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Everything posted by organicbmx

  1. i have heard alot of good thing about the nikon D70 for a digital slr. It is apparently really good and doesnt cost too mcuh at the moment, i saw it for about 600 sterling - not sure about dollars.it is apparently good for sports aswell and i have seen photos taken from it and the colour come out well for dslr. or get a canon eos1, mini home lab and a really good slide scanner!!!!
  2. i vaugely know where you are coming fomr about feeling down but its been a while for me since i last felt rubbish. here a few of my ideas1- do more outside stuff, be active and try to sleep well.2- be creative, take photographs, paint, make things, anything.this is gonna sound really wierd but here goes:do some gardening or something like that, being connected to nature is really important. try to get in a routine, even if it is a bit boring. i would say get a job but your girlfriend needs you.and the last thing to add - probably get off the computer a bit hope it helps
  3. shall i post the log file from hijack this on here?how do i post it onto the forum? do i just copy the text into the post or shall i attach the file?thanks
  4. thats some bad news then. should my firewall not be blocking these outgoing messages?im using winxp home for the person that wanted to knowhere are some high using processes - NMain.exe - could be norton??explorer.exe - run under my user not systemesvchost.exegcasdtserv.exeCCAPP.exe - norton agina i thinkCCPROXY.exeCCAPP.exe againVzCdbSvc.exemysqld-nt.exeCCEVTMGR.EXEsymwsc.exeshwserv.exeSNDSrvc.execsrss.exei havent looked at my process list for a while and there is so much on it i dont know. surely there should be alot less. i have lots of programs but still. Could someone post an example of what a process list should look like. also how do i remove programs permently from my process list?thanks - im a bit worried now
  5. just wondered if anyone thought this odd behavior for my pc. im on a shared isbn lan connection and whenever im online my computer is almost continuously uploading. after a normal session on the internet my pc has normally uploaded as much as it has downloaded. i think the other pcs on the network do the same so...?im running norton virus scanner, norton firewall, spybot, adaware, ms antispyware, all fully updated and find nothing on a scan.any ideas? thanks
  6. anyone think unbuntu is a good linux for me to properly start on?ive dabbled into gentoo - not a great idea for a programming/hardware/clever stuff noob. i nearly managed to install it properly as a dual boot on an old p3 win98. the dual boot is fine but there are mounting issues [maybe a different thread soon]on my real pc - p4 winxp sony thing - im gonna get a second harddrive and some more ram and stuff and dual boot linux. do you think that unbuntu would be a good choice untill i can figure out gentoo? - i want power!!!! i will probably use linux for general browsing, a little design/web sites, office and open source games. winxp for video editing on adobe and musicany suggestions
  7. thanks for all the advice - i downloaded a .net update from windows update and my pc hasnt restarted since but i havent use it as much either.i did also run memtest from knoppix. does that program ever end or does it go on forever. i ran it for about a day but needed the computer for something and rebooted? seemed to me that it would go on and on.
  8. I want one because it looks awsome, but to be realistic will it catch on? i can see a personal use for it but less as a traditional computer. dyth got it right so you set it up on your coffee table, it doesnt come with a screen so why not plug it into the tv. you can use it for some simple stuff like email easily but best of all have it in the home network as a kind of media hub. get a tuner for it or whatever and use it insead of a tivo or similar. a stlyish media hub in your living room. would be better however with wireless network and a remote control. just an idea as to how it could be used but the average family i dont think would got out and buy one to replace a newish [-4 years] computer. a family looking to get a really nice computer to replace an old win98 style thing might be interested but, as has been said before, would want a nice lcd monitor so...... 500 dollars is 250 pounds about and for that it is an amazing deal in england. my monitor cost 200. i think apple should look to make a similar product as a stylish ipodders answer to the media pcs that microsoft media center is for. that would be a really good idea i think. anyone agree?
  9. is it possible to use css to force all images to be width 400?i'm making a blog in an iframe and dont want to have to enter the html code in every time if it is possible to avoid.any ideas - possibly in html or another language not css.thanks
  10. i use acehtml and i think its really good. it shows you the code and you can type into it by hand but if you want certain code snippets you just click on a button and the most minimal code possible is inserted. there is then a sidebar with all the variables you could want to change. it is sort of like a lazy notepad but the project funtion helps to keep sites together. also certain buttons like the image one allow wysiwyg style editing of individual elements, things like imagemaps. the sites i make with it have very clean code and work really well in all different browser. i recomend it to anyone using a wysiwyg who knows html but cant be bothered to type everything. it is at version 6 at the moment but 3 is out as freeware if you want to try. http://www.vmn.net/ acefpt isnt bad either.
  11. i believe in evolution, but i also believe that, god or otherwise, something more than just chance created everything i know and love.i dont believe that evolution/creationism is one of the biggest philisophical arguments of our time. i think it is like this, there are four possible opinions:- you believe in straight creation in 7 days. i personally think this means you are a bit stupid and need to do some more thinking.- you believe that something created something in the first place then everything evolved. this is me but it is possible that this is a bit too hopeful and 'spiritual' but hey.- you believe in evolution straight. i guess this is the most sensible, it definatly is the most logical i think but a bit cold and leaves you searching really hard for any reason to live.- you dont care or know, which might suggest that millions of years of evolution were a massive failure or they never happened!!!
  12. i somewhat doubt that google are trying to cover something up as this google-watch site is number 1 search result when searching "google watch" or "evil google" on google.combut we should think that google is really a super ethical company, but i dont think its evil and i'm gonna keep using it.
  13. this is a good one - i learnt simple html from a book when i was about 11/12. i used notpad and paint to make very simple websites. how sweet. best of all i used to write out the code on paper so i could see it and change it before i got on the computer. -- i designed my first website in a church during a classical music concert my parents took me to. beat that i challenge you!! -- if it need any website help now its w3schools or possibly http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i think view source and using the developers toolbar on firefox help to understand and evalutate other peoples sites is a very useful way to learn
  14. memtest wont do anything to any of my files will it?sorry to be stupid about this but im really rubbish at anything hardware.thanks
  15. does anyone out there use slave flashes?if so what type do you use and do you use them on there own or with another camera mounted flash?infrared/radio/ or light sensor ?i want them for dramatic sports shots and special different angled lightthanks
  16. that website seems to be down how about this one - i guess its similar - but maybe a bit more gothic http://www.deviantart.com/
  17. the problem with biodiesel is that it is not a possible replacement to normal diesel. this is because it must be combined with other forms of agriculture and we still have to eat.[although projects like the one a british company is running is saudi arabia, growing a super tough shrub that can grow on normally infertile desert. this shrub produces a seed like a conker [chesnut] that can be processed for natural oil]we cannot have farms that only produce biodiesel because it is totally unsustainable. the soil would become exhausted because all the energy it being removed. and this problem cannot be sloved by use of fertilizers because the production of fertilizers is a high energy process and this would use up all the energy created by growing the biodiesel.[you guessed it - it's in my name - im not a artificial fertilizer person. nor pesticides and herbicides but that is a different thread. should i write it??]but this is not to say biodiesil isnt good or worthwhile. it great for the short term but we must move on from petrols.
  18. just wondering if anyone had heard of/ has any ideas about this:my computer at the moment just likes to restart for no apparent reason about every time i use it. its takes a few hours normally.i think the letters x and p might be part of the problem.one time is came up with a little error reprot box saying plainly that 'windows' was the software with the problemany help/clues??thanks
  19. thanks for that. i never really bothered with favicons on my previous sites.its just so easy that now it is a must. i took about 10mins. get image from other part of website as to carry theme, resize, clean up, save as bmp, convert, add code.*thanks again*anyone know if it is possible/in the pipeline for favicons with better quality/resolution. i guess that the next IE will have 256 colour support so that will become standard.
  20. here you are - sorry i didnt do this at first - this site had changed and i didnt realise that they were still using an iframe http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i want to make something like the blog in that x2 the reason i stated blogger.com is that it is easy to use and i want other people do be able to update remotely and indipendantly to me. i didnt think this was possible using a real php program becasue i thought some tech knowledge would be required [ the other posters are more like simple point and click users and blogger will be easy for them ] i think rhodesian.dragon has got the gist of what im trying to do. hope it all makes sence now. thanks
  21. typography is definatly one of the main elements of graphic design and therefore web design.it is true that chosing fonts is the most common way of displaying words but i think typography is more than just finding and using a good font. typography is about using the shape of the letter, in whatever font, and making it into some thing more, that relates to what you are expressing.for example: <3 this is very simple and not quite the perfect example, but it shows how characters can be more than they mean. that can mean: less than 3 / heart / possibly ice-cream??it is easier to see the effect of typrography and graphic design as a whole in comsumerism, which as im interesting in both i find a bit sad, and i hope people understand what i was tring to sayalso i HATE comic sans - the worst font ever. ugly, common, bad to read, unprofessional. if someone tried to sell me something no matter how good the product if it was advertised with comic sans i wouldnt even think about it. -- there it is again, i dont particually like the yellow emoticons - im not a member of the simpson family!! but i wanted to express that im not a pedant and i was being slightly jokey about that last comment. --
  22. i use PSP but only becasue i have always donePS is industry standard and i must learn to use itits really as simple as that until gimp gets really good - then it may be a totally different kettle of fish
  23. does anyone who how to use a blogger.com account to make a neat blog inside a website. ive seen it done with a iframe but i dont know how. is this the payed for service that this uses or can it be done from the free service.what im trying to do is make a site with two iframe blogs that are posted onto by multiple different people.or does anyone have a better way of doing it not using iframe - they often get blocked on school/college filters.thanks
  24. not sure i agree with houdini - but if he thinks he is going to escape he can - i personally believe the scientific community.anyhow hydrogen cars run on hydrogen and oxygen, and make water!!! true - energy is needed to make the hydrogen cells, and this can cause pollution. but to get hydrogen on its own, water is electrolyised. this hydogen is then added to air or pure oxygen and the reaction gives off energy. somewhere along the line the energy has to be produced:the problem with the buning of fossil fuels it that they are quite often inefficient as the processes involve many different energy transfers. i.e chemical to heat to pressure to kinetic. and they give off atmospheric pollution.if we were to have photovoltaic [solar panel] run factories directly producing electricity and then electrolysing water and producting hydrogen fuel cells, it might work.biodiesel is a good step in the right direction but often government regulations are super safe and minimise benifit. in england we can only buy 5% biodiesel [meaning 95% petrolium 5% plant oil] that is fairly pointless but every little helps.even if you dont believe in global warming you cannot deny that petrol cars cause atmospheric pollution and smog. so we should all agree that no-one wants children or themselves to grow up with lungs full of dirt and chemicals.-- disclaimer - i am not god, but to the best of my knowledge all of the above is true fact but it may be a simplification of reality --
  25. ive been using a open source program called freePOPs, but im going to have to check that extention out for hotmail.im not a super user of email but i like thunderbird. does outlook have a spam filter like thunderbird? the thunderbird one seems to work pretty well.thunderbird is not as much of a obvious choice as IE v firefox. it is far nicer to look at than outlook, outlook - ugliest microsoft program ever? when i got firefox i just thought i'd get thunderbird to go with it. i think most people who convert to firefox will do this. anyone agree?
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