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Everything posted by rhodesian.dragon

  1. It looks nice. and you maybe right about it competing with the iPod but I dunno because I hear that Palms are loosing a lot of market shares to cell phones and to other devices like that. But I dunno this could change all of that if they market it correctly...............
  2. I have been playing SimCity 4 for some time now and made many cites (and destroyed a few too lol ) and I was wondering if anyone knew of any really good city Maps for Simcity 4????
  3. I have been playing Quake III Arera for some time and I am finding it to be a little boring now so I was wondering what is everyone's favorite shooting game for the PC?
  4. I find Dreamweaver to be the easies and best one to use to make a website. There are a lot a nice features that make it easy to make a website....
  5. hmmm.....Interesting I might give it a try when I free up some space on my site....
  6. hmmm. A Yahoo! AdSence??? That is interesting.... does anyone have a link to the service? or is it a beta only offered to a few people?
  7. If my only choice was PS2, XBox or PC I would have to vote for PC because I can customize it better then PS2 or XBoxes.....
  8. I agree with hihihihi88 your layout is way too simple and the Button text should be a different color then the background..... O and the links you have posted does not work for me either.....
  9. I like 7.0 better then 6.2 but then again I don't IM that much anymore...
  10. I have seen lots and lots of advertising for Online Dating Sites on lots of website like Xisto with ads like: I was wondering how many people use these online dating sites? Personally I don't think that they are good to use and I would never use them....
  11. The Graphics for the game look super.... Thanks for the screenshots and link.... I think that the makers of WIND WAKER were just lazy when they made that game either that or they were targeting younger gamers (say under 8) I agree with all of your wants but not the Play as different charaters .... I would never want to play as anyone other then Link. Maybe have a male and female Link but not different characters... but that's my opinion........................................................................................................
  12. AVI is a PC format that you can run using Windows Media Player....
  13. I will have to say that I will stick with Nintendo only because they have the rights to Zelda games and if Zelda ever goes to another game console I will follow that game to what ever console it goes to but I doubt that Nintendo will ever let Zelda leave....
  14. First thing you need to ask is what is the logo for? That will determine the style of the logo (weither it is professional looking, crazy looking, or a mix) Personally I think that the logo looks a little too plain. If you look at the D it is just plain but if you look at the W and the A it has some stuff added to it. Maybe add the some stuff to the D as you did with the W and A. I agree with lessmizzie the logo does not tell me anything about the company and the banner look does not look very good...
  15. I totally agree with you... That's why I do not use Yahoo! Chat... or any other chat for that matter.... I think that it's a waste of my time..... [i know some of you will dissagree with my point]
  16. I googled my name and came up with about 890,000 results. One of them showed me that a character in the X-Files has the same name as me... now that is weird...
  17. I don't care what anyone says if they try ANYONE can live without a computer... But the problem is people don't want to live without it so that's why it seems like we cannot live without it... want more information on internet 2 go to: http://www.internet2.edu/
  18. If you use Yahoo! Launch for music only and you don't want to veiw all of those ads just use Yahoo! Messenger V. 6,0,0,1750 which has Yahoo! Launch
  19. Taxes is the only downside of AdSense... and I never heard about the setting up a business to do that..... ???
  20. It's not that bad but you might want to chnage the text color for the "about me" section because it is the same color as the backgound....
  21. Depending on what type of things you want to do in the game you could always make the game in flash.... but you probably want a free game making program or at least one that is less complicated then flash and Actionscipt....
  22. I don't care what anyone says there is no such thing as 100% Anonymous Internet surfing. Sure this method may make it harder for people to be tracked but not impossible.
  23. I have used autosurf also but I find it to be more of a pain then anything else. 1. You have to keep a browser open that surfs autosurf sites 2. You do not always get credit for using autosurf to look at others pages 3. You are not garanteed any visits I used it for about 3 months with NO hits 4. If you do not use it for about a week they blast your email address with emails telling you that you are inactive SO use it if you think that you can overlook those pains....................................... But I suggest you don't.....................................
  24. Sorry I don't know what you are talkin about but I will try to look for it and if I find it I will post again./////.I just will have to remeber to back everything up when I upgrade to Tiger. Did you noticed anything else missing other then the Screensavers?.?.?.?.?.
  25. I haven't heard anything about this? I think that it sounds a little funny "internet 2" Interesting site.... it answered all the questions I had on Internet 2. Thanks for the post..... Downloading movies from the internet is not necessarily illegal. What is illegal is downloading copywritten movies for free........ Interesting thought about how the "powers that be" are trying to put us into the Matrix, but that is saying that we are not already in the Matrix...........................
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