "all news should be on first page" but I have always done so. It's a really good idea, I hate sites that update but don't announce it, or will say they've added something but not where it is. Assuming your viewers are stupid often works well.
  4. I'll run with the assumption that you want a "cheatbook" database to be used in cooperation with a website. To do this I'd recommend using a MySQL Database, and then to manipulate it PHP. You'll also want MyAdmin to help setup the database. You'll need a database with a list of the cheat names, ID, and then a link to the cheat page. I'll assume again that you're doing it on a game by game basis, not a single cheat at a time. You'll have to set it up so when a user searches it takes him/her to an index page which lists a bunch of links to the cheat pages that contain matches to their search. $lookup = mysql_query(SELECT ID, Name, Link FROM 'cheats' WHERE Name LIKE '$search' LIMIT 0 , 10);$output = $mysql_fetch_array($lookup);$chid = $output['ID'];$chname = $output['Name'];$chlink = $output['Link'];echo ("Cheat ID: ".$chid."<BR>");echo ("Cheat Name: ".$chname."<BR>");echo ("Link: <a href=".$link.">".$chname."</a><BR>"); The above would output the Cheat ID on one line, the cheat name on the other line, and then another cheat name linked to the page (which you'd want to change, since it's redundant). I believe that'd be the code .. although, it's off the top of my head and I'm a newb to PHP, so who knows? You may want to put that in table format or somethin' too, and I think you might need a "foreach" command in there in case there are multiple matches. Gah, I dunno! I hoped that helped. Others can probably clear up other more complex issues if I've given you the right direction. If it's offline go with Access and VisualBasic, and disregard my whole post. ><
  5. It looks pretty good. If you were to re-edit I'd suggest making those club hands/feet into more developed hands feet. I think you can get a cartoonish feel, still, but also have it a bit more realistic. Also, how about some rosy red cheeks?
  6. I've always believed that Visual Basic was more of an .. "application" coding language. Database management stuff, office programs, etc. I suppose those if you wanna code a game with it, go ahead. But if you're gonna be a "serious" programmer C++ is the way to go. You'll probably find that it's syntax is similar to many, many other languages. And, if you master C++ you'll have a firm grip on the "language" of programming. Variables, objects, functions, etc. You'll probably be able to move pretty easily from C++ to any other language. It'd just be a matter of days to get a grip on which words in the new language mean the same as in C. Whatever path you take, good luck!
  7. I'd suggest staying away from any major PC distributor, actually. Especially if the insurance is covering a new system. I dunno if they'll really pay for anything, but I'd suggest checking out a smaller PC Build/Repair shop near you. Why? Well at least at the PC shop I work at we put a lot of emphasis on taking good care of our customers. Little business can't really afford a bad reputation, or even a minorly bad one. You'll probably get better service at a lower cost, too. Once again, the little businesses can't afford to just ignore their customers like the bigger ones. Also, whatever you do stay away from the big "brand name" manufacturers. HP, Dell, Vaio, etc. From a repairmen's standpoint they are not fun to repair. These manufacturers set their computers up (obviously) to work best with the hardware they put inside, and often times it seems only with that hardware. If you're going to be upgrading and such it's a pain in the butt, majorly. Another thing you ought to pay attention to is cooling. The side fan and processor fan will not be enough. The new IBM Fans are crap, to be honest. A step backwards. The last few PCs I've done with them have had major cooling issues. The processor runs pretty hot and the fan doesn't do enough to help it. Err, what else .. you'll probably want a dual core processor, those are pretty sweet. Also, I think someone said double HDs configured with RAID. I suppose it depends on how much hardcore gaming you do. Harddrives are relatively cheap, so you may wanna consider it if you've got the money. I'm not very up to date on Graphics Card so I can't help you there. Uhh, so yeah. Basically the most important thing of all I said is that you should really consider having a small business build it for you, or maybe build it yourself. Once you've got the parts putting them together is like a really easy puzzle. Heck, they even give you an instruction book with the answer to how the pieces fit.
  8. It says somewhere that as soon as you hit -30 credits it automatically deletes your files and whatnot. So .. I doubt it. :/ I guess you could always try asking an admin specifically, but if you're -31 I sincerely doubt it. Good luck.
  9. Well .. I ordered offline from a site. It came with packaging and everything, so I doubt it. I hope not .. -.-
  10. Googled and found this site... it looks about what you'd want. Also, I think trying to code your own shoutbox would be a good idea. I've been playing around with one of my own, and it really is a good bit of practice.
  11. Well, I can't really get into detail more, cause I think I summed it up as best as I could. I did some hardware upgrades to my computer (New Video Card, different Hard Drive, memory upgrade) and now I have to reinstall Windows. I did, except my Activation Key when entered correctly (I've checked multiple times) doesn't work. It says failed, try again. I'm thinking I'll just call MS and have them fix it. I hope that clears it up a little further, Cassandra. If not, sorry .. dunno how else to say it. :/
  12. I'm here mostly because its a free host for MySQL+PHP .. something that isn't easy to find. At least, not easy to find quality hosting of the two. Another reason I came to Xisto is that there were no forced ads. I can't stand horrendous flashing banners at the top of my page, or 100 pop-ups every time a user clicks a link. However, I have Xisto.com listed on my "Credits" page, listed amongst others who have helped with the site, submitted content, or whatever. I feel I owe a thanks to my host, so I provide one. I'm sure most users have no problem with this optional link they could place. You could also provide buttons. I'd be willing to stick that on my credits page. Heck, I'd even post ads on the credits page with a note to help this host stay alive. I do, however, draw the line at gaudy banners and links everywhere. If Xisto goes to that .. it's probably off to another site for me. Keep it how it is!
  13. I'll look on that site and see what I come up with.Now, in regards to Python .. err, yeah. Well, whats that!?! xD I suppose I'd need to do a bit of research into that, as well?
  14. When you upgrade are those 30 credits deducted? Or do you get the token and keep your credits? I guess it doesn't matter to me, as I plan to upgrade when possible .. regardless of the case.
  15. I like the net for a lot of things, researching included. However, the only data I will ever consider "rock solid" is that which I can find in a book. I'll use the net to break into a topic, get a good feel for what it's about, and then I'll grab some books. When writing papers very rarely will I use quotes from the internet. It's just too open ended and many things you find are dead wrong. Now, I know it's possible for a book to be wrong, but it's much less likely. Much less. A book will always be around to show where you got your info from, internet pages are constantly closing and moving. So yeah .. these are neat, and useful for sure. Pretty cool, actually. I'd definitely use them to research a topic, however, anything I find on there and not in a written record is something that just can't be trusted.
  16. What I need to know is how to do the following? I'm completely confused, although I sort of have a general feel of what I need to do, I just have no clue how to do it. I need to be able to take some data from one page, displayed on their site as an HTML table, and then output certain pieces of it to my site. I will disclaim here and now that what I intend to do does not violate any laws, as I'm not stealing a persons content. I am using this to act as an online counter, to see how long someone is online. I also have emailed the company to ask if what I'm doing would be frowned on by them, and they've said as long as I source where the data is from, it's fine. So anyways, an example. Site A has a table that looks like the following .. What I need to do is get that info (Name, Place, Comment) and store it in a database. I'll need the code to loop every 20 minutes by itselfs, updating the database each time. The specific trouble I have is how to recognize where that info starts and ends, and then to be able to recognize multiple rows as seperate entries. I really dunno where to start, even, on the coding side. So, if someone could just give me a little line to start with, that'd be appreciated greatly. If you feel like helping more, thats also appreciated! I am not expecting someone to write out lines of code here that I can copy and paste, I'd much rather be given some resources and a few hints so I can plug away myself. If you need more specifics, just ask. Thanks in advance!
  17. Yeah, as the title says I'm having some troubles activating windows. I own a valid copy, purchased, etc with a product key. Yes, I have the product key. HOWEVER, it doesnt work! I've browsed around the internet and found things about if you update your comp and reinstall windows the key may no longer be valid. If this is true, can anyone enlighten me how I can fix it? I suppose calling Microsoft is a possibility, but I really would rather not if it's at all avoidable. And if I do, does anyone else have advice? I'm not exactly a techno wiz when it comes down to the nuts and bolts of PCs, so if they get into asking specific hardware question I really dunno if I'll be able to field them. If they're concerning the general types of hardware, sure .. I can do that. Also, another problem. Is the Windows Serial # the same as the Prod-Key? Because if not, bad. I dont have the jewel case nor box that my CD came in. I have it stored in a plastic sleeve along with all my other PC junk, and dunno if I could find it if I tried. Gah! I wish I could just pop the CD in my screen and not bother with all this crap. The way I look at it if I bought it, it's mine. I'm following Licensing Agreement and really don't see any reason that I should be harassed. Real annoying. Anyways, help appreciated, (before I go insane).
  18. Very cool link! I've got several of the programs installed and in use. Others I've tried, used, and simply left them behind. The thing about registering to view the last 30~ or whatever is a bit .. odd. Heh, oh well. Top 46 is good enough for me.
  19. FireFox all the way. I switched about a year or so ago to Fox and haven't opened my browser except to test how my sites will look in various browsers. Firefox is open source and not profit driven. This means that although it may not have a major money-making corporation behind it, like Microsoft, it has a dedicated team who codes to produce a good product. If you allowed a brand new computer user to choose between Firefox and IE, and gave them a short introduction on each of the browser's points, I'm sure 9/10 times Firefox would win. It's user friendly for new people, and packed with enough features for more experienced users. Extensions rule! Tabbed browsing is like a gift from God, no longer do I have 9 windows in my taskbar. Instead, it's just one simple Firefox task and whatever else I have going. I'm ranting, I guess. But, hey, not done yet! For now, IE is quite heavily targetted by "hackers" and whatnot. Most spyware and that sort of junk is setup to slip into your computer through IE loopholes. Now, I'm sure if Firefox would grow as big as IE it, too, would have people trying to develop malicious code, but even so I doubt it would be as bad. As I said before, Mozilla isn't some huge greedy corporation like Microsoft. At least for the time being, people love to root on the little guy and hope for them to take out the big guys. I do, anyways. GO FIREFOX!
  20. What do you mean, exactly? Like you want your text to jump up and down for 5 seconds or whatever when they enter, then stop? Or .. you want text trailing your mouse? You want the banner at the top to be constantly animated? If you specify your question a bit more I think I'll be able to help ..
  21. It's neat in a way .. but I think if you're going to be developing your own game you ought to put a bit more thought and creativity into your graphics. To use an online generator proggy is sorta lame. :S Although, for the graphically challeneged (me!) it could be a useful tool.
  22. As other have stated, we'll still be able to use our older versions. When those (somehow) get closed down, there'll be a new and better program available for file downloading/sharing. One of the nice things about the internet is that it's always changing.
  23. Err, I guess it's a nice tutorial, but I dont see the point. Maybe I'm just lucky, but when I tell my PC to shut down, it shuts down. I can click it and walk out of the room and come back hours later to find it off and ready to be used again. I suppose the only practical use would be if you plan on turning the 'puter on and off in a short timespan. If not, I'd be weary of this. I'm sure the extra time it saves is used for something: saving files, closing programs correctly, etc. Although a nice tip, it just doesnt seem (to me) logical.
  24. I personally can just not comprehend the Big Bang. I'm not an overly religious person, but I just cannot come to believe that stuff was just here from nowhere. Where did it come from? Why was it here? I just think that to rationalize it I need there to be a creator, a maker. Maybe that creator set up the Big Bang and let it go, stepped back and watched the Earth work. I believe that things such as evolution exist, but I also firmly believe that there is a God at work. Much beyond that doesn't really matter.
  25. I've played Tibia for three years now. Meh, maybe pathetic. :| But! It's got some good people on it, and once the game runs out of fun it serves as a decent chatroom.
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