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Everything posted by yordan

  1. I love this ! Because it's in a loop on the whole database ! So, in case of mistake, you detroyed the whole database !
  2. By the way, do not forget to follow the steps described in this nice tutorial : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/91711-topic/?findpost=1064359327
  3. On your PC in your office, you have a lot of rpm's, as well as the last Oracle patch you just downloaded from Metalink. These files are on a shared folder, and you would like to access this folder directly from your AIX servers, in order to avoid useless file transfers. The solution is rather simple, for instance see here : http://unix.ittoolbox.com/groups/ And that's right, it worked perfectly on my AIX server. Of course, you had to work a little bit before that : On your PC, you have to create a user, for simplicity let's name this user "myuser", his password is "mypassword". You also have to create a shared resource named "home" (on my PC it's named CX500). On the AIX server, verify that you have the cxfs lpp : CONSOLE # lslpp -l *cifs* you should see something like " bos.cifs_fs.rte COMMITTED Runtime for SMBFS". If cifs is not installed, you will have to use smit install (with the AIX CD inserted) in order to install it. And I don't use the /mnt mountpoint, I use /remote, don't forget "mkdir /remote" first. Then, just typing the "mount" command mounts the PC/NTFS file on your AIX mountpoint. So, everybody can "cd /mnt ; vi myfile.txt", you will see that the user has read and write permission. Which is normal, the mount command give a regular Windows username and password. By the way, if you don't type the /mypassword part in the commandline, you are prompted for the Windows myser passwod, and you type it blindly, which is better from a security point of view. Isn't this nice ? AIX users can startup the install of Oracle patches downloaded on the PC, and the user on the PC can read the comments from files written by the AIX/Unix users. A nice collaboration between Unix and Windows worlds
  4. OK, so, now, on your main PC, you have :1) one network adapter fully working, connected to the internet.2) one spare network adapter, to be connected to the second pc.Now, On the main PC, on the spare network adapter, configure the following IP address : the second PC, configure the IP address a crossed cable between the two adapters you just configured.From each PC, ping and addresses must ping from each PC.When this step is achieved, the physical link is working, we will see the rest firthermore.
  5. This IP is not an official worldwide addres routable all around the world. This is a fully private address, only your main PC can route it to the rest of the world.
  6. It's removed by starndars McAfee Viruscan installation, see here : http://www.mcafee.com/threat-intelligence/malware/default.aspx?id=139985 If you don't have McAfee ful install, you may user their standalone virus remover named stinger, which is here : http://www.mcafee.com/us/downloads/free-tools/stinger.aspx
  7. It's even worse than that. Seems that the whole site disappeared... The url is unreachable since several days.
  8. Have a look at the documentation here : https://www.phpbb.com/support/docs/en/3.0/ug/
  9. If you look at your cpanel General account information, you will see the exhausted part of your quotas. You will see someting like : So, it seems that today the SQL disk usage is a courtesy of Xisto, they kindly take it apart from our general disk usage. So, we should not abuse, else they will change their mind!
  10. Ach ! this means that you have a hardware problem now! A computer should see a link as soon as you plug a cable.If no computer sees a link, that means that you have a cable problem. If you have a rather old PC, you need a true crossed Ethernet cable, which is not the case with the modern Ethernet adapters. Try to borrow a crossed cable, and you should see the lamps on the adapters on as soon as you plug the cable. If no lamp come up or Windows sees no network, this means that your cable is bad, or your adapter has a problem.
  11. Simply use my tricks if you want to use your own IP addresses, you don't need DNS nor nat nor firewall.Firewall will be an axtra bonus for the next step, when everything will be working fine.
  12. This is false : ip of this machine must be 192.168.1.XXX (XX=5 or 6 or what you want). This IP must be on the same network (192.168.1.___ as the computer at the other hand, which is Hope his thelped Yordan
  13. Each "slave" computers will have fixed IP, I agree.Each one of these computers must have :. the primary one as default gateway when you configure the slave NIC's properties.. they must also have a valid DNS. Look at your primary computer the address of the DNS, and eventually the address of the Internet proxy.Then, this should work.
  14. You're welcome. Nice to have been helpful.
  15. Most of Oracle docs are in English. I guess arabic charsets are in Oracle. Did you have a look at the Oracle documentation page here : http://docs.oracle.com/
  16. @Mutlu : now you have to give us an info.I think each one of us had a different understanding of your question.I understood that you wanted to know what the biggest possible database we could imagine. The answer is : "almost no limit".Maybe I am wrong ? Maybe your question was precisely on Xisto, asking how big could be the amount of database storage you are allowed on your free Xisto account ? Then the answer is : "rather small, but you can mage to survive with it".
  17. Don't worry. Linux is like other Unix systems. There are only 400 commands you have to remember. You learn one of them every day. After two years you master all of them. And it's time to restart learning because you changed release and the syntax you learned changed. I have 20 years experience, so I have no problem saying "I don't know how it works" and I type "man vmstat" in order to learn how to use the vmstat command (which is the Linux command I decided to learn today).
  18. You need to have KDE in order to install it. If you have it on your Linux CD, you can install it from the CD. If you have internent, you can download it. If you don't have internet, go on a computer which has internet, download the KDE software, go back to your computer and install KDE...
  19. But you should not use this kind of working. Reading words like "ur" helps nobody learn English.
  20. There is no real limit to a database capacity.I have created Oracle databases with several tens of terabytes, no problem.The only real limitation is the physical disk storage you have.Then, there are some small differences due to small implementation differences from one database manager to another one, or some bugs in one manager and not on another one.I know people having really huge databases work with Oracle, they are afraid working with mysql or postgres.
  21. A lot of good people are gone, I hope some good people will come someday.
  22. look here : https://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-169602.html (obtained from https://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&q=hobuntu&meta= ) They say : Hope this helped Yordan
  23. Look here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/14204-topic/ the old "readonly" problem seems to be here again. My own website is currently simply unreachable : no http to my homepage, no ftp for upload.
  24. Could you please explain what isCould you please explain what is a "system frequency for scools and university" ?Do you see this as an accounting system, like for the workers in some factories, logging who is where, when and how long and why ?
  25. I tried populis.comAnd I am very angry The offer your own domain for free.They verify that your domain is free.You reserve the domain.Now you have your own page on firstname.yourdname.comVery nice, you have some megs, and you have ftp for utploading your html files.Unfortunately, they server ftp.populis.com is never available : timeout waiting for connection at any moment of the day !So, your domain name is reserved, you cannot buy it any more, but your site is unreachable because you cannot upload your index.html file !So, what I recommend : if you want a domain name, don't even click on populis.com homepage !Yordan
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