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Posts posted by wwheeler

  1. Router settings:

    SSID is not broadcasted (I chose to hide it)

    MAC address for the USB adapter is added to my MAC table so it has access

    using 128 bit WEP encryption




    You don't have to tell us, but do you know what the name you gave your SSID?


    You will need to add it in the Configuration of the Adaptor on your computer. With out it being broadcast, your computer will not be able to connect unless you go in to the settings of the network adapter.


    The SSID is how each computer that would tie into the network. With out it, you are flying blind, and computers don't like to work that way....



  2. This story from [CNN]

    LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- A JetBlue airliner with its front landing gear stuck sideways safely landed Wednesday, balancing on its back wheels as it slowed on the runway at Los Angeles International Airport.

    Flames shot off the front landing gear as the plane ground to a halt with firefighters at the ready.

    The aircraft with landing gear problems had circled the Los Angeles area for more than two hours as the pilots dumped fuel over the ocean and officials tried to determine how to make an emergency landing.

    The pilots discovered the plane's front wheels were turned sideways and stuck as they tried to retract the gear shortly after takeoff.

    The back landing gear was also down as the plane circled, but it appeared to be in the correct position. Officials planned to try to land the aircraft, relying on the back wheels, at Los Angeles International Airport, which has longer runways than surrounding airports and more emergency equipment.

    JetBlue Flight 292 left Burbank's Bob Hope Airport at 3:17 p.m. with 139 passengers headed for New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport, said airline spokesman Bryan Baldwin.

    Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Donn Walker said the Airbus A320 was dumping fuel over the Pacific to lighten the plane for an emergency landing.

    "After leaving Burbank, pilots reported a landing gear indication light on, meaning there may be a problem or issue with the landing gear," Baldwin said. He said the crew decided to head for a nearby airport to attempt to land.

    The plane first circled the Long Beach Airport, about 30 miles south of Burbank, then was cleared to land at Los Angeles, said LAX spokeswoman Nancy Castles.

    JetBlue is based in Forest Hills, New York.

  3. I have a view that is kind of starnge to both the religious set, and the science set.I personnaly call it smart design.It states:That while planning the creation of mankind, God decided to let the human body change and adapt to living conditions around the globe. To accomplish this, he allow our bodie to adapt, and evolve, therefore, allowing us to survive as a species on about 80% of the planet that he gave us to live on...But, like I said, that is just my opinion, and could be as far from correct as possible.I don't think that God would have created a species that couldn't evolve from the base form that were Adam and Eve.-William

  4. Try one thing first.

    Click Here To download Ver. 1.4.2 and try the site again, and it should work...

    Are you framiliar with creating a System Restore Point? If you are, then I would go ahead and do that before you install, and then install and it should work, if not you will have the restore point.

    A small note, It looks to me like Update five is a stable Beta release. It should work if you download this version and run it...

    if you are not framiliar about setting up a restore point, then just let me know and I will make a tutorial on how to do it so that you will be able to do it....


  5. Man,  I am impressed.  George Bush has stones.  I mean, he'll appoint nearly anyone to nearly any position regardless of their lack of credentials.  Look at Michael Brown, until recently he was in charge of FEMA & had not an ounce of qualification.  Look at the cost in suffering and lives.  Look at the cost in dollars to all of our children.  Anyone see a parallel with Bush's handling of the situation in Iraq?  He didn't listen to the people he paid to know better.  He thinks that he has a mandate from heaven.  When are we going to show him he's wrong?


    When are the democrats going to give up their claim that every republican wants to get rid of Social Security? When are they going to quit rallying behind that Murderer Teddy "Drunken Monkey" Kennedy. You want to save the government money? Take the Alcohol out of his office, you do know that the Government buys him his booze, right, or are you just too blind to see the real problems?


    Second, Katrina was a shock to everyone, there is no Fu$king way that FEMA could get aid in, when no one else could get in. I hate people that are stupid enough to think that FEMA is God. Have you worked for FEMA? I Have, and let me tell you a little about Director Brown. The man was keeping 100+ hour work weeks, when was the last time that you lost full days in your office.


    Do you really think that anyone gives a rats butt what that mother in Washington has to say, you know, the Democrat that lost her son in Iraq? No, her son knew that there was a chance that he would not return from war. I was a fighter pilot. I know for a fact that they know it going in that they may DIE for you arrogant idiots to become bleeding hearts over.


    I'm sorry that you deel that it would have been smart to have a liar and a theif and murderer in office, but I don't

  6. Don't be mistaken folks, FF isn't as safe as everybody thinks.

    You may never forget the golden rule for exploits: "the more popular it is, the more effort they make to find exploits".


    And of course, a link:

    [M] Is the Firefox honeymoon over? More leaks found than in IE


    Did anyone claim that it was safer? It is a product like any other, it will have problems. That is why people like me are hired. To fix those problems.....

  7. Wow thanks a lot man.  I will definitely make a switch to firefox.  You know I have Comcast high speed internet and sometimes it loads slow because of Internet explorer takes a lot of memory.  Even though I have 1Gb ram but still it uses processor a lot.


    Does Firefox use less memory or more than IE.  Is firefox better than Opera (not free edition). 


    I think Firefox uses tabs right?  Instead of like the IE6 not IE7.


    Yes, Firefox has a smaller memory footprint than IE, thus it runs faster.


    Well, in a sneaky way, IE will tell you that it uses less memory, but it lies, it hides all of it's memory usage in other process that look nothing like IE...


    Firefox is up front when it tells you the amount of memory that it uses...


    And yes, Firefox uses tabbed browsing, it takes a little getting used to, but once you do, you will wonder how you ever got along without it...



  8. Okay, you had to go there didn't you....I have three favorite characters from video Game:My first favorite is Tidus From FFX. He fights so well, and trys so hard to get the girl, and in the end Doesn't.....My Second Favorite is Rikku from FFX. She is just too hot!!!!!!!My third Favorite is Darius from Evergrace. Just too involve to really see what is going on....-William

  9. I feel that it would really depend on what you do more of, Gaming or Programming....For gaming, I would go with a CRT, as LCD graphics can be quite bad...For instance: I had an LCD on my main rig that I was playing World of Warcraft on, and I thought that the graphics were killer, but then Lightning struck the house, and blew out the monitor, so I pulled an old tried and true CRT out of the closet, and discovered that half of the colors were muted with the LCD, but not with the CRT. As well as some of the graphics can get really pixelated, or boxy with and LCD. The same can be said of a CRT, but generally not as badly as with an LCD.For programming, I would go with a LCD, as hours of sitting behind a CRT can cause problems like headaches. So to me it would really depend on what you do more heavily....-William

  10. I should try firfox.  Maybe it's better than Internet explorer.


    Oh, I can promise you that it is better than Internet Exploder, I mean Explorer.


    Some of the best things about Firefox:

    Tabbed Browsing! No more multiple instances of the berowser to slow things down....

    Speed. Can't really explain this one, but I know that it loads web pages twice as fast on my machine

    Price: FREE!!

    Ease of Use: HIGH. It will not take you long to learn to use it, and it continues to get easier to use...

    BugMeNot: An extension that allows you to use predetermined passwords for some internet sites.

    Cookie Control: The ability to control cookies at the site level, decide which sites can place a cookie on your machine, and which sites can't

    And I am still discovering things that I like...



  11. I personnally use a laptop, as I am a Audio/Visual Specialist at a hotel, and have to use a computer about two hundred Times a day to set up equipment, it makes it easy to hook up and run what I need to run...I also belive that it is great to sit in the tub, and surf the internet, and talk to friends.. (Just make sure that you don't put it in the water...)I also like to go to Lan partys for a couple of games that I play, and it would be really hard to get to them and get set up if it were not for my lappy...-William

  12. I believe that they use breeze where I work as an Audio Visual Specialist...I'm not really at the Front desk area of the Hotel. I am more of the meeting planning, staffing and execution side, so I rarely see the software.But does that software allow planning for meetings???-William

  13. I been playing AA for a while now and it just keeps on getting repetitive.  There is nothing else to do in the game it is now considered too boring for me.  If AA would have come out with like a AA2 or something i will most likely play that because i have so many problems with AA now.  You cant connect to severs its a really long wait just to play (I'm even using broadband), there are some glitches in the came that just freezes the screen for a second and then continues playing after you an enemy shooting at you, and most of all it is too boring!!!


    It can get a little repetitive, that is why I am playing more wow now, but, every now and then, it can be a really great diversion from work....

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