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Posts posted by cyborgxxi

  1. Then what freeware antivirus program would you recommend for me, Nightfox?? I really like AdAware because it has a nice engine and best of all, it's free too :P


    I really didn't like AVG because it was horrible last time I used it - like 4 years ago. It failed to take away the viruses and stuff - just scanned them, found them, and did nothing, literally. :P So I guess it's not that good eh?

  2. If I move a single layer on a photoshop file with 300 dpi,then I can go for a tea in the mean time!! Nice na!

    Wow dude, that's just... wow... you really should get your computer revved up and ready to face the horrors of the "newer technologies everyday" thing in the computer world!!! It's crazy because we can "never" really catch up with technology because it's always in the tomorrow. I mean, when was it when I got a new graphics card and am needing of another one really bad, because I'm getting such low frames-per-second rate on Battlefield 2??

    Bad.. bad.. but we still enjoy the good graphics don't we :P

    But the things is...

    Photoshop CS3?? That's... amazing. They keep coming up with new things and whatnot, they're not that amazing but they still have these cool programs to steal money from our wallets (disregard "steal") but they should come up with like booster packs or something like that, because the versions are becoming toooooo expensive.

    And... Illustrator 13? Camera RAW 4? Rotating Canvas?? Heck... I think I'll be getting my computer an overhaul of the CPU and mobo.... and probably the RAM too :P

    Man this sucks :P OH well! I need a new hard drive anyway and I have no money in pockets.

  3. Wow! It's great that you guys are getting things complete and even more, it's cool for me to see you guys training a staff member!! Cool... training people. Sometimes I wish I had training in the computer arts. They're so cool!Anyway, I haven't accessed CPanel is a long time but I hope things got better - and in the same time I'm sure things are back to okay.So what does upgrading CPanel mean?? I haven't had these kind of experiences in my time of hosting support... o_o

  4. Well, I guess you guys are right. When I first read on this topic on this thread, I was pretty shocked. And I am thinking whoever believed this on their first time is pretty gullible!! I mean... hmmmm... the 9/11 attacks making earth a prettier place for all??Heh, I don't know about that, sir! But anyway, yeah with all that 20% oxygen and 80% nitrogen thing, that's true true true!!! Where can the hot gases and cold gases be?? I mean, it's like... trace gases? I hope you understand what I'm saying but trace gases don't really affect anything. They're too insignificant in quantity to move things around!Really... some people here in Xisto are much smarter than those idiotic "I-gonna-make-some-theories" scientists that think 9/11 "saved" the United States and the whole world..Ermm... yeah. Or maybe it was a hot day?Sorry I got overboard with what you posted.This theory is just too farfetched for me to bear :PThanks :P

  5. I don't see why it's a touchy subject. You either believe in it, you don't, or you just don't really care.
    Personally I lean towards not believing or rather not really caring.

    Evidently you do care or you wouldn't bother posting on this thread. Anyway....

    I'm glad that this thread went up because it is a good discussion. I also like that everyone is so respectful on Xisto. It really does cut down on unnecessary time. Thanks everyone, glad you could participate and I enjoyed reading your posts.

  6. Hey, can someone tell me the easiest way to build a website? Where can I start and what should I do to begin? My friend and I want to build a website for our friends but we don't know where to start. He actually knows some stuff but he is busy and hard to get to concentrate so if someone could get me started I would be very grateful. cyborgxxi

  7. Well I have posted in this topic before but not for a while and I don't really feel like reading everything right now.

    I think that

    So the question is not IF, but WHEN will we begin to genetically engineer ourselves. Consequently, our ability to create X-Men depends on which mutant powers are within the realm--or even the edge--of possibility. Some possibilities include chameleon-like mutants, mutants who derive their energy via photosynthesis, or mutants with eagle eyes and wings. Less likely possibilities, on the other hand, are those that have not yet been effected by biophysics. For example, how will one conceptually create a mutant to control the weather patterns? How would one be able to become invisible or walk through walls? Controlling others' minds?

    I agree, we as humans will probably start to genetically engineer ourselves soon enough but like you stated I doubt that many of the Mutant powers will ever become reality. We cannot manipulate our cells into something to go through a wall or hide. However we may be able to enhance attributes but not create new ones.

  8. As Arbitrary said these discusions tend to go no where in online forums and it tends to be a touchy subject.This forum is full of many different people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, beliefs and places and that creates a wonderful opportunity to learn from each other. I would rather celebrate and our differences, rather than argue over them.

    I love watching these topics grow


    And then, there is the moral argument as to why God must exist, or need to exist for society to function. Graffiti and abartar argued that, but Graffiti goes on to say that wars and persecution had been done in the name of God. That is exactly my point. The argument that society would corrupt without God is kinda pointless since there are tonnes of examples of society getting corrupt with God around. Abartar goes on to make the link between economics and the corruption that results from the non-existence of God.

    I don't quite believe that belief in God and corruption necesarily go hand in hand. I believe that corruption exists all the time whether in the government or in the church. Also many wars are fought in the name of God or gods because people like to fight and it's any excuse to fight. I think that the real problem is not belief in God but the lack of morals as discussed in the Bible. If everyone followed the Ten Commandments as best they could then evil in the world would significantly decrease. Whether or NOT they followed God. I believe that God wishes us to follow him but to do that means to follow the laws he set down and many christians today fail to do even that.

  9. Both evolution and creation are full of fallicies and neither can be "proven" correct because in science nothing can be proven or disproven. Things can be presented in a logical way that seem to be generally correct but there is always a chance that they can be shown incorrect. Being at an international christian school I have heard many of the arguments for creationism and more than a few for evolution. Neither has much proof behind it. I believe in a Creator who designed the world with intelligence hence the Intelligent Design theory.

    Why can't we just all be respectful of each other's belief's and quit complaining that one is right and the other is wrong? Neither side currently has enough proof to back themselves up, so just forget about convincing others. And by the way, I'd have to say that Darwin's theory is (currently, anyway), more rational than the creationist's theory. So you saying that it's "also stretching the imagination" is only true for you. It doesn't apply to everyone else, so that's not a valid argument.

    I agree with the first part of your statement here. I think that we definitely should be very respectful of other's religions because it is their right to believe whatever they wish. I also agree that neither side really has enough proof to scientifically "prove" their theory correct. However I have to disagree that Darwin's theory is more rational because as it is it has some major fallacies that make it quite incredible. The main one I can think of now is how is it that no evolution is happening today. But that is another topic. Creationism also stretches imagination quite a bit. Creationism takes the beginning of the world and describes it as being made by a single all-powerful being. This is hard to believe because of the popular argument "IF God is real, show him to me." No one can do that so therefore people count that off as an unlogical belief.

    Err... I disagreed with what Graffiti is saying. Evolution is NOT a religion, and evolution CANNOT be compared to creationism. Unless you are saying biology is not a science. Evolution is one of the bedrock of biology. Lots of research in biology dealing with DNA has got to do with the evolution theory.

    I agree with what Graffiti said because I think he is right that you cannot accept evolution as science and make creationism a religion. However, I prefer to think in terms of the Intelligent Design rather than creationisn because I also think that many creationists are just religions fanatics. I really disagree that Evolution is on of the bedrocks of biology because I think that biology is made up of many things and that Creationism and Evolutionism are just parts of this science NOT basis.

    my humble opinion


  10. Suing McDonalds would solve nothing for Americans. What needs to be done is to make limits. To install boundries when eating fast food. (or as my dad likes to call it FAT food) Living in Asia and visiting my relatives in the states I really do see differences in eating habits. I always gain about 8 pounds in the states. But I think if people in the States could stop eating fast food altogether and start exercising regularly then they wouldn't have to worry about the ridiculous notion of suing McDonalds. Suing McDonalds is just away to make money and a place to allocate the blame for one's own eating flaws.

  11. Personally I think God does exist but I know many people who would disagree, if not extremely strongly, with me. I go to an international school in Thailand and as such there are some kids in my school who say they don't believe that there is a God. I have one friend in particular who will use any argument that comes to mind to argue against the fact that there is anything remotely similar to a God.

    I think the first thing we need to do is define the word GOD.


    1. the one Supreme Being, the creator and ruler of the universe. 2. the Supreme Being considered with reference to a particular attribute: the God of Islam.
    3. (lowercase) one of several deities, esp. a male deity, presiding over some portion of worldly affairs.
    4. (often lowercase) a supreme being according to some particular conception: the god of mercy.
    5. Christian Science. the Supreme Being, understood as Life, Truth, Love, Mind, Soul, Spirit, Principle.

    from http://www.dictionary.com/browse/god

    I have heard many arguments for and against the existance of a God and both for and against have some good arguments and some totally bogus junk. Some arguments leave you with your jaw hanging down going what? and others make you laugh they're so pathetic. However I will refrain from going into too much detail right now for lack of time. However, I think along the same lines as tamer3kz, if this subject starts gaining some speed I might post some more.


  12. Haha. I have to agree with many people that say wireless networking is a bit risky and dangerous as well. And to the one who said having wires is dangerous (tripping and hurting your computer... bringing it down and wasting thousands of dollars) - that is ... errr... a reality but you're taking it to the extreme. I mean, it's you being careful. But still, wires is good.I think wired systems are faster than wireless system.. in my opinion. Stronger connections and safer too, while wireless and not AS strong but also have the tendency to get intercepted by (sometimes) unwanted variables.And me, being the slow IT guy, got myself a router and a wireless USB adapter. My computer is 1 floor down and 6~8 meters away from the place but still.. it's horribly slow (most of the time).There's still a lot of questions need to be answered about these problems but I don't know where. Meh.. sucks

  13. Hehe, I remember when I was a kid I used to watch those Discovery Channel shows in the reptiles/crocodiles sessions with Steve Irwin in it. Man, you can just imagine him trying to catch all those crocodiles and other reptiles too! I think he used to mess with snakes once... Anyway, I think I stopped watching Discovery Channel as I went into highschool and bah... Steve Irwin? I was like who is that? But his name was really familiar though. It's like... I heard him from somewhere.Then "crikey" - it's really really faint in my memories but I do remember... very faintly though. Well, Steve Irwin, God called you up and there ya go :)Steve Irwin's awesome man. And he's older than I thought Hehe

  14. Holy cow, man! That's really horrible - wasting like 12 hours just because of some stupid server downtime??? I mean... wow....just WOW. But personally, I don't think that's a HUGE loss because I've spent working a couple of days just getting myself familiar with the web development world/dimensions. No, make that a week.I think that time could've been reduced by more than half if there was someone to help me out or at least a book on web development!! I was looking at forum software and checking out how to deal with the HTML and PHP and skin coding. I mean, it was horrible. I didn't know PHP and I had very limited knowledge on HTML as well. Also, I was new to this forum software thing and man.... Oh well, at least I had lots of fun tinkering around with things I had no idea how they worked. I had to reset to the default settings tons of times because they didn't work often. For example, trying to add Google's AdSense and working around with Photoshop to change the theme picture, as well as Dreamweaver but MY GOSH!! I don't know how to use any Macromedia product... and Flash is a foreign language to me :)

  15. So, are you having any more problems lately? Hehe, always keep your watch over those security holes!! It's always easy to overlook them and wow... it must suck when you have those huge files 158kbps in your storage. Haha, I've had odd things happen to my site too.Actually, my SQL files and databases we're messed up and I couldn't access the software!! Not even the panel... and doh! I had to uninstall (more like reformat) the software... well by deleting everything from my Xisto account drive and reinstalling the webboard software.So, I have to say KUDOS FOR YOU!!! Backups are always great to have and more the merrier... and better if you have 'em every week or so :)

  16. That would be crazy cool if they could actually make it work. I live in Bangkok, Thailand and the air here is really bad. I hate going outside because it is really nasty air. But I read the link and you're right, the information is sketchy. They don't really say WHAT it is. They just say what they CLAIM it can do which is

    The technology has a coefficient of performance greater than 100%. The operation of the technology (i.e. the creation of energy) is not derived from the degradation of its component parts.
    There is no identifiable environmental source of the energy (as might be witnessed by a cooling of ambient air temperature).

    I dunno, awesome if they do it but it sure looks fake.
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