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Posts posted by wwheeler

  1. As another user said, the cPanel user name and the username here are for the most part the same... unless your username is longer than 8 characters :)


    Don't use the same password in cPanel as the one you use here for your user name.



    Not to be rude Nils, but that still can be seen as a security risk, and it dosen't matter if you use a different password, a good password cracker can get through it in a heart beat. it would just make it a little more difficult to hack in. That is just my $0.02


    P.S. If I might ask why all of a sudden that became mandatory? It seems like a waste of DB resources to have to add that field in and then having to look it up every time a post is viewed. Not that I'm not happy with this place, the uptime seems wonderfull. It just seems to me like that would be a waste of resources to show that on every post and not just on a report when needed.


    I said that I would return to the penut gallery, and I will now......

  2. I currently use it on my web site, as I am at work too much during the day to really do a bang up website, and when I can it will change.


    but, is there anything specific you would like to know about it....


    It is simple to administer, and most of the features that you likely to need are right on the administration screen.


    I feel that I can't emphasise this enough, as soon as you install it, click the link on the site that says something to the effect of create a global administrator account now. If you don't you will allow anyone that sees that link to control the content of your site.


    As for the features it has, some of the many follows:

    (At least on my version, which I had to Download. Not sure about the bundlwe that come from Xisto)




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    There is another feature called modules. This feature allows you to download chunks of code, and insert new features into your website. Like a Randowm Quote script that I run on mine...


    If there is anything that you would like to know that I haven't mentioned, juist post it here....

  3. I'm very surprised that mods were illegal.  One of the top posted topics on the steam fourms are the garrys mod screen shots, and other things to do with garrys mod. Wouldn't you think that if it was illegal, that they would prohibit the posting of that topic? :)


    Mods are NOT illegal, that are simply additions to a game. I play a couple of games that have mods that you can find on the game's website. Like Sims, And a ferw others that I can't remeber at the moment. Garry's MOD is a prime example....


    Cracks ARE illegal, they a a hackers method of making a demo into a full version game. An example of a crack would be the "Corporate XP" ISO that was floating around on the internet. With that version of the software, an i believe still unknown hacker reomoved the activation step from the instalation of the software....

  4. That's very obvious but Windows XP is way to go for home users as most programs are built to work with this OS.I agree that is built with many security flaws but Microsoft is taking measures to correct that but it is too late as they have already earned themselves a bad image in front of the world.They have entered the antispyware market by purchasing GIANT Antispyware, gave it a new name and interface and about to force their way into the antivirus market agressively by integrating both security software into  SP2's Windows Security Center, which will benefit us but not antivirus/antispyware vendors.


    Okay, so they are faking the movements trying to look good, but it is way to little too late...


    Also I think that the term many security flaws is wrong.... I feel the proper term would be unending amounts of security flaws..


    Granted, there are security flaws inherant to all Operating systems, but come on, Micro$oft, do a little security testing before releasing a product.

  5. Okay, I was listening on the radio the other day, and someone was talking about using the next level of the internet to make money through e-commerce, but I am a little confused by all this.

    The last time that I heard about the "Next Tier of the Internet", it was suppoed to be for research areas, like colleges and think tanks..

    This site says:

    The Internet 2, founded by the University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development (UCAID), is a high-performance network intended to serve the research community.

    Am I wrong in thinking that the statement that I heard on the radio would be false?

    Or, am I just completly confused by this? :)

  6. All I can say, is what a surprise. People can be so careless to do crap like that, what did the people whose numbers have just been revealed do to deserve this BS?I just get really pissed off at idots like this. I also really enjoy to have crapheads like that arrested. I really wish some times that I was a cyber crimes detective, so I could take care of this scum..Okay, enough of my rant, now, someone please send me those numbers :) J/K

  7. My personal favorite is mandrake for the Newbs, that or linspire (Formerly Lindows....)

    You can find mandrake here.

    you can find Linspire here.

    The only drawbacks to downloading is that it takes so frigging long. You are downloading a CD image that is about 675 MB, so it takes a while...

    Another option is to go to a refutable computer store (MicroCenter, And sometimes BestBuy has some distros.) and buy them for very cheap....

  8. Yeah, Micro$oft Sucks. Unfortunatly, they are big enough that they think that they can get away with almost anything.....


    Open source is the only way to go....


    Here are some News links on Free and Open Source Software (Foss):

    User-friendly open source software befriends buyers, sellers

    IBM Helps Drive Open Source Development

    Microsoft admits targeting Wine users

    There are more out there, all you have to do is google Open Source

  9. OK I posted some wrong information in my other post.

    Here are the screenshots i'm talking about.

    I can only boot to Windows through using the XP disk every time.

    I'm thinking of reinstalling both Windows and Linux.

    I'll try the thing you said quijibow.

    Thanks again for helping this Linux dumbarse.


    It looks like your bootloader installation failed.....


    What I would do is to reinstall linux, making sure that when It asks if you want to load a bootloader, you select grub, and make sure that it has an entry for windows.,

  10. I have gotten Limewire to work on my 'drake system....


    It was really easy to do also. The good thing about 'drake is that it is an RPM (Redhat Packaging Manager) based distro, so it is good to get your feet wet. But back to what I was originally saying...


    Limewire comes in a RPM install. All you have to do is downloadit, and run it and you are good to go...


    As to the question of security, I have been running a server for two years, and have never had a virus on it. I don't think that many viri exsit that affect linux. As long as Micro$oft holds the corner on the PC market, and it remains so security lax, then I think that Virus programmers will stick to attacking it... But, that is just my humble opinion.....


    As for stability, my 'drake, Redhat, and linspire distros have all been running 100% of the time for at least two months now, the record for me is on my redhat system, which remained runnin for 7 months straight with out a hiccup....

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