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Everything posted by organicbmx

  1. i am really a fan of wordpress. it is really useful and i've used it on quite a few sites. it is really easy to use and only takes a little php practice to learn how to create your own themes. i have never had problems or the inablity to do anything i wanted to. i only use it for very basic blogs but it has the capability to do very advanced things with catagories etc.
  2. we have it on one of our computers and it practically doubles your boot time, give you this stupid, ugly, useless extra on the taskbar that i cannot get rid of. other than that is seams exactly the same as 2005. norton is not great by anyones standards. i recormend anything but.
  3. i to believe it is about affordability. not that i believe that it is totally ligitimized by the problem. however it is the same situtaion as with the cd market. if you believe the price to be unreasonalbe and it is fairly expensive you are not going to buy it, expeically if you know you can download it for free. it is like the situation where if a cd costs £10, which they often do, then i would be very unlikely to buy it. if it cost £5 i would probably buy it. after all cd-r's and the internet is not free. so you are paying £4 for the real thing with the proper sleave and printed cd and some money goes to the band [and a bit more to the label]. it is the same with software. take adobe creativity suite. the best possible software in it's field. they spend alot of money developing it. but even on a student price it costs about £600. very expensive. if it was £300 i would probably buy it the minute i get a apple mac but right now i am going to be most likely using a crack for the programs i want for an upcoming project.so hopefully piracy will send a message to these people and say. your stuff is obviosuly great but alot of people cannot afford it.
  4. i will have to try this at school. the filter there makes it nearly impossible to use the interenet. it filters everything. for example: phone, grafitti, etc. it's maddening but you used to be able to use those free proxy sites but they blocked them too.hopefully this will get through the net!
  5. for a start i live in england and we have the nhs. which people constantly complain about but in all honesty is absoluty brilliant seeing how little funding it gets.i really feel sorry for those without a proper state healthcare system, as i do for someone without a proper welfare state. as i once heard someone say a free healthcare system is one of the basics of civilized society.i recently saw the morgan spurlock documentory about living for a month on minimum wage. i was plainly shocked by how the minute he stepped into a accident and emergency he owed $500. it seems crazy and certainly a discrace when i know anytime i can go into my local hospital with anything wrong and have someone sort it out for free. admitedly i will have to wait for an age if it is non life threatening, but at leasts i wont owe £300 after it.are there any people in america campaining for free healthcare?
  6. one of the columnist for the guardian newspaper technology section says that he often uses the gmail word processer [i.e. email writer] to do his writing. he prefers it to word and you can log on to it anywhere.it would be a very small step for google to turn this into an online 'my docs' with the gmail jog as the editor. and text based files would take alot less space up on servers than goggle video.
  7. i have to agree with evought. if we in the western world are allowed to generate power using nuclear technology then it is only fair that Iran should.Not that that makes me any more confortable about their plainly mad president and his government posessing such capabilities. But really what is one fundamental [i.e. simplisitic] rightwing religous democracy to another?i'd much rather everyone just got some solar panels and thyen disarmed all nuclear weapons. But that would be too sensible for our leaders wouldn't it.
  8. the game situation seams to vary. half life 2 is a windows game as is i think guild wars. but world of warcraft is osx/windows. so it seams to just depend on the game developers. if you really have to play games then you probably should get a pc at least this time round. however as pointed out you could buy one of the new x86 macs and then run windows on it for games. but there are some technical issues about this, something to do with apple not wanting people to do this and building stuff into the hardware but someone else will have to give the full details on that.although i am definatly buying a mac for my next computer and as soon as possible!
  9. no one in england uses AIM. i dont even really know what it is!i guess that gtalk is better than msn. but these things arn't about quality its all about being the first ones and market share etc. especially as you need gmail to get gtalk therefor most people i talk to on msn can be bothered to sign up for a new account and then do all that stuff. and im not going to use a serive that non of the people i want to talk to use.
  10. it has worked the other way round for me. i now often find myself wrinting color when im trying to use british english and i have to change it after i have written it. not that im particually bothered as the spelling atually makes more sence than the british, and that is the only one i have picked up.
  11. i have:adblock - obviouslylinkification - converts typed links into clickable onesfoxytunes - controls music players from the bottom of the windowscrapbook - this is really cool. captures with all styles includes areas from websites and collects themchatzilla - for irccolorzilla - gives you a dropper tool to find out colours from the netgooglebarweb developer - invaluabledownload manager tweek - downloads go in a seperate tabdisable targets for downloadsie tab - only just got this one but its definatly gonna be useful for testing pages
  12. that is pretty similar to me. i just have another half a gig of ram. graphics card doesnt really matter, just for viewing purposes. it couldnt hurt to put another stick of ram in and that would make a difference. but unless you want to become a professional editor i wouldnt bother with a new computer just yet.
  13. premier is non-linear. that means you can have as many video and audio tracks as you like.linear is one track of video, like moviemaker.on the other point i dont think there is any real time preview. if you want to see effects like transparency, transition, etc you have to render. only think to help would be buy more kit for your computer.hope that helps
  14. ive always wondered about the possiblity of people spying on those who have microphones and webcams attached to their computers at all time. call it paranoia but i'm sure it's possible. it would be quite a task but if you choose the highest selling webcam then wrote spy ware that would record at all times and tranmit to a remote computer and then try some hit and miss infection. it is certainly technically possible. just totally pointless.on the other hand the secret services could make a mouse this a microphone and a small flash hd and then it could record 24/7 and tranmit and charge when the pc was on.
  15. just type:fixmbr into the command line?just checking. that easy!?
  16. my friends computer died some time ago and i installed ubuntu on it so that he could still use it a bit. to do this i had to partition the last part of the drive and install in there becasue he wanted to still be able to access his old windows files. they were fine but some system files had been deleated by a virus of some sort.since then he managed to get another friend to install a copy of xp on it. and he had also broken the ubuntu installation. [he is what you might call a typical computer user!] he wanted me to remove linux so that he could have some more space. or thats what i thought he wanted. i think he really wanted to be rid of grub and go straight into windows.me being slack and not really thinking just reformatted the linux partition in windows disk manager. then installed some importand anti spyware etc. programs on his new windows and left some scans going and went off. when he rext rebooted the computer it just came up with a grub error. but that is becasue grub has been deleated i presume. i think i now understand about the /boot, is that where linux bootloader files are kept? mot the mbr. anyhow thats not the point.how can i return the computer to using the windows bootloader and removing both grub and linux?
  17. in the graphics and digital imaging field i can easily see that that could become really useful. ccd technology is getting better all the time. digital cameras could start shooting even bigger and better quality images that would need to be stored. if you can imagine a 50mb or 100mb or even 200mb photograph in the next few years [im pretty sure that we will get close to that] then you are going to be using much larger drives than now. also in the field of video the use of hd cameras for hd tv is going to use much more space. also with better scanner and suchlike archives of images or just drawings could be saved at much higher quality.i think this storage excess void will be filled [at least partly] by less compression and higher quality images. which i certainly lok forward to.
  18. my fairly old mp3 play has a special setting the locks the sound to one that will not damage your hearing. [amusingly using the symbol of a smiley face] the problem was that is was too quiet and relly spoiled the enjoyment of the music. also live gig events that leave you with rigging ears are seriously damaging. but worsened hearing is something i am fully prepared to accept in return for the happiness that music provides.
  19. i guess that if you made a sig and someone riped it off and claimed it as their own, file size wouldnt matter. sorry i must have been tired, i was thinking in terms of photographs or other digital print media not internet media. i.e. 300 dpi compared to 72 dpi.
  20. what kind of things are being stolen. with all my photographs i just make sure that the image size i use on all web images in nice an small to stop anyone getting a hig-res version of something. it's hard to claim something as yours if you have no master. thats my opinion anyway.if it is a hig res important file make a restricted blog like sarah suggested. the software shiv suggested will be find as long as most people are browsing on i.e. because other browsers will be unafected.
  21. is it really radio if it needs a line of sight. or is it some kind of laser/light signal transmitter?
  22. you would do well with a content management system [cms] or a blog system. these can easily be set up on Xisto, not sure about cjb dot net. that way you could easily post need content when you want to in an automated way and it could create those menus down the side you want. and you would loose the frameset.
  23. sorry to not understand. what is the eos. is that a carnot sure what the legal side is but eos is the name used by canon cameras for it's range of slr cameras. surely that cannot just use that with no issue. i know a car isnt a camera but still.
  24. i dont really like the second one. not a good combination fo colours, shadows, and font in my opinion. but for what you are trying to achive, a friendly, smiley feeling the first one works quite well. i would be unsurprized it is saw that one on a realy website.however i think you need to look at the quality of your final images. the text seems to be fine but you need to watch out on the butterfly and shapes around it becasue they look a bit pixalated.overall id say the first one is a promicing start.
  25. amazing. if you look at the center for long enoughit all slows down to a stop. can anyone explain how this works?
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