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Posts posted by wwheeler

  1. The Microsoft corporation decided to give up making their own hardwear and focus completely on softwear. The Apple company decided to continue producing their own hardwear believing, rightly so, that having machines built to their own specifications would improve quality by a lot.



    Microsoft, to my knowledge has never made their own PC hardware. But the fact that more people use windows is due to the fact that Bill Gates worked out deals with the big manufacturers way back when windows 95, and he gave the OS at a dirt cheap price to the OEM's, and thereby secured for him self a huge market share. Because apple won't let another manufacturer use the MAC OS. You can buy it, but I don't think that it will work on all machines. Though, I could be worng about that.


    At least that is how I understand it.


    I think that Bill Gates is a marketing genious. I just don't like windows that much, that is why when I'm not at work, I am sitting behind my Mandrake Linux Machine.....

  2. Yeah, I run an internet broadcast where I work. It is really nice to be able to listen to the station on the way home from work, and then be able to hear it sitting around the house; well away from the max range of the station's signal.

    It is also becomming very popular to run Inet radio from local machines. I am playing around with Shoutcast on my home PC. it is kind of interesting to do.

    two drawbacks exist in the Shoutcast platform that I have discovered.

    1.) The serve caches the signal, so it is impossible to synch the broadcast to the time. (EG. A three o'clock show can be heard starting at 3:20 on a listeners computer.

    2.) When it crashes, it causes major lock-up, at least on my machine...

    you can read more about shoutcast at: http://www.shoutcast.com/

  3. Macintosh computers are no longer even made with floffy drives and windows computers will most likely follow suit sooner or later.


    My (windows) Computer didn't come with one, I had to go buy one, and void the warranty just to add it to the machine. I think this is very bad practice on the part of the manufacturers.


    But, I guess that they might figuer that now everyone is using CD/R-RW, or DVD/R-RW's. I can kind of see were they are comming from. Well that and the fact that jump drives are so cheap now. It is a way to save them some money when you buy the computer.

  4. Some designers use design diferent layouts for the different screen sizes and use javascript to direct users to the correct ones, but I feel that this is rather time-consumuing


    It might be time consuming, I'll give you that, but it is one of the best ways to do a layout in my humble opinion. I think that it leads to a more professional looking site to have it customized by what resolution the person looking at the website is using.

  5. If you're all so paranoid about your privacy, get rid of your lazyness and try it today.



    I use linux on one of my machines.... There are a whole lot of security risks with linux too.. Let's be flatley honest, there is now such thing as total security.


    Thanks to people that find it fun to do illegal things, every one has to watch their back.

  6. I have used firefox for a while now, and I guess that you can see by my siggie where my browser loyalty is.I have not discovered one problem with it yet.It has not sucked my processor, and I have not had any problems with the interface.The tabbed browsing takse a little getting used to, but once you do, it is the best thing since sliced cheese. J/K, but it really is a nice feature. I fail to see how that website gets it's information....

  7. I happen to be a devout Firefox user, and ever since I've gotten it I have needed to use extensions to make my browsing experience better.


    Hey, thanks for the great info. I've not really noticed that I needed to add any extensions to the software, but I did have one time that I needed to add a plugin to firefox. That is totally different from IE, where I was installing a plugin about every day. It got boring and maddening to say the least.

  8. Guys i have gotta problem with my BIOS. I forgot my password...How do i reset my BIOS...

    It s a

    PHOENIX 6.0 BIOS make Fujitsu.


    I know there are backdoor passwords for award BIOS . Is there somthing of that sort for phoenix BIOS.

    Is there a way to reset the BIOS. ITs a laptop so shorting wires wun work... Any help would be appreciated :P


    You can reset it yourself. All you have to do is find out where the reset jumper is. It is usually jumper 12. The location for it depends on the motherboard. Once you have located it, all you have to do is turn the computer off, pull the reset jumper, leave it off for about thirty seconds, and then replace it, and reboot.


    The draw back to this is, that if you have any special settings in bios, then you will loose the doing this.

  9. Well i use Ad aware SE and PEstPatrol. I'd rather rely on my Symantec antivirus corporate edition.


    I scan my PC once in two days for spywares. Ad aware can eliminate most of the


    threats.. since its scanning engine is more powerful


    I never can get it to get rid of all the Spyware.


    I run ad-aware, and then run webroot, and I get a ton of more spyware removed with webroot. I just can't figure it out.


    And I have tried to use Norton AV, but it just never finds any...

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