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Posts posted by wwheeler

  1. I personally don't like the applet. I am into the static thing myself, no moving graphics.I think that the layout is great enough that you don't need the logo there. Also, (and I think that everyone can agree here) I am not a fan of the dark background/blue text.....If you could go with a white BG and some shade of green, or any other non-dithering color for the text, that will be a killer site....as for the load time on the second site, it was about 2 seconds for my comp to load and display it....

  2. Bill gates steal the first project for MS-DOS froma NY company, something loike Xro o Xero, i don't remember...watch this film http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0168122/

    and you'll undestand because win is "more popular" and Bill so rich :)




    No, he didn't steal it, he wrote MS-DOS and sold it to Xerox. That is where he made his first move into the market.....

  3. My Favorite map is Insurgent Camp as you can see by clicking on the stats link back in my last message.I am having trouble with my machine because I can't play any SF maps, too much Video for my little machine to handle.I love to play on River Basin, Insurgent Camp, HQ Raid, and Radio Tower to name just a few maps that I really enjoy.....

  4. It shocked me at first, the idea that even our shoes will now posses mini computers. Not that I'm complaining, I love computers.


    Wouldn't it be funny if someone sent it a virus. (J/K) But I think that it is just one more example of how much we as american's have become dependant on technology.


    I think it is also a waste of money for both the company in R&D, and the poor sucker that is buying to stay "hip".


    I'm not sure that I will buy a pair of shoes with computers in them any time soon.

  5. AA ...

    well if they include the violence and horror and GORE they make to innocent people like they do now in IRAQ >.. it might have been an intresting game ...

    other than that it's BS


    I'm honestly sorry you feel that way, but as a member of the U.S. Navy, I hate to hear how misinformed people are as to what is really happening overthere, If you would like to discuss that furthur, please feel free to IM me.


    But to answer the original question here.


    Yes I play. I am a member of the forum Broadband Rangers. I am a sniper, medic, and SF qualified. I still have a pretty bad frag rate....


    You can view my AA stats here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

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