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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Maybe yes, maybe not. But, there is no risk.You have sparkx's program which is able to connect. Simply backup your own program, and change the two lines to push them the way sparkx says. If this does not help, then, you are right and this is not the problem, and you restore your original php file from the backyp. But if this happens to work, you will be happy and you will shout "thanks a lot for the help, folks".
  2. Don't want to startup polemics, but... a W___dows system which does not crash, who has seen that ? I see one every time I install a system from stratch, and then, as soon as I start surfing on the web I start experiencing crashes, and I support it until I feel sick an reload my sysbackup.Now, if your question concerns my own way of working, I do this that way : a) Windows system on a FAT32 partition, so I can virus-scan it when booting off my ms-dos bootable cdrom (just for diagnositcs purpose in case of giant panic). three NTFS partitions for Windows-only things (videocompression or things like that). c) One FAT32 partition for cooperative disk-sharing. d) When I am satisfied with the windows system settings, I boot off the Mandrake Linux CD. e) During the Mandrake install I choose "install on the remaining space on the hard drive", and it automatically creates the Linux filesystems, and automatically mounts all the Windows partitions as Unix filesystems. f) All my default Linux storages go the the FAT32 fileystems, all my default Windows storage go to the FAT32 filesystems. When this filesystem is full, this means that some job is finished, I move the files to my USB storage disk.
  3. I would if I could. Unfortunately, I'm not a king in php. I'm only able to use the automatic scripts within the Xisto cpanel, where you have nothing to do except giving your account name and password. So, if something is wrong inside one of your scripts, let's wait until one of the php gods around here come and have a look.
  4. OK, you are right. vujsa will PM you if he prefers working that way.
  5. I guess that vujsa wanted to have some lines from your php source code around the "connect" word, in order to see what could explain not being conneted. The username and passord is here a useless detail, the important thing is the syntax of the php lines trying to connect. Or you can, as usual, say myname/blahblah or blah/password, just to explain where you put the password. As a matter of example, when I talk with my Oracle support I say "I try sqlplus blah/brol ", and everybody knows that here "blah" stands for my username and "brol" replaces my secret password. And the syntax sqlplus blah/brol has to be accepted unless the RDBMS system is down.
  6. Yes, Kodakgallery is great. However, they would like you to sometimes order paper printing from them. And, if you spend too much time without paying for printing pictures, they simply suppress your account.That's why, for sharing pictures, I use my Xisto account, or I use free filesharing hosts.
  7. OK, I muss confess my warning could be a little bit too strong. However, do you think that the name "lifehacker" currently stands for "doing nothing other than fully legal and non-intrusive stuff" ? Simply, standard people shoud be warned that some acts are sometimes not politically correct and could be somehow risky.
  8. Maybe one simple test could be to use phpMyadmin with this user's name and password, in order to see if the user exists.then, you should also verify that the user's tables still exist and have rows.
  9. Also remember that bittorrents are often used for illegal purposes, which is against Xisto chart. Moreover, using torrents is forbidden in a lot of countries, and some Internet providers have to report to police the name and address of their users which are dowloading via torrents, in order that police people know in which house they have to go in order to look for illegal copies of software and movies. So, dserban, when you give such info, you must also warn the user that what they are doing is probably very dangerous (seing the cops knocking at your doors and bringing away your hard disks and all your CD's in order to verify everything is a really disagreable experience).
  10. Have a look here : https://www.oracle.com/sun/index.html Mainly, it works on intel-based platforms. By the way, may I suggest you to slightly change your topic title, in order to make it more specific. For instance, as a topic title, I would suggest, instead for "Staroffice", put "Which platoform for Staroffice ?"
  11. Concerning the floppy, remember virtualfloppy, which gives you an "a:" disk even if you have no hardware floppy on your system. So, no need to really go to shop and buy a real floppy, you can work only on image files. Then, if you lost your MS-DOS disks, you download the Windows 98 or windows Millenium or free DRDOS floppy disks images from http://bootdisk.com/ , and use them as a: or b: floppy on your system, and use Nero to create a bootable CD from them. By the way, the problem is not solved yet,
  12. I really don't understand what you want to do. You will need hours in order to just read the daily mails coming from a single mailing list, so spending some seconds for each list is nothing compared to the future work for reading all the incoming mails from each mailing list.
  13. Also don't foget ImageFilez , the link at the top left part of your forum screen. The 3 megs per picture size (5 megs for free registrated users) is decent for picture needs.
  14. The pictures at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ are rather small (140 pics wide), so this kind of things is really reachable by the standard hosting plan, which is 500 megs disk space. The interactivity is easily obtained with the current 4image or coppermine image galleries which are straightforwardly installed by the cpanel installer coming with your account. So, first have a look at these standard tools provided here at Xisto, before trying something more complicated. Moreover, here at asta the standard photo galleries are easy to upload and automatically thumb, because the hosted members don't have the memory limitation problems you could experience somewhere else. So, I would strongly suggest to try 4images first (my favourite you can guess) although coppermine could be closer to the style of the site you were referrencing. Regards Yordan
  15. Sorry folks, as a voodo performer, it seems that I am the only guy really able to talk about magics at the present moment.So, without wanting to be offending against anyone, I would like you to pay attention to a small detail.Magc is neither science nor technology. Science is now able to perform things like levitation or holography which seemed magic some hundreds of years ago. However, what we name magic today concerns things that cannot be explained neither by sciene nor by technology.That's why I moved the present topic off the "Science and Technology" forum, to "The Einstein Factor" forum.RegardsYordan
  16. If it's a family site for sharing pictures, you need to test it with Microsoft Internet Explorer, because a lot of computers in the world are sold with IE pre-installed.If it's a gaming site, it has to be reachable by newbies using dad's computer, which probably also has Microsoft Internet Explorer.So, Internet Explorer must be the first browser you should test.
  17. Problem seems solved, so I added the word "solved" in the topic title, so that nobody else will be afraid.
  18. If you know the full path for the signal.h file (mine is /usr/include/sys/signal.h) use grep this way : grep -i sighandler /usr/include/sys/signal.hAnother slightly more complicated way would be to do : set -xfor i in `find / -print | grep signal.h`dogrep -i sighandler $idoneset +xFirst try the first way, to test your grep skills. The second way is a funny way. "set -x" makes the shell to be verbose, issuing each grep command. the "find" generates the full path for each file named "something.essai.h" and gives it to the $i variable The "grep" finds the "sighandler" string in the config.h file. I use this more sophisticated way because there may be several signal.h on your system. In mine, they are :
  19. I guess that this could be faster solved by the commercial guys instead of the online support.I guess that online support people don't really know if you are not cheating, trying to use twice the same code.I think that if you try to reach the sales people, and explain them "your site destroyed my free print codes without giving me the prints", and ask them to give you another working code ("please"!), they will probably agree.
  20. Depends probably from when you hit the F11, probably after keyboard check but before Win startup. Last time I did it, it immediately asked me my username and password, which makes me think it's a shortcut allowing you to login before going to coffee, letting the system finish booting without having to uselessly wait.
  21. I would suggest to first use your Xisto account for hosting your domain, this service is professional enough for your first steps. Then, move to paid hosting only after your site is so successful that your hosted account (500 megs space) is not enough for hosting your website or if you reach the bandwidth limit.I do this way for my own purposes, and unfortunately I have so few visitors that I don't exhaust my Xisto diskspace and bandwidth, which is a good test for my design skills and gives a nice idea of my worldwide reputation. Regards Yordan
  22. Quantum.Byte, you must add the quotes when you are reproducing a text coming from somewhere else. I did it for you this time, look how to use the quotes and do this way next time. Your text is an exact copy from http://www.freewarefiles.com/Spybot---Search-And-Destroy_program_7280.html For honesty, when you use a text written by somebody else, you must put it between quotes and give the link where it is coming from. Else, this would be plagiarizing, which does not respect our forum rules. More than that, try to give us a real info. Most of us know about Spybot S&D, and we are very interested about your opinion. Did you use this product by yourself ? Are you satisfied with it ? Was it able to remove the last trojan which infected a friend's PC ? My last trojan was detected by Norton which failed to remove it, and Spybot also failed removing it, and I simply had to re-install my PC. This kind of info is worth for us : tell us how the thing works, tell us how you use it, tell us it's limitations or it's easy-to-useness.
  23. I would say that fdisk, booting from a MS-DOS disk, should be able to remove the c: partition. If not, you can use knoppix to remove the partition, you need rather few Linux knowledge in order to destroy a partition, just turn around the menus.
  24. Sorry, completely off-topic, but your first sentence I felt rather surprizing : I expected an atheist to be a contemplative guy, mainly observing others acting, with full respect but without any intrustion. I expected only religious people to be active.I would like to discuss with you about this subject, however this part cannot fit the "Computers & Tech >Internet and Websites" subforum. What about opening a topic on that precise point, preferably in the "Einstein Factor" forum ?
  25. I would say that the goal for these interoperating systems is to save place, using the same files under Linux and under Windows. So, the interest for instance would be to send to a friend your picture from your last holidays, using your Crosoft Messenger when booting under Windows, but the file to be sent being on your Linux partition.Or downloading a Linux rpm while connected to windows (I simultaneously download the Windows version and the Linux Version of the Oracle patchsets for instance), and when booting under Linux I install the linux rpms which are physically on the Windows disk, without having to copy them.
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