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Posts posted by harriko

  1. Hey harriko thanks for the research work!  I just decided to take the bull by the horn and really get cracking with PHP.  I have been making excuses for too long now and really need to learn this thing.


    Even though Iâm a hardware man I love programming.  Maybe we can work together and share info.


    yeh alright! im still a complete beginner that only knows html and also begining to learn javascript in the course that i do. i just need to find time to learn this new language! im so busy nowadays! ive kinda started you off, so if i need any help il ask you. and there always this forum to post in!.

  2. i use norton antivirus 2003 came free with the pc preinstalled onto the computer. seems ok to use. might eat up your pre-loaded memory space on your RAM. it has a live update thingy installed together with the program. so if your on the internet it sometimes looks for updates for the program and updates itself without you knowing. well you can change the settings but i leave it on like this because of my laziness of my updating. without it my pc wouldnt able to fight the new viruses around these days.

  3. i love tekken! street fighter the good old times! and naruto (on gamecube)! i just got back playing this game! its just brilliant. you can fight with all four players in the match. you can even take tree people on, but obviously you would die easy as one, two and three!street fighter reminds me of the good old times on the snes version. doing all these specials and stuff. too bad it didnt catch on in the 3d world... there was a animie version of the film, where you see chun li having a shower. the hollywood version, didnt like that at all! thought it was a load of sh**!! man i feel the embarisment for them!

  4. yes that someone is paris hilton! someone probably hacked into her computer and stolen all her contacts. its got loads of the superstars numbers and email addresses.dunno if the numbers are real but its worth a try. i aint tried it myself because of the long distance call charges from the Uk!! just like to share like with everyone here. well happy calling!!! :Pedit by qwijibow:i read the news on slashdot, somone did hack a major phone company's computers and have access tonumbers and photo's for over a year. and one victim was paris.removed the link (just incase it is real)

  5. this is really good! helps me downloading and trying out all the cgi scripts off the internet. this is really simple! but only works in php, right now i want to learn the damn language but cant get the local machine server working.!i think this should be a in the tutorials section.thanks again!

  6. cool a free lunix distro that somes through the post! one thing to ask is that isit only available to those that live in the US or isit worldwide i live in the united kingdom and wondered if it is possible.i just read the post by MajesticTreeFrog that is user friendly for new lunix users. i havent used lunix before and always wanted to try it. maybe this distro will work for me? i will never know till i try. well thanks!

  7. i didnt know if anyone know this or it has been posted before on this forum but google search engine can be used as a calculator!


    just put this into the search engine query



    and i give you a picture of a calculator and beside it the answer to your maths question.


    To use Google's built-in calculator function, simply enter the calculation you'd like done into the search box and hit the Enter key or <- snipped -> Search button. The calculator can solve math problems involving basic arithmetic, more complicated math, units of measure and conversions, and physical constants.

    taken from the help section in google.}

  8. google webspace! that be really good for them it might be able to beat all them popular free webspaces. but i can imagine all their google adsense advertisements on the hosted websites. i find them everywhere i surf now. i never click on them now. most of the times they take me somewhere where im not interested in. the google empire is really increasing and beating msn or microsoft to it.! so if they are going to launch a free webserver is going to be a big change on the internet.

  9. i prefer buttons to be on the left or just below the header. mabe this is beacuse of the majority of websites doing the same thing. i also read the other thread that was posted on this forum that the user reading a website page always look at the top left hand corner then down and up to the right hand corner.

    you can base your website in that style to make a full effect on the user. lucky i still have the website in my favourites. probably a key tool for me to make a website based on it.


  10. i heard about it but i dont think anyone would buy any online character. unless someone is really dedicated to the online game and is willing to buy the best character on the game. that character might make it into thousands.i heard from a friend that a person sold his character for a couple of hundreds not bad for making money out of nothing. basically i play online games just to kill and pass time. and it actually work! sometimes i play it until one day passes!that was the old times.. but now i got a really hard course to do and so less time to do it in. "sigh"

  11. i agree with ndhill that for a logo it should be simple. simple so when you look at the symbol or logo it will be rememberable. i studied this in graphic products but sadly failed... just a few more marks i should of passed. anyways you should keep to the idea of clouds, pillows, beds.., maybe a eye and in its pupils theres some sort of digital art or some kind and the words "dreams in digital" should be there. just relate it to the website or something digital not like a "coconut logo for a fish and chip shop" that can be stupid. if there actuallly is i laugh my *bottom* off!

  12. I aint play Halo 2 yet... i know for all this time... but i played halo one! that was really good on the internet online play. there are loads of people to play with and loads of modes. players on the internet are really really good they just give it one shot and your dead! i remember another stage where there was no navigator, everyones invisable, no arrows above peoples heads, and only one only weapon a sniper gun. that was totally fun looking for something you cant see! but can be boring too... only thing you can depend on is the sounds of gun shots and the smoke to see where its coming from.i think all multiplayer games are great that are playable online against other people around the world. makes the game a whole lot better. i still want to play unreal tournament 2004 online though... so much killing on there!

  13. i cant get the mini apache php server working. im working behind a norton firewall.

    when i begin to install the service in the command prompt it has this message.

    (OS 10048)Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port)is normally permitted.  : make_sock: could not bind to address listening sockets available, shutting downUnable to open logsThe service name is invalid.More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2185.Press any key to continue . . .

  14. hm.. i think iframes are really do to do. its like a page inside and page. i am going to rebuild my website based on iframes. right now its just pages and pages. iframes will make it simpler and faster to load up.i think you should start from scratch, make a new page coding around the iframe. or make a table and put the iframe code in the that table. then resize the iframe to 100% width and hieght. make a new page linking to that iframe and in that table is that page. simple as that!

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