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Everything posted by yordan

  1. So, if the question is "can I have free hosting here in order to host my game ?", the answer is YES. and, of course, have a look at what thepinder said, if you know nothing in php nor html, you will also need a guy in order to write the code for your game.
  2. Understanding the problem is already one step ahead.Maybe teaching is the second part of the solution : explaining other people that the way they are acting is the wrong way. The last horrible thing I heard was "Live in wooden house, it's more natural". No, destroying a part of a forest for building my house is not a good solution, Maybe building a metal and plastic house built with metal from old cars ans plastic from old tires would be better for my planet. And, of course, let's remember that all of us are citizens from somewhere. When voting for the people who will be our government, we cold vote for these who think as us, for people who don't want to help the big companies who destroy forests.
  3. Unfortunately not, I suddenly had a lot of things to do at the same time, and that precise task got swapped to /dev/null.
  4. imgbolt.com seems to have disappeared. Now we obtain a generic search page.Did you hear about that ?
  5. You initially posted this topic in the "Free Web Hosting » Computers & Tech » Internet and Websites", which is not suitable for this kind of info. That's why I moved your topic here, where most probably it's place is.RegardsYordan
  6. Sorry, but the starter topic was talking about a very precise distro which is If you go to the mentionned URL, you download something which is a 670 megs iso, which is typically a CD, and not a DVD. That's why I am guessing that it will need no more than 2gigs, and not 9g or 16g. Same principle with the Mandiva One LiveCD, it's one CD and it claims needing 2g during install.
  7. I tried it just for fun for my audio controller, VEN_8086 DEV_266 and the first things I found was people on forums asking which device it is ... Thanks a lot for that Vendor + device trick, it will help me a lot for next time I will perform a fresh install from scratch on an unknown hardware PC.
  8. I guess that it's "full including everything possible". I guess that, in real world, the contents of the 690 Megs CD will not expend far more than 2 gigs ? Or is there a way of supercompressing by a factor about 20?
  9. I heard a fan on the TV saying that it's an investment, which will make the club earn a lot of money.
  10. Thanks for the info. And it seems to be a liveCD, so you can test it without installing it. As far as I remember, Fedora is the free version and the commercial version is RedHat.This means that, when you will have to use RedHat at work, it will be easier if you already know Fedora. I am familiar with Mandriva in my house, so, when at work I have to use RedHat, it sounds familiar, but it's rather different. So, take Fedora as an investment for future. As it's a LiveCD, your personal training will cost only a CD. And if you work with virtual machines, it costs no CD, only some disk space on your servers.
  11. OK, let's try to speak the new language.For the moment, I am sitting in my office, the weather is nice and shiny outside. Through the winblows I see two rabbits running on the grass.
  12. Of course, don't forget to clone your hard disk with CloneZilla before doing that, who knows, an accident is always possible ...
  13. I guess (or I hope) that's exactly like for other Linux (like Mandriva) updates : you boot on the distro and you choose "update install".
  14. that's exactly what I was mentionning. when you start doing cpu-intensive things, or graphic-intensive things, your cpu and/or your graphic card produces more heat, and needs more cooling, and the fan starts trying to give more fresh air. This sounds more "vrrrr" than "buzzz", but each ear has a different perception of this fan acceleration, or this bad pass-through air entrancy.
  15. Which vmware did you try ? vmware workstation has a fully graphic environment, where you have tabs in which you choose "create a new machine". When the machine is created you click "start this machine", and you boot from CD for installing windows. Then you have the standard Windows (or Mandriva or Solaris) environment, and you shutdown using the Solaris or Crosoft commands for shutting down.
  16. Sorry, it's per hour, start falling asleep. And, yes, you need fast disks to swallow that.
  17. The real problem is : how are your documents made ? For books, can you cut the bindings in order to have free leaves ?I would say that, for your problem, the most comfortable way is to ask a professional guy to do it.The last high-end professional scanner I used was supposed to scan 5000 documents per minute (less than one second per document, recto-verso). And of course everything was in a giant PDV or Crosoft Word file...Just have a look at the professional scanners specs, it's really impressive.Of course, only big companies (like national Social Security) could pay $40000 (yes, forty thousands dollars) for a scanner, that's why I told you "don't try with your home small toy, have it done on a real scanner".
  18. The phone, or the lady on the phone ?Sorry, more seriously, I love the number 1. The real keyboard, probably with real keyclick feel and noise, would be really nice for SMS and mails. And a real camera... wow! My own phone currently gives me so poor images that I never use it's embedded camera.
  19. Then you could imagine having the laptop common cooling problem.Have a look at how you use your laptop (for instance on a table) and look how the fans collect fresh ear.I (temporarily) solved my problem once, by heaving the laptop at 20 centimeters off the table (two sets of dictionnaries were used for that). Of course this is not a solution but it's a way of diagnosis for bad cooling air circulation.
  20. the size of your site is not really important from that point of view. From the Kondera point of view, the posts you wrote add money to your Kondera account. You could imagine adding the Kondera adds to your own website, but it's not the main goal today.
  21. You know, I started joking on a very serious subject. The mean subject is indeed a matter of faith. I just started discussing on some detail points, on false ways of trying to demonstrate things, with arguments interleaving which, from a pure logics point of view, were false.From a logical point of view, if a sentence says "this is always verified", simply finding on example where it's not verified is enough for demonstrating that this sentence is false.However, the opposite is not so easy. If a sentence says "this is sometimes not verified", finding an example where it's verified does not prove that the sentence is false.That's all, and I started looping about that kind of arguments, which deeply have nothing to do with the main subject of this post. That's why I would like to apologize for own pollution of this topic.RegardsYordan
  22. It's a miracle only if the people who did not use the mushrooms feel the effect of a given phenomenum.If a guy needs mushrooms in order to walk on water, and if I see him while I'm in a normal state, it's a paranormal situation.While I am sleeping, if I see something strange, it could be simply an effect of my own dreams.
  23. thanks. I unchecket the "shuffle" box and it seems to work better.
  24. Even if he comes again, you cannot be sure that he is himself. Exactly as I am back to this topic but I could be somebody else.
  25. Thanks.And, yes, we should know how these firewall really work in order to really understand the problem. And of course, we would know the answer and we could not answer the topic questions, because the way of hacking firewalls is not allowed by the forum TOS.
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