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Everything posted by yordan

  1. And when was this? Three months ago? Twelve years ago?
  2. This will not occur.If you see a spamming topic, do not reply, just Report the spam and you have no trouble. If a legitimate topic starts, it's OK. You replay this legitimate topic, it's still OK. If spamming answers appear in a legitimate topic, only the spamming answers will be deleted, not yours, so you will loose no credits.
  3. No real contradiction, maybe just a historical misunderstanding.OK, the promotional plan is exactly what it's name says : a promotion.Standard user should better choose the "logic plan", which is enough for most standard usage.And, if you have a look, you will see that the promotional plan is about twice cheaper, but offers less disk space, is devoted to small websites, and asks you to have $10 inside your account balance (from posting for instance) or to send $10 from your PayPal account. If you really currently have $10 in your account, you will probably want to post from time to time in order to earn the $10 for your next day invoice next year. So, you will automatically need to post on a regular basis.The only real problem will occur if you don't have enough $$ inside your credit balance and you don't have time for posting.You know, you cannot have everything without effort.Asta provides very professional hosting provided that you post on the forum, which means you give us your work and we provide you with ads-free hosting. If you prefer you can send money through PayPal in order to sustain your hosting. If you don't want to work and you have no money, you should choose another solution.Our sister hosting site qupis.com is there for that purpose. You register at qupis.com and you get hosting without any money nor posting, if you accept a one-line ads at the bottom of your webpage.
  4. No real need to change the poll options. Geocities has 1.2% votes and Hostclix has 0% So leaving them here does not significantly change the results. Moreover, people have voted for them, we cannot simply destroy these votes.
  5. Alternatively, you can boot an a Linux LiveCd distro.If youtube.com works correctly with the Linux LiveCD, this means that the problem does not come from your hardware, it's somewhere in your Windows settings.
  6. This is not the technical answer we expect here. We want you to tell us which software you use, if you are satisfied with it. As stated, there a lot of such ones around here, which one are you using, which are it's strong points?
  7. I guess that, as usual...If you buy your PC from a manufacter, it's shipped with Windows 7, including all the drivers. If you happen to change to another graphic display or another burner or another sound card, you will need to buy it with it's own driver. And, of couse, some of the audio adapters don't have a decent "seven" driver.
  8. Please switch to topic http://forums.xisto.com/topic/97799-topic/?findpost= If the final release is available, no more interest discussing about the beta version...
  9. Which is prechisely what I do each time I install a system : I love the way these sites scan your computer and tells you "click here" for each missing driver.
  10. I can imagine that you fond somebody who can temporarily provide you with a spare hard disk. You backup the whole content of this disk on an external storage (like a USB disk), you remove your own disk and put this one, you install Windows, and see if it has the same problem.That's what I stated when I said "we could imagine". I guess that this is what a guy in a repair shop would do, in order to clarify the situation and make a real diagnostic.
  11. Not at all, I think exactly the same way as you do : if it works correctly with a LiveCD Linux, this means that the problem is not coming from the cpu, nor the memory, nor the graphic display or the Ethernet card. This helps gratly making a diagnosis.And we could imagine borrowing a hard disk in order to see what happens with a fresh Windows install.
  12. OK.So, the address is correct, and your friend is able to read his mails.This means that Yahoo does not accept 4 megs files. gmail has no problem receiving big files, but Yahoo has to accept sending them.Now, the best thing is to upload your files to fileserver like uploadingit.com. You mail your friend the link to the file, when he will click the link it will download the file on his PC, and then you will be able to remove the file from the server.This is the standard way for sending files, a lot of mailer do not accept attachements more than some hundreds k.
  13. Did you try to simply send a mail without any attachment? This could clarify the mail provider change ability.Then, when your friend answers, this will check the two-ways path. And when you answer, add your files, this will check attachment handling functionality.You have to check each one of these steps because sometimes the problem is inside the attached files, for instance the mailer is sometimes unable to perform a virus check.
  14. You're probably right. However, I would be curious seing what happens if, on a "decent" system configuration smoothly running seven, what happens if we downgrade to XP? Would it not run faster, because needing less resource so being very performant on a fast system?The only real answer would be, on a given high-end system, running calibrated tests (for instance opening a huge powerpoint document or convering a big wav file) on both operating sysgtems in the same hardware.
  15. Kernel panic on the console (the ascii terminal, you get it probably with Alt-F1 or ctrl-F1) or it's hidden by the frozen X11 terminal.
  16. It your problems were due to hardware trouble, you would experience exactly the same symptoms. Simply, linux does not name that "BSOD", it names that "kernel panic" or other funny names.
  17. The problem is not coming from the processor. As long as it' a Windows-32bits game, it will work on any Windows hardware, whether it's Intel or AMD. The difference will come from the graphic and mouse adapter : if the game uses some ATI hard-coded instructions, it will not work on non-ATI adapters, for instance. That's why clever game conceptors create games supposed to work on all home PC's. Of course, if you are talking about price/performance ratios, then AMD could be more interesting, but it's not a question of processor types, it's a matter of manuferturers pricing policies.
  18. I had this problem with a graphic driver, but I did not "choose" to update, Windows updated it by itself, and now no way to uninstall it, or install an older version. Probably because windows puts the drivers in it's own place, where removings or new installs have no effect.
  19. For portability's sake it would be safer to find what's wrong in your way using the python library.If it's a one-shot, "quick-and-dirty" thing, you can try using the bzip binary, provided that it's your own server and you know where the binaries are.
  20. I would also try to run a Linux like Puppy Linux during a couple of hours, to see if it has the same problem. If you can surf on the web with a Linux distro (booted off a USB flashdisk) without a problem on the same PC, this would mean that it's not related to the hardware or to the memory, only to Windows things.
  21. I see the rightmost "Login" box with my Firefox 3.0.10 when clicking in the link provided in the mail.So, the problem is not directly firefox, it's related to something else. Maybe the screen resolution which prevents you to directly see the "upper right" corner without mouse drags?
  22. First of all, did you finally succeed seeing the login screen ?And secondly, yes, this would be a great idea reporting the problem to Mozilla, especially if you can show two screenshots, one displaying the login screen with the other browser, and the second one with Mozilla not being able to display it.RegardsYordan
  23. It's a browser display problem. Here is how it looks with Internet Explorer. annoy.htm You see at the right the Login square, asking for your email and your password. You can also go directly to https://support.xisto.com/ and give the infos (E-mail and password) found in the mail you are talking about.
  24. Not sure this could be done at asta, because most cpu-intensive or i/O intensive or network-intensive accounts would be suspended.
  25. You don't really have to worry about that, but.. The physical server names are alpha, gamma, mu, etc... You can see it in the first page of your cpanel, "Server name". For instance, if you are hosted on gamma, at any moment you can have a look at the Server Status page on the Xisto main portal https://support.xisto.com/serverstatus.php and check that everything is OK on your server, et check the uptime for your server.
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