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Posts posted by harriko

  1. I wondered what software is there to rip dvd movies onto your computer in divx or XviD format? theres are lots around and i dont seems to know which one is the best. i want the ones that give the best quality like the movies that can be downloaded from p2ps. so what software do they use to distrubute them?thanks!

  2. i got the final version of msn 7.0 now. its got more feature aswell like the personal message next to your screen name. its ready to be downloaded on the official msn websites. i even downloaded the new msn plus for it. it also works on it. it makes it a whole lot better! new feature new everything you need to ttry it out. no problems so far!

  3. yeh i sometimes go on this website to check out of of the artists! some are breath taking and some are.... rubbish. but the majority of the art is really good. sometimes i put is on the wallpaper of my computer. its a very good website to learn about art and show off your your art.

  4. my vote is for GMAIL!!!i switch to gmail from hotmail. thats because of the slow loadinng to get into your email accounts just to check it. and to an addition to that the security of hotmail is rubbish. ive been sent viruses every single day, from all different users. so to solve my problem i moved to a better email server "GMAIL" they did the right job. so far no problems at all!!only problem is to get rid of my 50 invites every single day! LOL

  5. i have just heard that the final version of msn 7.0 has been released, well been leaked onto the internet before it was released. is this really true? looks like they finally finished making the version problem less... anyone got this final version? i would guess it is hosted on them warez websites.. anything different from the beta version. and isit really stable?well im not bothered to search for any links for the leaked software. i just wait for the version to be released on the microsoft msn website.so what do you think of msn 7 now?

  6. yeh i have been taught through a projector for quite a long time now. its in every single room in my school. you might of heard of it on televison or on the news somewhere. its reputation is really high. even the prime minister even visited the building.

    heres a link to to it


    the porjection jut makes the teaching easier for teacher i think. but i dont think it take much effect on the students. it can only show pictures and stuff like that to show to the students. like that phrase "a picture tells a thousand words".

    smart boards even make it easier acting to replace the old traditional balck or white marker boards. just does the exact same thing.

    only bad thing about this there are bugs like viruses. there are so much problems on the computers in my school they had to reformat everything once in a while.

    while the teacher are teaching me and writing on the smart board, the computer even freezes for nothing. slows down the lesson dramatically!

  7. LOL i remember this website. i used this to get my gmail accounts. i used it a couple of months atfer this gmail spool server had began. i had to fight for the invites backs then... they only had like 5 invites every hours or so. finally i got my invite and signed up for gmail. now i have 2000mb or 2gb of space!i just checked that gmail spooler! now its from 5 invites per hour to a hell of alot of thousands of invites on there. now people around the world wont have to fight for it. its just so many there. i also added another 40 invites to the website. the invites come to no use to me so i gave them to the spooler. anyways iam gonna get the 50 invites back in no time. i give them out and they always come back!

  8. i thinkn it really depends on what you want your processor to do, like office work and stuff, the easy stuff maybe you should go for the intel celeron.but if your going to use it for the multimedia stuff like games, videos, music etc. your better off with the pentium as it is stronger and obviously more expensive.if your thinking of buying a new processor try and get the AMDs. to me i think intel is just a brand. AMD was made atfer intel but much more better. its even made by a group of people that think intel are just slow. and EXPENSIVE.so try to get amd althon 64 the newest processor out. it would last you for quite long maybe another eight years until its outdated, not like 2 years.

  9. for me edonkey or bitorrents are the best p2p program i used so so. i can max out my connection with these peer2peer. its easy to find your file that you want to download too! but the only thing i hate about edonkey is about fake files. you download the named file you want. something like a divx film or mp3 music you been downloading for ages and it turns out to be different! it can even be XXX stuff.

  10. yeah i just read this on another forum! i couldnt believe it and i checked my email accound on gmail and it just went up. right now its at "1387mb" it says!


    G is for growthStorage is an important part of email, but that doesn't mean you should have to worry about it. To celebrate our one-year birthday, we're giving everyone one more gigabyte. But why stop the party there? Our plan is to continue growing your storage beyond 2GBs by giving you more space as we are able. We know that email will only become more important in people's lives, and we want Gmail to keep up with our users and their needs. From Gmail, you can expect more.



    found this on its website! its going to be more than 2 gigabytes of storage! i dont know why im so excited because i dont even need 2gigabytes or even 1gigabyte of email storage. i may struggle with 1mb but maybe about 10mb is my limit. i think..

  11. yeah the racing game is pretty good. the arcade game machine never compares to the pc or the ps2 game. the arcade is the best but the only bad thing is that it gobles so much of your money. i aint so great on the game because i aint got so much money so throw away. i love the cornering but hate it aswell when i keep on bumping though it. LOL

  12. hm... this is new to me. maybe ashtray is right that antiviruses are unable to scan the RAR files. or maybe that all rar files are mainly used in the hacking community. so there trying to restrict the movement in illegal files.well i think ZIP files are rubbish compared to the RAR files. RAR files has more feature and security on the files inside them. if it get corrupted it would tell you.

  13. the points get reduced every hours or so when i noticed the difference. but i knew that one point equals to one day. so if i got 10.50 pionts i would know that i have 10 and a half days till my account get suspended. then i have to post some quality posts on this forum.to advise you i make sure that your posts are quality and your posts are more than 10 points/days.

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