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Posts posted by Killer008r

  1. Dreamweaver is alot better than frontpage and I don't agree that you can do more in frontpage than htlm, because its basically the same thing but it lets you position things easier. But you will make a more secure site if you use notpad unstead of frontpage (although it also works with Dreamweaver Very Very well. Then again i still have to find out how to post my page using the cpanel.

  2. Yes, I am currently helping a group of people make a mod which is baced on Halo 1 and Halo 2, we are combining the storylines of each and the making it longer by adding our own thoughts into what the next epesode of the game is. It's gona be the first story and instead of it just stopping, it goes on to the second and what we believe to be the third. Stunning right? Lol we dont quite know what we are going to call it, we are thinking somthing like H legacies or somthing like that, so it dosen't in fringe on the copyright of the word that mictosoft opposedly made up called "Halo" so we just have to use H or the ring legacies. And that is all the details that everyone is able to give out. If you, other people, and excpecially the admin/s agree I could put updates to the mod on here. But I would have to get the thumbs up from the admin/s/moderaters.

  3. For those of you who have played and beaten Halo 2 on Legendary, and watched the credits, have you noticed that at the end of the credits it says "Coming Feb. 2005" ? My friend and I were disscussing that maybe this was a hint to a Halo 3 coming out February of next year. (Very soon, I know)...If you have beaten Halo 2, you would know that there is a horrible cliffhanger at the end of it. Halo 3 is supposedly not going to intuduce any new weapons or multiplayer maps, but it will have the rest of the levels to end the cliffhanger. This way, you will supposedly buy Halo 3, and they will get more money! It is just an easy way for them to make income. It does sound odd that it would be coming out so soon, but from what I have researched, it is possible. Another great thing about this "Halo 3" is that it is going to have all the old multiplayer maps from Halo:CE. Which means one thing. We can now kick the n00bs A$$es on XBOX live while playing old halo levels! Sweet!! Though most of what I have experienced, seen, heard, is just rumors, I am fully expecting of something like this to come out soon enough to fill the craving for the Halo 2 experience... :rolleyes:


    Ok, so at the beginning of what you are asking you say "...it says "Coming Feb. 2005" and then you say you talk like you know everything that the game is going to include, sortof like you can tell the future and you can tell what everything in the game is going to be. I have searched Everywhere. And I haven't found anything on Halo 3 and this "...old multiplayer maps from Halo:CE. Which means one thing. We can now kick the n00bs A$$es on XBOX live while playing old halo levels! " Dosen't make sence. Since just because your able to play from te old maps of Halo CE dosen't mean you can kick them. (Although you could kick them anyways if you had the xBox keyboard and mouse. Which then you jus go in the console and type what ever the kick thing is, and don't tell me you don't get conlsole because if you have the keyboard, and have an OS installed on your xBox you can easily edit the game to gladly say "You have been kicked" Or even more muniacal "You have been banned")


    And if you hadn't known this before, :) (in reply to SweetyStingRay) why play halo when you can play halo source and halo2 source (Of course on the HL2 Engine made with single and multiplayer, being created with the awsome Havok engine by local modders talking to you right now.)

  4. Captain, isn't leveling up, getting rich, and getting good armor the point of any rpg? Runescape does have an immersive storyline (that meaning by pleanty of quests and exra goodies) I've been playing anarchy online for a while now I'm one of the lead players in an orgnization called P.O.T or power over time. Which I play that because it has an actual story line and really fun gameplay (plus you can use glasses of wine, pillow, bread, cakes, muffins, Banjos, guitars, spoons, and big rails to attack with) and I just started playing MU and it seems cool and pretty fun, the party and getting mioney is kind of difficult (which playing on upped % private servers is boring because you can get levels so faster and then once you get to lv 99 theres nothing for you to do like in Diablo 2 although there are no private servers because the games online is free in the second ladder season of LoD I got the first 3 level 99 characters which is REALLY pathedic seeing I played them 1 by 1)

  5. :rolleyes: theres alot more mods coming out, these are the ones that I found to be most intresting, if you found more you can post what you find, all of HL2 mods are going to be good, or atleaced fun for a little while. And the ones that actually get past the beta, or just get to the beta and don't die out are the mods that will make many many people laugh, cry, get angry and hit their computres into because someone has a speed hack or a auto aim prog. This is killer008r with another fasinating HL2 poll/comment. Untill next time :) see everyone around.

  6. Runescape has bad graphics yes, but it is also a suprizingly good and entertaining game. I meen Look at ragnorok (That is mostly for Zech's because he still plays it all the time) its a russian mmo that is made so it has 2d chars in a 3d world, awkward, but it makes the game unique and ultimatly incredably fun. Runescapes bad graphics are made 1 to attract people since it looks funny, and 2 so the servers don't get overly laggy. And seeing how many people are subscribed to it shows how awsome the game must be. I know I'm being kind of a hypocrite because I am actually one of those people who stopped playing it, because I found better graphics else where (Anarchy Online, which it's not only the graphics it's the supurb and unique fantisy/sci-fi game play which is what got me hooked on it.) Only problem is Anarchy's trail is over by next january 16th, which then I will probaly go back to the free gameplay of Runescape or just finnaly order a game like that. But for anyone that wants to play a free and suprizingly fun and addictive game, go play Runescape, its fun, there are fast servers, its free unless you join the members area (kind of obvious) and there are only a verrry few restrictions that you get for playing in nonmember (Although there is alot of extra stuff you can do on members, which makes you be able to use acouple more extra stuff and make a couple more extra stuff) :rolleyes: But I still gotta say, theres HL2 mods for a MMORPG (free of course since if they made you pay Steam/Valve would sue them) and the mmo will allow 100-200 people on one server and there will be 5 servers up 24/7. (I was once a mapper for them but they were asking for too much in too short of a time)Well theres my HL2 comment, and I guess after finishing that comment I'm going to finish this post :) See you guys around and have fun reading this. So much for a quick reply.Dmaster, if you don't really like runescape maybe you havnt played it alot. I know there are alot of games that are better but... It's a pretty good game.

  7. Hehe 64 mb of ram :rolleyes:I have an Amd Athalon 64 3800+ 512k 90nm Rev E, It kicks all other cpu's (well most except Athalon fx 53 939)1 gig ram100 gig hd (Complements of Pricewatch.com)and to top that all of a Radeon x50 XT, One of the sweetest video cards ever.... only thing is that my motherboard is a peice of crap and cant handle my video card and most of my ram. im running at 64MB for my video card when I have the power to run 256 sucks soo much.

  8. Those were all from befor the first game was stolen (also why hl2 was delayed the extra 3 years) the orig game (befor the first source was stolen) was sopposed to be started outside of City 13 on the docks, where you were misteriously brought to by G-man. Which some people are modding the game making the "Rhl2" Or real hl2.

  9. Zechs007- a lot of these servers go crazy all the time and they're not always online. And you'd really get a lot of errors of if you don't have the latest or updated client,which is always required.


    Leppy-you can download the latest clients here.that's if you would like to play on a private server. But you need to use a korean proxy to be able to download , because IPs outside korea are being blocked.


    You can download a free private server here. It's up to you if you would like to make it online or offline. The downside of is that it can get pretty boring most of the time if there are only 10 or less people in your server,especially when you're alone. Buy you can configure it as you like, the XPs,prices,items,everything.The best part is that you can be a GM yourself.


    The private server I go to is a hosted 24/7 rag server, it only goes down for temorary updates that take about half an hour.

  10. Steam includes a map maker (Valve Hammer Editor) Its the easiest one to learn how to use and if you search on the G for Valve hammer editor tutorial you can find a couple good ways to learn really easy. (Yes I have made a couple maps and co made some more maps, one with the best cs mapper nipper in which he helped me make a good map).{Edit}If you have any questions just ask me. (PM meaning)

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