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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Exactly. First of all we recommend you to play safely, or at least be fully aware of the risks. Some friends of mine had problems because they were thinking "If it's possible, then it's legal". No, sometime forbidden things are easy and possible, but they remain forbidden.Secondly, Xisto is an international site, with worldwide technical teaching ambitions. Probably most of you even don't know where our servers are located. So, our TOS claim that we only intend to teach fully legal tips. People wanting to learn or to teach illegal things are kindly asked to look somewhere else.
  2. It's a vary serious problem in lot of countries. Around here, when the cops happen to stop a car, they are looking for forbidden things, and blank disks or burned disks are amongst these things. And a forum site TOS is something important because some websites have closed because they were not compliant with local laws or even foreign laws.
  3. Please remember that, on behalf of intellectual property laws, it his forbidden to made several copies of your favourite disk.The reason is simple : a given movie is like a book, it should not be watched by two persons in two different places at the same time. Please note that, in most of countries, going against these law can lead you to very disagreeable situations, including jail. The only thing the law allows you, because you paid a lot of money for your DVD and you could damage it if you put some marmalade on it during your breakfast, is a security backup. The security backup has to be performed the following way. You take your original DVD, you create a backup. After that, you put your backup in a safe (for instance in your bank) where nothing bad can occur. And you watch your favorite movie by means of reading your single copy. If your single copy dies (after looking at your movie two thousand times or after a confusion between your dog's Frisbee and your move DVD) you take your original movie DVD out of it's safe and you create a new single copy. That is what you are supposed to know, and no judge will accept that you did not know that. Knowing that, the only reason why I don't remove your tutorial due to our forum TOS, is that we could imagine that your burner is unable to to burn a DVD9 DVD. In that case it is not against the law to compress your DVD9 movie to a DVD5 disk. However, if a policeman enters your house and sees that your burner is a DVD9 one and you have blank DVD9's available, this reason doing that will not be acceptable.
  4. This is really a stupid post. I was looking for the "stupid jokes" subforum, and I did not find it.So, I finally moved this post here.
  5. Congrats for your first post. :DI wish you a lot of ideas for quite a lot of interesting next posts.
  6. I don't have a real step-by-step instruction tutorial, but the way I will suggest is rather straightforward.You have a 80 gig disk, let's share it in three parts: 40 gig for Windows in two partitions : 20 gig NTFS for the system, and 20 gig FAT32 for data. The rest of the disk unpartitionned. First of all install Windows, but do not use the whole disk, create a 20 Gig partition and install windows on this NTFS partition. Secondly, use Windows for creating a 20 gig FAT32 partition and format this partition. Put some texts on it in order to check you are able to read and write. Third, boot on a Linux install disk (I suggest Mandriva, it's rather easy). Tell the Linux installer to use the rest of the disk, it will automatically create the Linux partitions and will manage the dual-boot windows/Linux, tell that you want Windows as default boot (if some newbies have to power-up your system), and it will also mount the FAT32 partition automatically. The FAT32 partition will be writable both from windows and from Linux, which is rather useful for data and downloads. Hope this helped. Yordan
  7. We need some more info in order to give a really complete solution. first of all we need to know some more things about your hardware. Il your router currently providing the internet connection ? How is your internet PC connected ? USB or wire ? If the router is already providing the internet connection, and if it has some free Ethernet ports, you can simply plug the other PC's to the router. If the router is not currently providing the internet connection, the PC connected to the Internet has to be also connected to the router, and the Internet PC can act as a proxy, with a private (free) proxy software like privoxy.
  8. have a look here : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon for the definition of a favicon. And then have a look at the Xisto tutorial here : http://forums.xisto.com/Add-Favicon-Site-t&hl=favicon More generally, use the "search" button in our forum and look for "favicon", this is a rather popular topic here.
  9. This is a payment of one dollar for 10 clicks, right?I expect the real value to be closer to one dollar for 1000 clicks. We should know this more precisely when you will have chosen your advert provider.
  10. Correct. Do this when your Internet will stop working (fortunately not soon) and tell us the result. Also, at the same moment, tell us if you can catch your router administration web-page.
  11. That's a really great idea! However, most of pay-per-something companies are protected against that, and usually the accounts are based on single-visitors.This means, once you visit a page, it counts as +1. Then, each time you refresh the page (or evern if you poweroff your PC and power-on again and visit the page again) it counts as +nothing because it's the same visitors. You can see that when you will be hosted, you will read your site access statistics, you will see the difference between single visitors and number of clicks.
  12. On my computer the settings are "Let Windows choose the best configuration for my computer", I think I will stay with this.
  13. You have a problem, and we don't know if it's a physical problem or an organisationnal problem.We must first look if you are experiencing a physical problem. This means, we need to know if the cables between you and, let's say, google.com, are all fully operational. To do that, we ask to to send a "ping" on the line. You send a "ping" to a precise computer (known by the address This computer, when receiving this "ping" signal, sends a "pong" received by your computer. This is an international test, allowing any computer to test if any other one is present on the network. Wutske asked you to issue the command line "ping" and tell us what is the result. If the result is "answer received, three packets sent, three packets received, no packets lost", this means that the physical layer is OK, the systems are reachable on the ethernet network. If the physical layer is correct, let's have a look at the logical layer. If "ping" works, and "ping https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl; does not work, this means that the name-to-address translation is not working. The name-to-address translation has to be done by the Domain Name Server (usually known as the DNS). If the DNS does not work properly, your computer cannot surf to http://forums.xisto.com/ because your computer is unable to know the IP address of http://forums.xisto.com/ If "ping https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl; shows an IP address and no packet received, this means that your DNS is working correctly, but the packets are not routed correctly. This means that the main gateway is not working. In that case, you don't have to change your ISP, you have to tell your ISP "sorry, but the gateway does not route my packets, can you please fix that?" This is a long way for explaining this, sorry, but, I hope that, now, you know why we ask you "can you please perform a ping test?" Regards Yordan
  14. Except if the other cores are disabled by physically removing the internal wires before packaging the chips.
  15. If you are the owner of this webpage, this should be quite obvious. Download your page on your PC, and use an editing tool like Kompozer Portable or NVU portable for editing your pages, test them locally, and upload them again to your website.
  16. which antivirus are you using ? Is it nod32 ? In that case, have a look here : http://forum.wampserver.com/read.php?2,43686
  17. usually when it's the case it's proudly said : "Core 2 Quad"! Whereas when the name is like "Core 2" or "Core 2 dual", this means two cpu's.
  18. And why do you have to restart ? If you can access the router through a browser, this means that your ethernet connection works fine from your PC to the router. So, where is the problem ? Is your router not routing any more ?
  19. From the technical point of view there is nothing illegal.If your phone is able to connect to a private proxy And if your PC is able to act as a private proxy Everything is legal. The only problem is to know if your contract with your cell-phone company allows you install any program of your choice on your cellphone. And also, if you install a commercial software on your PC you have to buy it.
  20. A standard router almost never reboots. Mine reboots once a year. Your problem is an indication that something is really bad in your home network install. If not, your Internet provider should fix that.
  21. Seems that the video codecs are missing.At least, this is the kind of symptoms occuring in Ms-Windows when you forget installing the vido codecs.
  22. I type "rpm -qa" on mandriva systems, no problem. @takerraj, did you put all the rpms in the same folder ? In that case "rpm -i *" should work.
  23. Please read our forum rules. Posting copied text without quoting it is considered as plagiarism and can lead to a ban. Your post is clearly copied from somewhere else, probably from http://forum.mmosite.com/topics/298/200909/09/363,1.html I did the quoting part for you today, next time I expect you to do the quoting job by yourself.
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