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Everything posted by yordan

  1. That could be another interesting topic, but let's ask the question here.You talk about $150 per month. I pay $25 for two months. Of course I almost don't use my phone, and I send rather few SMS's. However, it's 12 times less than the amount you are talking about. So, let's ask : how much do you pay for using your cellphone ?
  2. In my opinion, in order to really measure the setup time, you must start with a freshly bought disk, or a disk you just formatted using "format c:" from a msdos diskette.then you put your install CD inside the reader, you power on your system, and you start measuring the time.You boot Linux, you choose everything you want to install (in old Redhat versions there was a menu quite at the end saying 'install everithing', now you must click each subserver you want to install).Then you need to test the Ethernet board, test that a DHCP server is available, accept the standard DHCP install, clic continue.Then you see "please wait, formating the disk" (nowadays you format 300 to 500 gig's).Then you see "verifying rpm's concistency", please wait.Then you see "copying files".Then a first reboot.Then a prompt "pleas insert update CD 1".then "Please wait".Then "installing please wait".Then, if you are in front of the computer, "do you want to add more users?"Then logoutthen rebootNow stop the watch.Did you really perform this in less than three minutes ?Usually, I need between half an hour and a couple of hours, depending from the speed of my disks.
  3. err... well, but can we roughly know a little bit more about your thesis concerns ? Which is it's main field ? About the way of feeding parrots ? Or making diamonds from charcoal by pressing it with a chair edge? Or backing up a computer through a wired network?And of course we need to know which is your environment. Are you in a university? Are you inside a team ? Are you leading experiments ? Do you already have published articles?
  4. He just wants his C program to make a big amount of light coming from his display (for instance a screen refresh), so it's litterally a "flash" like in "flash-lamp", a flashing light.On a Unix system you can do this by "tput blink" followed by "tput sgr0", but how could you do it in pure C, making a whole screen full of white and then back to normal?
  5. Hi, Jonathan, welcome aboard.No problem for being both at Xisto and here.Happy posting !
  6. Hm!I would say that this is not Unix.This is close to emulating "getty", the process in charge of connecting the users.getty is not Unix.It's in charge of opening the communication channel (usually a tty), ask for the username and password, verify in /etc/passwords, and then fork a shell.And even this shell is not Unix, the shell is a command line interpreter. Then comes the master philosophical problem : what is Unix ?I would say that Unix is "init", the father of all the processes in a running Unix machine.
  7. Sorry, it's so obvious : the file name is stdio.hIt's path is defined in the variable LIBATH, it's usually /lib or /usr/lib
  8. Hmm! Really very misterious! So, it's Unix, but it's Unix, and it runs on Unix but it's Unix! Am I already sleeping, or are you kidding?
  9. In order to printf "Hello", the C linker needs some standards subroutines, which are in the file stdio.h (standard input-output subroutines). #include means "please include in my program the routines in stdio.h, so that each function I will call will be defined in stdio.h
  10. Have a look at a C language manual, for instance here : https://support1-sgi.custhelp.com/And look for the "system" function :
  11. Huh? In what file is what ?
  12. Ha! Now we start understanding.You don't want an embedded Adobe Flashplayer. You want to have a flashing light on the user's screen from a C program. something like system ("tput rev");printf(" ");printf(" ");printf(" ");printf(" ");system ("tput sgr0");Of course, I hope this is to be used on a Unix system. On a Crosoft Winbows I would be curious to see the result of "tput rev" !
  13. Very interesting fact. And I would deeply like to understand what you are talking about. Talking about a set of conveyors, and more precisely a sentence stating that the faulty one is number six?
  14. Talking about tput, another interesting one is This resets your terminal to standard values, removing "rev", "blink" and other disagreeable features you got if you "cat" a binary file to your display.
  15. and also, please, when you give such an info, give it completely.I'm pretty sure the heading "{" needs a trailing "}" in order the function description to be complete.
  16. I think with Skype and with google voice you can ring a home wired phone. You cannot do this with google talk.
  17. Just download the (free) Microsoft Excel viewer, it will display correctly all your Excel files. You will not be able to modify the files, but no problem for reading.
  18. Are you asking how to download Adobe Flashplayer for Linux ? Or are you asking if Flash Player exists for Unix versions other than Linux ?Or are you saying that you want to write down a C program using flash instructions for people having not installed Flash on their Windows PC ?
  19. Why don't you start with one of the many tips you say you have ?
  20. So, seems that Windows 7 RC is buggy.Or vmware for Mac seems buggy.Or you had a license registration problem.Did you try a more stable Windows, let's say Windows XP or Windows 2003 on your vmware for Mac system ?
  21. Sorry, but here at Xisto you are posting on a technical forum. So, you are supposed to pay attention to what you are typing. When you ask a question you are supposed to tell us precisely what is happening in order we can really help you. And when you answer something, your answer should be exact, else the guy who reads your text can do mistakes.Suppose that you, demlasjr, have a critical problem, and I tell you "click format c:" instead of "click shutdown immediate". This could be really catastrophic if a newbie reads that. A lot of people around the world have trouble, intermixing OS, browsers, search engines and simple Internet. Our responsibility here is to help them understanding, not making the things more confusing.
  22. @starscream : I agree with Zorba and with you, talking the same way when commenting the same topic is not plagiarizing. @fermin25: you have been warned on october 22d concerning this post : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/97274-topic/?findpost=1064403854, so you cannot say it was two monthes ago. I removed your warning. However, remember that this does not change the rules. You have to definitively stop posting copied text, else you will be banned. Posting "I did not know the forum rules" has been accepted once, this is the last time I accept this. Now, fermin25, please write down some honest posts, with your own words, in order to push your myCENTs back to positive. By the way, fermin25's topic was a call for help, that's why it's acceptable. Else, posting the same topic both at Xisto and at Xisto is not acceptable, it's considered as double-posting, unless one of them is between quote tags...
  23. Maybe we should understand the difference between all these concepts.We should not mix a people and chief of a government.A lot of people agree that Staline did a lot of unwanted things. This does not mean that each guy born in Eastern Europe has the same way of thinking.Some people do not like the way the American President actually thinks about arabian Fuel. This does not mean that each American Guy (or Girl, sorry) thinks the same way.Some media around the world give unwanted info's. This does not mean that all the media are to be thrown away.So, we should say "I do not like Mister XXXX" instead of saying "The YYYY people is blah-blah-blah".For instance I would say that "The Nazi" were not a people, they were part of a people. Leading that people to something bad or something good is another question, and should be discussed in another topic.
  24. ahem! While typing, you should ear "click" when you press a key, if you ear "wham!" that effectively means that you are destroying your keyboard. Which is somewhere only a material problem. But this also means that your typing movement is false, you will get tired very fast and some muscles and bones receive abnormal sollicitation.If you want to write your own book, when your training is finished you can fluently type hours long, without being tired, and your keyboard will only make "click" sounds. The only keyboard I destroyed was on the machine devoted to the "Death Rally" game, the "left" and the "fire" keys had problems.
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