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Everything posted by rhodesian.dragon

  1. Personally I would never use a Google OS, but it would be a great competition to windows... maybe this will force them to start making a good product rather then the trash that they do now.
  2. I use it and it works great... but some of the infomation that it gives me I would never use...
  3. If you want to trade links with me go to my site's link page and fill out the form http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I agree maybe put a link to your site for everyone to look at to see if they will want to trade links with you or not.
  4. the only difference between firefox 1.0.5 and 1.0.6 is a security update. That is the only reason why I updated otherwise they are exectly the same.
  5. I don't care what anyone says but it is impossible to 100% correctly guess what will happen to humanity in the next 20 years or even in the next 5 years. So that is why I don't worry about it.
  6. why do people complain about something when they are not going to do anything to change it... if your life sucks get off your butt and do something to change it, if your computer sucks then do something to change it, if you are not going to do anything to change it then stop complaining....from the look of your topic post you hate the internet... but then you say that you hate your PCm Xisto, and neopets... how is that the entire internet?
  7. wow making a Window XP look like a mac... wow... thanks for the post...
  8. First off Macromedia had nothing to do with photoshop that was Adobe. I agree Dreamwaver is powerful but it's only downfall is that there are a lot of features that are hidden and the navagation is a little bad. However now that Adobe bought Macromedia you can expect the navagation to look a lot like photoshop with a lot of intergration with it too... for more on Adobe buying Macromedia go to my post by clicking here
  9. There is no such thing as a free domain no matter if it is a starter or whatever... your best bet is to either FTP or use a URL redirection service like uni.com, ne1.net, or my favorite: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. Interesting I don't have the same problem in fact I never heard about this problem ever! sorry I could not help... Notice from Trekkie101: Please do not post useless messages if you cannot help, this counts as spam.
  11. That is really amazing... who would have ever thought that this would have ever happened. It really amazing how technology is advancing these days... who knows maybe the next thing to happen is have one of these small fully functional PCs integrated into a cell phone... ???
  12. interesting? not sure why anyone would make a site like this but o well. It is very hard to look at but I guess a lot of work was put into it for some reason? Just not sure what it is...
  13. Thanks for the tips... I have both a PC and mac now I can have either turn one automatically when I need them to...
  14. I don't think that there is a way to do what you want to do. But I could be wrong. Personally I don't like using FrontPage or creating a website in one program and then switch to another. SO I think that the only way to do what you want is to start over. (That is what I would do)
  15. I have the same problem with cPanel but it's becuse: Notice from Trekkie101: PLEASE ONLY POST IF YOU CAN ADD SOMETHING
  16. I heard a lot of people are having this problem and now my account was suspending... I just hope that I will not have the same problem as everyone else who did... Notice from Trekkie101: This is a support board, please take comments elsewhere, this is for quick and helpful answers to problems not chatting about what you hope wont happen to you.
  17. It all depends on how you design your website... Personally I like white or even shades of grey like rkage suggest... But the main thing to remember is when you chose a background colour make sure the other colors do not bend in with it. The thing I hate about a lot of websites is that they sometimes chose font colours that blend into there backgrounds which makes it really hard to read. So when you do chose a background colour make sure that the other colours do not blend into it.
  18. You can use services like IceRocket, WebDevTips, or ListGarden RSS which will give you the tools to create RSS feeds for free.
  19. Thanks for the info I will update my firefox right now...
  20. I have had the same problem with spyware and viruses so I suggest the following which worked for me...AntiVirus: Avast home editionAntispyware: Microsoft AntiSpyWare, Spybot, and SpywareBaster
  21. Have you heard of this new feature Yahoo! is offering. This new program allows people to put pictures in their Yahoo! Email much easier then attaching them. I have downloaded the program but I have not used it yet. The only down side that I can see is that right now it only works on Windows XP and Internet Explorer. Here is the link: http://photomail.mail.yahoo.com/
  22. I learned HTML by taking a class in college. I also learned a little JavaScript in that class as well.
  23. Personally I like Macs over Windows... I never used Linux so I have no opinion on that OS. I agree every OS has it's problems... and windows are for newbies... Windows XP: is the most used OS in the world so it is easy to hack and infect with spyware/adware. Mac OS X: for the most part there really is not much customization that you can do with a Mac.
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