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Posts posted by harriko

  1. hm.. my favourite websites are...https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl - its configured on my browser as a homepage, so i also dont need to add it to my favourites folder. i use this for almost everything needed to search the internet.
    - use this to check my emails everyday. i think its very fast, faster than hotmail and stuff. aint got as much junk in their pages.http://www.amazon.co.uk/ - i use this website to go SHOPPING!!! i find this very reliable to buy off. even the delivery is free after a certain limit, also about the delivery its very very fast. takes about maxium one week but i get it in a few days!!!http://www.onthebox.com/ - i use this every single day also! just to check what is on the tv. hell of a lot cheaper than buying a tv guide from the shops. its just completely free tv listings. http://www.ebay.co.uk/ - another shopping site i buy from! i love this site! i always buy some big bargins on this website. they have almost everything and anything you want. but sometimes it can get frustrating when someone out bids you on the last minute or even seconds!

  2. this is probably the best grand theft auto 3d game ever! there are so much function or things you can do on there. it really bring the game to life and more realistic.i also heard that the game i banned in the UK becaouse of its violence and stuff to kids under age. but most of the times i still see it in the shops... very confused about that.anyone know if there are any news on the next grand theft auto series in the making? what more things could they add on to the series??!! help aliens take over the world?!! LOL

  3. cool i didnt know all about this. i used it so much times the hibernation but never knew it saved the RAM memory into the hard drive.i used it most of the times and i keep seeing these funky stuff on the screen loading and unloading stuff. now everything comes very clear.I think theres another way to hiberate your computer. press CTRL + ALT + DELETE > the task manger window should show up.click "Shutdown" on the menu, and "hibernate". after it will do these funky stuff and shutdown. then the next time you power on, it willl do it again, LOL. and it will load up just the way you last left it.

  4. hm.. there are lots of people starting to learn php on this forum. i am too starting to learn it. and just recently found out a way to build a server from scratch just by double clicking. the program you can use is XAMPP its on the official website and its for free. its has everything that a server should need. you can also use this for offline which i always do.its very user friendly too. so all you has to do is add your web documents to a htmldoc folder and load it up in a browser. i should work just like as if it was this working server on Xisto.com

  5. my old favourite are on the megadrive. this is the second console i had before that i had the "spectrum" it used cassette tapes which you can easily copy on your casstte recorder.it had a gun and a keyboard at that time it was quite good! but took a hell of a lot of time to load one game up. maybe about... half an hour or so. becasue of that i didnt really play much of the games.but i still remember the megadrive clearly that was like about 10 years ago. i had pacman! went through 4 levels i think than lots of different worlds using about 3 lives! still aint completed that fully yet. always kept on dying on the last red level. it was really fast and the ghosts kept getting you.hm.. oh yeh "streets of rage" that is wicked. completed the game many times over. probably the best classic game i ever played. now other games are copying the same style. beating the people up in one section and moving on to the next. i always had the ninja girls jumping back and forth on the screen got kill so much times.sonic series that got to be the best for me. i well of a fan of the game. i never completed the 3rd game. in the circus round i always get stuck in a room where you jump up and down, and try to jump through the whole when it opens. got bored and just left it. now its kinda boring when i turned 3d, not as good as before.

  6. i use a program called XAMPP is has everything that a websever should have. i am using it at the moment but just for making websites offliine. and experimenting with php which iam learning at the moment. the program is available for free to download from their website. its easy to install cos it does everything for you. just double click install and it does everything for you. then all ou need to do is put your files in httpdoc. worth a try!!!

  7. i have one sitting on my system try right now. if you use gmail, an email from google. download gmail notifier, it check like every 1minute or something like that. so im always knkow when im getting my mail.or if your on hotmail your can just log onto msn messenger and chat with your mates and when you get your email, it tells you in the corner. but i find this alot slower than gmail. maybe there are lots of users using hotmail msn around the world...

  8. i vote for the sony psp all the way. it has so much feature than the nintendo ds. so much it makes the ds look ancient. its the gadget must have to anyone. probably can do almost everything not just gaming.only the bad thing is, is the battery last for about 4 hours. i read that it would take ages to load a section of the game. anyways the graphics of this product is way better than the ds too. about 2x better! the nintendo is stuck in 64bit and sony is up to 126bit. than double!this my be the end of the gameboy market going down. its time for the sony psp!!!

  9. i think the gran turismo series is great. but i couldnt complete any of it without cheating. i dont even know anyone that completely completed the game. the licences are really hard to get. i just saw this game in the shops and you can trade it in for four games and a buck to get gran turismo 4. its kinda worth it when you have crappy games to trade it in.takes so much time to collect all the cars in the games. but i hate the endurance races to take so much time to complete. i mean real time! maybe about 2 hours for just one race. going around and around, i got really bored too. cant even save it half way through the races...

  10. to make a website or develop it i use:microsoft notepad - to edit my coding and veiw the source quickly and efficiently.adobe photoshop - to produce the layout of the website and the images that goes on to the site.macromedia dreaweaver - i rarely use this. i use it to check my mistakes on the coding that i wrote. netscape - to check the overall websitemicrosoft internet explorer - also to check the overall websitefirefox - same here toonothing much. but still makes a great working website.

  11. my favourites programs on my computer are:1. winamp - like it so much i have made it to start up every time i turn on my computer. with the auto play option plugin.2. the internet brower netscape. its been going on for such a long time when the internet boom started. so i think this is the most stable browser.3. msn messenger - i always keep in touch with my friends whenever iam online. now i even have it on my mobile phone. so i can always keep in touch.4. notepad - i use this for everything! from taking notes to programming a webpage. its even top on my most used list in my start button thingy.5. microsoft office - supports all my coursework needs. easy to use and everyones got it!

  12. that game looks great! i think all the zelda grame are great also the puzzles and stuff in it. the first game of zelda i played is zelda from the gameboy version. is lasted for quite a long time. a game worth its money. cant wait for this game. i dont think there is any emulators for the gamecube. but i seen the games available to download. if you did download it i dont think you could burn it on disc and play it on the gamecube itself.well if im worong about this i wanna know how it works!

  13. to prevert these viruses or other viruses, you should be careful of what your visting or downloading onto your computer. also you should have a anit virus install and a firewal to prevert hacker from infiltrating your computer. the internet can be a horrible place for computers users that are not careful. if this virus is not harmful you should worry about it then. you should if its damaging to your computer and the data on the computer.

  14. i love using cascading style sheets in my website. it just reduces the copy and pasting on all the pages in html based pages. all you have to do is create another file and name it "style.css" and link it to the html pages that you want the styles to be in. and vola the styles are embedded into the page you want it in.you could even make your own tags via the styles. absolutely anything you like it to be. it just gives it instuctions for the tags. saves time in the loading on your pages and the developing time on the pages. another feature is to customise the scroll bars, in the internet explorer only though... so if you want to save time on making your sebsite i rekon you should use the styles file and link it to your pages. editing the style file can change all of your html page its linked to. i just works wonders.

  15. kool what program did you use to create this? my guess is painter 9?the picture looks really realistic, did you teach yourself that or do a course or something. looks like you painted over a real photogragh of yourself and created a beach background.i see that you cheated on your teeth but did you cheat on your eyes...? hm... lol ok. looks really good!

  16. LOL riding a enemy on the back a nd shooting! that sounds well good! i only played devil my cry one, it was ok to play but the others sounds like a great load of fun. i love it when you slow down a bit to shoot in the air and do fancy moves. also i like it when they give you a rating for each hit. always trying to get the Super rating i think. im feeling tempted to get the game! another best game from capcom! wonder where street fighter is...?

  17. LOL you must be bored for months! did that really really happen? its too good to be true. someone should have a video of the fight didnt they? or isit just a silly story.might even try to do it myself. but not this far! getting two people beating each other up for something they done to you.

  18. this maybe just a thoery of someone because the monkies or apes are very similar to human beings. no one can really prove it unless there is a time machine somewhere, but if there is a time machine wouldnt we known it by now? as someone passes back through time. wouldnt someone in the past know? the time machine might be only from a people with wild imaginations. who knows, we only can live our lives. why worry about the past?

  19. its good. but for a logo you should go for the simple designs. logos are made to represent a business or something like that. people can just take one small glance at the logo and take it all in at once. if the logo is too techinical it will obviously take longer to memorise.so keep your logo simple and relate it to whatever your logo represents for. to help you, you can use other famous logos asa a guide to make your own one.

  20. i dont see firefox looks like internet explorer. to me it just looks like any other mozilla internet browser. yup you can skin the broser to any thing you like. i think you can do this with the netscape mozilla browser too, i use netscape but still havent came accross any skins for the netscape.there is a function for it but i only have the mordern version and classic version which came with the installation.

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