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Everything posted by jipman

  1. Probably Power Settings mischief.Go to control panel -> Power Options and set 'Turn off monitor', 'Turn off harddisk', 'System standby' to NEVER.This should fix your probs
  2. After using one for several minutes my hand starts to ache.. I guess I'm not build for those things. What I've been wondering, are these things more or less ergonomical 'correct' than normal mice or not? Anyone who got an answer for that?
  3. Does anyone remember the old times? When you overclocked computers by setting the jumpers on the mobo different... That was so cool. Looks cooler than doing it through software in my opinion.
  4. [sarcasm]if you like bloated interface, useless options, noobish winks/sounds/buzzers and banners MSN 7 is the best for you.If you like text messaging, sending files and simplicity. GAIM does the job perfectly.[/sarcasm]
  5. The booting time sure seemed to have improved. Instead of 8 bars to pass, it turned out to be 3. I don't like all those new implemented stuff though, security center, firewall, all those weird confirmation screens. I do like the bluetooth support
  6. Did you also know of the emulation program bochs? It can emulate an entire computer. So in theory at least.. you could install all kinds of operating systems on your windows box. link: http://bochs.sourceforge.net/
  7. Is there anyone here who can explain why they added a install-to-hdd option to damnsmall... It would save some extra (mega)bytes that can be used to fill with other things. I don't see why anyone would want to install a stripped down version of knoppix on his harddrive. It's an older kernel and it's incomplete for the more advanced stuff one does with his comp.anyway, I just want to warn you guys not to use this as a learning-os, since there are a few differences in it compared to a fully equiped Linux distro. I myself usually use damnsmall if I'm at a foreign computer and I don't trust the environment. DSL is like a pocketknife, it can do alot, but it lacks the power/handling of the real thing.
  8. your wan ip is the ip you see when you go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ lan ip is the ip you see when you go to the start menu -> run -> cmd -> ipconfig (mine for example is
  9. What you also can do is use an zipped version of the bit torrent program. (bit comet is good for that) unzip it to a temporary directory, download your stuff, and when you're done, re-zip the programfiles back into the zip, and locking it with a password or something. That way, you can still get your files and prevent your father from knowing you've been downloading.
  10. you need 10 hosting credits to be able to get a standard hosting account. Then you have to get 30 hosting credits to be able to upgrade to the second package.Tip. I wouldn't get 40 credits, because after you have created a 10 credit hosting account, your credits will be reduced to a little.
  11. Why does it seem that everyone forgets about the Yellowdog Update Manager? --> Yum. it comes standard with fedora and enables you to install/update a very huge bunch of programs (if you configure it right). It automatically fixes all those bloody depencies you always need for software and of course, like all good software is just command line more info : http://yum.baseurl.org/
  12. I suggest you read the post again mate. Anyway, youre timing is perfect. I was just planning on reinstalling my 'puter tomorrow.
  13. Notebooks used to be portable computers that did not have internet hardware onboard, like modems or network ports. This was used in the old days.Laptops do have them so the are called lap (as in your lap) TOP. Which derives from desk top.But since most of the portable computers have internet access stuff on board, laptop is the most common name now.ps. don't ask me for proof or something, I read it somewhere a long time ago and I can't be bothered to find a source
  14. If you go for cheap then you probably would end up with an Intel cpu. Because AMD cpu's in laptops are very rare. When going mobile, there are pentium m's and celeron m's, where pentium m's are the top of the line. If don't know what you want to do with a laptop. But if you are just using it for internet/email/chat stuff. A celeron m will do just fine.If you need somesort of portable media center like thing you might better go for a pentium m.Anyway, I've seen reasonably cheap laptops for around 800 euros that have a celeron. If you are not planning to do games or movie encoding or something, they are the best choice
  15. simply said, you can't, the edit button was once enabled a long long time ago, but they removed it for some reason I can't seem to remember. I think it had something to do with spamming.
  16. yup. you canBut after you take package 1, your points will get reduced to not a lot, so you have to post more to get your points back for package 2.
  17. So far as I know, Xisto doesn't have a filesize restriction. Uploading files by browser is a normal and common way of uploading, I can't see why it would be fake
  18. You have to pictures of the digits stored on your asta/Xisto account ? If you do, try rewriting the urls in the code to something like. <yourname>.astahost.com/<pictures>.
  19. if (cash = 'a lot'){ buy_athlon();}if (cash = 'not a lot'){ buy_sempron();} Semprons are kinda like athlons but purposefully downgraded and crippled to lose performance.
  20. That's why Fedora is easier in usage, it has yum which updates everything easily. Also, it has a lot of support so fixing problems should be easier. And better not use noob-distros, you'll pick up linux'ing quite fast and then you find yourself using some crappy beginners distro.
  21. Usually, password protecting files is about the same thing as encryption. If you password-protect something, there are 2 ways to secure the file. 1. Put the password in the file for the program to use2. encrypt the contents with the password and add a checksum of the original file at it.with 1. All you need to do is read the password out. With 2, that is not possible.Anyway, I think that nowadays encrypting something and password protecting something is about the same, both need passwords. The reason i prefer saying encrypting is that it's not so long as password protecting :DAbout drivecrypt, doesn't that make working slow? all that encrypting and stuff? Am I wrong if I say that with frequent used files it's more a hassle?
  22. I've tried some of the fake-meats that are on the market, they are usually based on some soy stuff. Although they LOOK like meat, they taste a little dryish and don't really compare to the taste of the real thing. Also, it's seams that the fake crumbles easy (crumble as in, easy to break, where real meat kinda folds).Unless the flavours are the same or maybe even better than the original, i don't see fake meat getting a lot of fans.
  23. Simply said, this doesn't work, but maybe i did something wrong. In my opinion though, if you want to protect documents, it's better to encrypt them for all that matter, or even better use both encryption and ads. Since hidden things are quite much easier to find than nonhidden but encrypted things.
  24. [offtopic]Guess what.... I use almost the same thing for authentication on my site, but i use GET variables instead of cookies, but that's only because of my laziness. [/offtopic]but arent' you forgetting about passwords?MD5( REMOTE_IP and USER-AGENT and USERNAME and SALT )Do you mean this anyway?MD5( REMOTE_IP and USER-AGENT and USERNAME and SALT and PASSWORD)I think it's quite hackable though. Ip's are easy, just look at this forum or emailing would do too, username is also quite guessable or is displayed somewhere else on the site, and user-agents are also not really unique or untraceable. So basically all you need to bruteforce is a salt and password. I doubt if this is secure enough for real important stuff, but I do think it's good enough for scripts that don't require top-notch security (like my site )note. You could also store the md5 of the password instead of just the pass. Since a lot of people use the same passwords for a lot of things at least if they get hacked on one site, they won't risk being hacked on everything . So you would get thisMD5( REMOTE_IP and USER-AGENT and USERNAME and SALT and MD5(PASSWORD))
  25. It's a commonly used trick in public libraries and some internet cafe's to prevent people from exploiting the payment-systems and use the internet for free. Also, it's very nice sometimes to prevent not-so-adept-users from fiddling with the settings and screw the settings/program/computer up.You are right though, on normal home/desktop computers it's not really usefull and quite a hindrance too.Although usually it is still easily avoided (if I remember correctly I once wrote a tutorial for that )
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