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Posts posted by harriko

  1. oh! i seen this on the free running programme in the uk channel. i saw this game in the making on television they was playing it on the playstation 2. they had all the real characters that started the new sport.the game looked quite good. the view is like a tony hawks point of view probably much better. funny that you fall down from a really high building and it says your dead. the new sport looks so cool it even make me want to do it in real life. but i know where i end up! THE HOSPITAL!

  2. its good and simple! but its missing colour on your work. looks kinda plain maybe use the brown shades, like the olden times. u could give the image some age, try to edit it in photoshop for the finishing touches.you must have a lot of time to do this for your language work! i wouldnt even do this for my languages. all i do is alot of writing, not much creativity in the subject...well if you do some improvements to your work, it might even look better than the writing contained in the book LOL.

  3. all this is the good side of things of the windows longhorn. but there are rumaurs of the system that it might be the new "big brother" of the cyber world.any thing you download illegally will be automatically deleted. the system will detect any code embedded into the file, so it will know it is a genuwine legal download. if it doesnt detect anything it will know it is a copy or a illegal download so it will be automatically deleted without ny warning to the user. never know that it would log everything you done on the computer and send it back to the microsoft server. privacy is probably turning smaller. what happened to "personal"! in "personal computer"? the internet i becoming a strict place. so much laws trying to restrict it. as the laws take place it turns US! into criminals!so when this new windows longhorn comes out and the rumurs becomes into a true fact, im off moving to a lunix operating system. screw the "big brother" i want some privacy!

  4. hm...you can try reinstalling you driver like Sadas said. or...you can try updating your windows xp for the new drivers. or...if both cd drives are new and just been install onto your system, try checking that one of the cables to the cd drive is connected to the sound card on your motherboard.this is all i could think of relating to your problem. it cant be the soundcard that has the problem because you can listen to mp3 and stuff from your hard drive, yeah?well try going through the things i listed that should make it work.

  5. theres another new feature on google! it just keeps on growing and growing doesnt it! well this is for sms. send a queries through your phone and it gives you the answers, there are still some bugs in it because its new!

    Google SMS (Short Message Service) enables you to send queries as text messages over your mobile phone or device and easily get precise answers to your questions. No links. No web pages. Just text â and the information you're looking for:
        * Get local business listings when you're on the road and want to find a place to eat.
        * Find movie showtimes and theater locations of movies currently playing near you.
        * Get weather conditions and 4-day forecasts to plan your day.
        * Compare online product prices with ones you find in retail stores.
        * Look up dictionary definitions to expand your vocabulary or prove a point.


  6. how much isit in the us right now? one person said it was $250 and the other said $350. im still waiting for it in the UK. the prices and the release date is still unconfirmed. i calculated that in JAP - 130GBPUS - 130GBP or 185GBPso its most likely to come out to europe as 130GBPcan anyone confirm the price in the us? thanks

  7. yeah! i had unlimited hosting once.... but my account got suspended for hosting some stuff that wasnt allowed. that was when i was new to all this proper hosting server stuff like this with cpanel and stuff.that was when "iconrate.com" was giving out free sign ups on their server for free. no posting andd stuff on it. it was the ultimate hosting package. now i aint got it no more... this is probably the next best thing for me on Xisto.

  8. i only watched the jap versions of the ring. i still aint watched "the ring" us version, still got to watch that. but out of the japanese versions i prefer the first one. the sequel was kinda scary but the first was the best for me. if your into scary films why dont you rent out a copy of "the eye" its another asian horror film. i think its kinda scary too. its more "modernized" setting i think... i really really want to watch "the eye 2"try going on the website. the first part was scary...

  9. same here too!i dont even have anything that you have on the list. what i have to make my system run perfectly, is:norton anti virusnorton firewallad adwareregistry cleanerdisk cleanupdisk defragthats all! no problem at all with these. except when i accidently deleted one import file to make windows work. but the first 4 programs on the list fully protects me from the net.

  10. command and conquer games are the best in stratagies. my favourite is probably the red alert two. i also played the generals version but it was missing a bit of something. it wasnt really that good...i heard there was another game in the making by EA games? it was taken over from westwood studio that shutdown quite recently. i wondered why it took so long after generals was released.if they were still running we should have another command and conquer game we be playing right now. wont we? oh well we will wait for the one from EA games...

  11. yeh micro is right. you need the installation of the program to install the program onto any computer. the installer dont just install files onto your computer they also add registries to the registry. and they dont always be in one folder they can be in other locations too.so if you want to have photoshop on your other computers you will need the installation file. you mite have that on cd or something. or if its pre-installed on your computer (its already on there when you brought the computer). you probably cant do anything to get the installation. or can go on "them" websites to get them, but thats just wrong.

  12. yeh this was the best multiplayer game i ever played! i always played it every single week when i came out onto the nintendo 64 at my friends house. i didnt own the nintendo 64.when me and my mates plays it we always go for the golden gun. once someone has that they can kill! we cannot fight him with our normal guns. only one shot of the golden gun and your dead.stopped playing this now... tried playing it game, but it wasnt as good as before. maybe beacause of the new graphics making it look rubbish. looking back it looks really blocky and stuff.loved it when two people are out of ammo or weapon less at the beginning and we just start slapping each other to death. those days are the good old days. no game is like this any more...

  13. i have this very same problem! i have done exactly what you have done before. what i had was a virus too, or a small problem so i had to reinstall the system again. right.firstly what i did was backup all my documents and stuff. i had so much stuff i couldnt do it all! so what i did, i made another folder in the c: directory like "BACKUPS". i copied or moved every single thing i still wanted on my computer or it would be removed when i install the fresh system.when i did that i installed the new windows xp partition. once it had been installed, adding all the new drivers or updating them, i searched or locate for the documents i have backed up on the infected system.once i found the files and documents i moved it to the new partition, it just copied itself onto the new partition with no problems at all. no password, no nothing at all what so ever.so to solve your problem. if you still have access to the infected system move your documents to the root directory in a new folder. then reboot your computer to the new partition scan the documents just in case there are any infected documents, you dont want to spread it into your new partition do you?so when it all in the clear you can move your documents to the new partition.so i hope it helps you!

  14. to play windows based games why dont you install windows xp into another partition of your hard drive. then when you want to play and game boot it up in windows then play the games like normal?it would be less of a hassle installing it in lunix or wanting for games that are ready made for lunix. it might not even install into the lunix system. or never intend to be released on a lunix system.

  15. cool!i didnt know about this phpNuke. i keep seeing it on websites based on the php coding. and on the bottom of the page it has "powered by PhpNuke x.x.x.x" i always wondered what it was. at first i thought it was a program that creates the pages for you like "microsoft frontpage" or "macromedia dreamweaver". this post has made it clear!thanks!

  16. PACMAN 25yrs old! wow! i didnt know that i thought it would be about 20 years now when the megadrive came out i think. i have the game on that system, i played it all day! not just me all my family too. sometimes we just sit infront of the television and play the game going through loads of levels. getting harder and harder!i even got this on my phone! not as good as the old thing though... only one stage. once it came out in a 3d format it just became rubbish... they should of left it the way it is.

  17. yeh i dont think its out of the beta stage either... if its out of the beta stage why bother still having the invites.i also have 50 invites saying on my account right now. maybe when its out of the beta stage they will remove the invites. maybe? thats what i think.so if anyone wants one its going public from me! just PM me or any other kinda of contact to me.:)

  18. my pick will be the desktop, you can upgrade it easily by buying parts for it. also it will be cheaper than laptops. laptops are more expensive to upgrade, at that price you better off with buying a new laptop.it also really depends if you going to be out and about alot and need to use a computer, the laptop is the solution. and yes i agree they can get easily be stolen. or you could get mugged because of it. so if you do get a laptop you must be careful taking it outside. or you can use it around the house and use a wireless connection to your network. but if you staying at home and use the computer most of the time your better off with a desktop computer. there are loads of accessories to add to the desktop.its your choice what you are going to use it for. two things, two purposes. one staying in and one out and about (getting mugged). LOLwell hope this will help!

  19. i can see what you are doing on the images. i think fireworks automatically does this for you, it also saves so much time doing it little by little, when you can do it a maximum of maybe one minute flat!anyways! welcome to Xisto! hopefully you can get your free hosting afterwards!

  20. t this was quite a while ago in the UK, which is where iam obviously. tried the cd with the live cd, without any need of installing it into my system. when it finally loaded up it looked pretty ok. looks like any other lunix operating system. it also had games and stuff really on the cd also! the operating wasnt very good to me so i went back to windows xp. i say the ubuntu cd is for the complete beginners to computers and also want to use the lunix operating system. im looking for a little bit more advanced operrating system. something like the mandrake 10 or 9.1 version of the operating system. the interface looks really good and you have loads of control (i think).

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