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Posts posted by harriko

  1. i have just starting betting in the bookies, and found out a whole new knowledge and experiance. winning makes you fell good and want to bet more to get more, or losing it makes you want to win it back. but heres the question. how do you stop these bets? nothing seems to stop you from doing it. maybe its in our human nature to be greedy and feel good. is there a limit to feel good in betting? or do you always end up crying when you lose it all. knowledge is most important in betting (i think) to work out the odds they are based on pass experiences. but if it wins all the time it doesnt mean it will win in the future will it. probably all betters, wastes their money on these "odds", how do you know if they were made up? made up for you to lose?canceling out all the odds and stuff in the betting industry, you might be only betting on something only on luck. but is luck true? or isit just probability again? so if your betting on luck, why are you betting again and again? maybe luck is just a gimmick for you to bet...what do you think? how would you stop in this betting "trap"?

  2. time crisis series is just brilliant! this is probably the first shoot em up game with a gun that i really enjoyed. i only played time crisis one and two. i havent played time crisis three yet, but it looks really good as you can change and collect weapons as you go along. i love it when i only take 1 shot to shoot each person. it even counts how much you shoot in a row. i also love it when bosses come up and you shoot like mad to kill it. ducking them bullets coming towards you can be scary when you only have one life left!once i almost completed time crisis 2 in the arcades. it gives you about 8 continues for only 1 pound! i only used up about two pounds. only thing that stopped me was the real time. i was at the service station on a trip and the coach was about to leave. damn! i could of comleted that. up to the last boss "wilddog" think it was in the car park or something he was behind pillars when i was trying to shoot him.

  3. i learned html about 2 years ago. taught myself through all the basics on a online blogger, trying out new things more and more. till i got so advanced my page looked reallly good and professional.

    i also taught myself while i was making a website, at the same time i taught myself in adobe photoshop and macromedia flash 5. all combined together for the website. the website is still online but mostly falling apart now...

    you can still try it. i think...


  4. yeh it is! but theres another version of this street racing. its street racing syndicate. i think its the same but more "grown up" dont know if you heard of it but there more wide range of cars to choose and more tune ups that you have to choose yourself to make your cars faster, rather than level 1, level 2, level 3. street racing syndicate is like in real life changing small bits of your engine making the specifications even better by a little bit. oh yeh you can even have girlfriends and bet money. thats the key thing about it.

  5. mine is the 17" CRT monitor which is massive and taking loads of space. ive seen loads of 15" in schools, cyber cafes, libraries, etc. but the screen size is 1024 by 768. almost everyone uses this size on their computer. so i recommend using this size for basicing your site on this. to make your site grow or shirnk make its all "tackey"... you can make the tables wich have "undefined values" in them so it would fit the area of the browser even if you resize it. hope this helps!

  6. if there is real 100% "life-like graphics" how would you tell the difference? nothings beats the real life reality of gaming. like paintballing, football, things like that. downside to that it might cost a bomb to get all the gadgets for lifelike gaming. see in the old times they were like £50 to get brand new megadrive or snes. now for a playstatoin2 or xbox its like £200 at the start. so think about the costs!maybe to make the game in high detail it will take years or a whole big massive team to complete it. if it takes that much time too that would cost a bomb too!

  7. i havent used maya properly but heard alolt of things about it. like they are very good for rendering. i use 3d studio max 6.0, which is widely used through all the industries like movie making special effects mostly animation. also it has lots of tutorials about on the internet, shops, or even the library. i had both trials and prefer 3d studio msx as it is easier to learn from, and probably faster to load up.

  8. yeh i see what you mean i get the stuff all the time. most of the time i search on google first then i dont find the answer i post on a forum. or if i want a personal response for things like is it easy to use, or is it good. things like that. its good to speak on the forum better than being independent and searching through pages and pages on google. clicking next... next... next... i find it boring. we are always learning and its good to share knowledge from a personal view or first hand. not out of a text book.

  9. oh i aint heard of this. i always get emails in the hotmail account. maybe about five each week at the most. they come from random people and it always have this message.Delivery Agent - Translation failed------------- failed message -------------CIö(cYEfmneqc&GC4jh$fF3!nYk-ekr7eMigiZ<OFp56lch:öelh8Pdb~CZ,nESIMdlj5<7W:gp:;Q~eäP5WOg'1I*kPuml0O1L:|MjVöß:N%*qA6yT#dU~äW7vN|JmZIeKlWl~BU-%(-b<.RmE&IPhMxEY9ö5GtOß&Translated message has been attached.i think its a virus floating around in peoples email accounts and sending it to random people. the file sttached is a .zip file and the size 28.4kbmost of my friends got it too, see if anyone has the same?

  10. cool thanks for these links. im just starting to download from bit torrents. been a p2p downloader so far. but when i started to get broadband, i started to experiment on some things like bit torents. heard so much good things about it. shame about supernova... saw it on the new when it closed down.if these are realy fast, faster than p2p il be using them more often! thanks guys!

  11. i have just came accross this website, and it shows all the truths and theories about google. im shocked that google have never deleted anything at all "since day one".!

    this can mean when you delete anything on the gmail server it aint actually deleted. it is still saved on the google server. it also states that google actually atmitted to the savings of all documents!

    also theres cookies in your browser, so if you make a search on their search engine it tracks down what you search for and saves it! is the saying and reality tv shows coming true... big brother? then it obviously means no privacy on the internet world as google grows as we speak!


  12. yeh it is real. just fround a report on hackings in the t-mobile system. a guy that did it pleided guilty for doing such things. now the information about paris hilton is just floating around on the internet. and shared by the "hacking community"./http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/02/16/t_mobile_hacker_guilty/
    happy reading! now i believe its real. i read on the other forum site that they called up avril laviene and it was her that picked up!

  13. this tutorial is really good! im trying and starting to learn php for couple of days now and this is the best tutorial yet. maybe the first on php for me. yeh its true that when you coding in html you have to repeat the same bliming tags to make a same effect as the others. hopefully this will help me on my first php based website! so far its only pure html and a bit of css styeling, and thats its. just beginning to broadening my horizon just a little bit more, until i reach my goal of learning c++ which i heard is very hard.thanks again!

  14. hahaha! i think space orangutan is right. you cant read english back to front, unless its a different language like them ones in asia. i think the marquee tag is pretty easy. by reference from the other posts above you can also combine your marquee tags to make your coding more tidier and re-readable.so this is to make your text go right, scrolldelay at 1 millisecond, and scroll at every 1 pixels:<marquee direction="right" scrolldelay="1" scrollamount="1">TEXT</marquee>oh yeh to warn you i have made a page before loaded with marquee scrolls and it really slows the browser down on the page. and all the picture animation slows it totally.

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