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Posts posted by harriko

  1. yeh i agree! the game is way better than the first one they made. new tune ups like the hydrolics and the steam compressor thingy you can add. loads of new modes like the outruns, to try and lose a car anyone on the roads. shame about the limited shoice of cars in the game, but the music is great! only annoying thing is that the main tune by snoop dogg and the doors - riders on the storm is getting very worn out. every time you put the game on "riders on the storm..."theres another racing game that is similar on pc is street racing syndicate. i got this on the pc. only difference between the two is that street racing syndicate is more "grown up". you have more choice of cars, more bets, more tuneups! and more lady girlfriends!i aint played it much because of my pc doesnt reach the requirements of the game. :P also heard that you can be you girlfriend for money! hehehe...

  2. i used to root for all the intel pentiums especially number 4. but when i found out that AMD is much stronger just recently i changed my mind. AMd i far more stronger than intel and far more cheaper to buy. only main diference is that amd runs at a slower speed than intel but! a very big but! it processes more in one cycle than intel. this really makes up for it. so i intel and amd process ran at the same exact speed amd will beat it far more!

  3. i remember playing this game about one year ago. pretty good game if you have alot of time to spare. can be kinda boring but keeps you busy killing time. you can just about do anything there. create your own weapons, cook for yourself, kill other people, make clothes!the graphics are kinda rubbish but the game makes it up for it. theres another game called ragnorok which is similar. graphics on the game are way better. try searching it up and have a try!

  4. at the moment i mostly use overnet client on the edonkey network. yes there are also fake files, and viruses around on all p2p networks. thats why you should install a anti-virus software and a firewall on your computer system.i also have a plugin for overnet, which speed up the download and looks for more sources to download from. i havent tried bittorrent yet but i cannot find any good torrent sites around. most of them are very slow to download from. any recomment any?

  5. i say it depends on what your website is about. and how you want it to look, be like, and act like. i seem too agree with the polls as php is widely used on the internet. i only know html at the moment and willing to learn php in the future. also im begining to learn javascript in my computer science course that im taking. well in webdesign you mainly use the basisis of html for coding websites. popbably the best language for all browsers.

  6. i always try



    they always have everything you need trials all the way to freeware! you can just about search anything you need. really fast servers to download from, so you can max out your connection speed.


    but becareful of spywares and thing like that, these stuff can be easily downloaded without know.


    kazaa is complete rubbish now, lots of viruses are running about there. last time i used it when i downloaded one tune, and it was all fuzzy so you cant listen to it!

  7. funny i keep getting rid of them invites then they just keep coming back all 50 of them! when i first started it was like 5 invites about a month later, boom! 10 times more than before.


    by the way if you want a gmail invite just PM me or you can sign up to it now on their website.



    i think you can make one here, i guess ....

  8. everyone is moving to firefox now. i gues theyre getting fed up of internet explorer. my friend tried a test that was posted on this forum recently on his firefox browser. he didnt pass 3/4 popups! which i couldnt believe. i though it could be better!right now im using netscape which blocked all of them except 3 out of all of 27 i think. compared to my friends firefox results it was way better! so the firefox popup blocker kinda sucks!same with anyone else?

  9. mortal kombat is goood but only with friends around to play multiplayer. same with any other fighting games. i ony play on my own on the arcade, story, or PRACTICE! to beat all your mates revealing some really awsome moves.i own mortal kombat deadly alliance, it seems to take ages to unlock every single item in the coffins. most of them are just junk from the old mortal kombat series. the making of the game was quite interesting, where the makers of the game are in a relaxed environment. they were playing the game again and again tweaking them each time. makes me want to be a games developer! seems soo much fun!

  10. well i havent played any of the splinter cell games but i hear from a lot of my friends that it is a great game, well im sure that one day when it comes out im am sure to play it cause if it is better than metal gear solid i got to play it


    dont count on it! metal gear solid series is way better than splinter cell. talking about splintercell 3, there also be metal gear solid 3 coming out to playstion 2 too! i rather get the metal gear solid verison for stealth instead.

  11. In this tutorial i will show ou how to hide your documents or folders, but you have to remember where it is! ok lets go!

    pick a file you want to hide from windows XP, to help you i will hide a file "hidden.doc" in "C:"

    open command prompt:

    you might find yourself in your user directory. in the command prompt go into the directory of where your file is going to be hidden.

    as my "hidden.doc" is in "C:" i will use "cd.." command to "change directory before" till i get into my C: drive

    once your there use the attributes command on the file you are hiding. this is what you put into the command prompt.

    attrib +r +a +s +h hidden.doc

    replace the hidden.doc with your own file.

    hope you find this useful!

  12. i still got a 10gb hard drive still willing to get a bigger storage! struggling to install some games applications and plenty of music. i probably have to backup most of my things to make way for new stuff! i also have to reformat the pc every half a year to make loads of space out of the downloaded junk. just done it a couple of weeks ago and made about..... 3gb worth of space. thats alot to me! :P

  13. same here i was a regurlar web surfer on free-webhosts.com until i found this site Xisto. it mentioned something about a forum and posting to get the host. gave it a pass a couple of time becacuse it cant be real!after a few signed up hosts that failed. like it changed to popup banner and thing like that, i gave up and had a go at Xisto.i signed up to Xisto, posted and chatted to the friendly community here and got my host server is as that. if someone is looking for hosting server i would recommend THIS!

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