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Posts posted by wwheeler

  1. AA is awesome but i cant seem to get the sharpshooter class. does anyone else have tips to shoot better?


    Just two pointers....


    1.) Pay attention to the breathing cycles when you use the iron sights, the gun barrel will travel up and down depending on wether you are inhaling or exhaling, and will settle down for a moment. When the barrell is still is the best time to take the shot...


    2.) Keep playing the game, and then as you get a little more experiance with the game, go back and try it again.....


    it took me a little while to take care of the sharpshooter rating, much less the expert marksman badge....



  2. For those of you who are too lazy to look through all of the comments over on that site, here is the site that you can go to to help beta test microsoft products:

    Microsoft Connect?

    A few words of warning:

    If you are looking to bta test for longhorn at this point in time, you might just want to wait. This is the Tech Beta testing phase for it, you really don't stand a chance to test it at this time....

    If you have never tested for them before, it could be a while for them to contact you. I beta tested Flight Simulator 2004, and I had signed up a year in advance of them contacting me....

  3. There's more to problems than the fuel gauge alone.  Was reading Space earlier and found this.

    It still amazes me that something so simple can go wrong on a million dollar machine.  Just imagine if that window cover falling off mid-launch and not on Tuesday...


    After the Columbia incident, I feel it has been all about saving face and not really about the safety of the spacecraft.  Whenever a situation arises, how many times does the government actually admit they know anything about the situation?  Maybe it is time they start taking space exploration seriously - after all our planet is getting a bit crowded.


    Logan, The window covers are removed normally at the t-1 Day Three Hour MArk, when they roll away the PCR, or payload changeout room. So the window covers would not have fallen off during launch....

  4. okay, im sorry to say this, but im a striict yahoo! user. I refuse to use any other search engine including google. Go Yahoo! I have started an organization against google *points to siggy* which has one member ::guess who:: and is trying to make yahoo number one! okay, sorry, i understand that this is an alta vista board but i think that you get so much more out of yahoo when you do se4arches there. come on now, i dont understand why google is so popular when yahoo is so much more satisfying with your results. I'm sure alta vista gets you from point A to point B but sometimes it isnt enough and you need spinners on those wheels if you dont wanna get jumped. WoW, BAD metaphor. PLEASE consider switching to yahoo! its for the better!


    You do know that yahoo is just a front on google, right???

  5. First off, let me ask you a question...


    When you say CPU do you mean the whole box that is your computer, or do you mean the chip on the mother board?


    Second off, what did you check when you opened the system unit (The Main Box that you hook your monitor and modem, and speakers and all into)?


    Did you unplug anything while you were in there? If so, Plug it Back In. I have had this problem with a couple of machines that I have built, and the solution was as simple as plugging the HDD controller cable in...


    Also, what were you doing when it shut down on you?



    Third, if none of that Applies, can you give me any details about this system, Like what mother board it uses, what video card, what OS, and the likes. I might be able to guide you through brigning this unit back to life....



  6. I use their Translation site at This page, but that is about the only thing that I use them for, I would rather use yahoo, or google. They both have the image search ability.

    But, that is just my $0.02, Tell us the reasons that you use it? Is it just because of the Image and video searches, or what, you tell us....


  7. I haven't played this game in forever....I remember that when I played it in Agent mode, i beat it in like thirty minutes, then when I put it in secret agent, I beat it in like an hour, and the 00 Agent mode, I never could beat the mission where you and natalyia are in the bunker, and you have to get both of you out of the bunker.....I would always die trying to get the information in the safe.....-William

  8. I have to use it daily for the company that I work for, because they still use the doss shell for some of the rateing programs...My Favorite thing to use it for at home is qbasic to play the games...I love monkey, or what ever it is that you throw the explosive bananas.And I still use Qbasic at home to write software for work and or play.I wrote a program not to long ago that would print and file a flight plan for my airplane....But, some of the games that I used to play in DOS can't handle the processor spped that my machine has, and therefore, I am going back through all of my old hardware, and am going to try and build a machine that I can play the game Apollo 18: Mission to the moon on.

  9. Oh, madcrow, please don't get me wrong, I totally agree with you. To host anything on the net, I would only use Unix Os. I totally agree with you, you can use any Linux or unix client. I totally disagree with windows, though I am forced to use it at home, because that is the only thing that the family knows. Slowly getting them into linux.Can someone provide some info on mandriva, so that I might be able to help out?-William

  10. You are absolutly correct in my eyes, it doesn't matter what country they are from, it will be executed here in america, because the company that they are sueing is on American oil.But, it is just like the woman about three years ago in my hometown that sued god and won, because lightning struck her house. She won on the grounds that god Failed to appear in the court room...People can be so stupid sometimes, and the Lawyers that go along with it can be so blind to think that all these frivilous lawsuits are a good thing for the economy.

  11. I've never really had a problem with nuke, and IMHO, it just keeps getting better with every version that they realease....


    Some of the features that I like:

    Ease of adding content through programmer created modules.

    Nice Layout

    Ability to offer different skins.

    Multilingual Abilities.

    Ease of putting it online.

    The only drawbacks that I see:

    Not being able to turn off the security code verification.

    The more that you put in a module, the longer the url gets to be.

    Those are just my opinion. I have been using PHPNuke for about three years now, and have been satisfied with it so far...



  12. I found this while looking up your build of linux, and it is about as technical as I can get....

    What if Dr. Seuss wrote technical manuals?
    If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
    And the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
    And the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
    Then the socket packet pocket has an error to report!

    If your cursor finds a menu item followed by a dash,
    And the double-clicking icons put your window in the trash,
    And your data is corrupted 'cause the index doesn't hash,
    Then your situation's hopeless, and your system's gonna crash!

    If the label on your cable on the gable at your house,
    Says the network is connected to the button on your mouse,
    But your packets want to tunnel to another protocol,
    That's repeatedly rejected by the printer down the hall.

    And your screen is all distorted by the side effects of gauss,
    So your icons in the window are as wavy as a souse,
    Then you may as well reboot and go out with a bang,
    "Cause as sure as I'm a poet, the sucker's gonna hang!

    When the copy of your floppy's getting sloppy on the disk,
    And the microcode instructions cause unnecessary RISC,
    Then you have to flash your memory and you'll want to RAM your ROM,
    Quickly turn off your computer and be sure to tell your mom!

    I am framiliar with getting mandrake and redhat to work with webhosting, but I am not framiliar with Mandriva.....

  13. Has any one tried the new versoin yet?It is suppose to be a top down remake, using a whole new engine, and new coding, and a whole bunch of new stuff.....I have just recently gotten it downloaded and am getting a machine ready for a LAN party that will happwen at the end of the month for my clan.I have noticed that the cheaters are not taking over servers like they used to. I gotta give the Army a Hooah on that one. That is one thing that I got sick of really quickly.-William

  14. I have used norton for a while now at work, and I have only had one problem on one PC, and that was fixed when I went through and edited the settings it was running at...In all the research that I have done, Norton has had mixed reviews, Some say it will slow hyour comp down, others say that it won't. The choice is the individual users to decide.And a note from a moderator, lets keep the yelling to a minimum, or this whole thread will be locked, and moved. We try to keep a very open place to visit, and the Yelling, and bolding all make it very unwelcoming sometimes....Thanks, -William

  15. Yesterday, and the day before, my site was down, no reason that I could tell, just was down.Now that it is back up, I can't use any of my domain services, like mail, ftp, Cpanel, or anything else that required a password, they look like they have all been changed....Can someone please reset the Cpanel password so that I may change all of my passwords again, Thanks so much...

  16. Hey, about a year ago, I bought an e-machines computer, and I can't get full performance out of the processor, Is there anyway that I can improve the front side bus on this piece of crap machine, will it take changing the processor? can I do it through bios?I am getting really ticked off at this machine, and any ideas might help to save the life of a POS computer that will end up in a million pieces... Any Ideas????-William

    Notice from microscopic^earthling:
    Moved to Hardware Workshop.

  17. yeah continue using it like normal, if you sit it on your lap, you'll be fine. But don't like shove the laptop basically into your groin.


    No, even doing it that way can cause the heat to build up between your legs...


    If you let the Laptop sit on your lap, and no air can flow, then you are heating a three foot area of space approximatly, and your testicles are within that three foot radius.....




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