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Posts posted by jipman

  1. Isn't this posted a few times already?

    about Linux, fedora is the best in my opinion.

    The con qwij says

    Cons:* RPM hell. sometimes porgram A, requires you to first install Program B, which in turn needs program C D and G. (also known as dependency hell..) Although in recent years, porgrams which can auto instyall packages, solving dependency's automatically are a great help.

    does not exist because I have the almight YUM... That automaticaly searches for depencies and stuff

  2. As we speak, the capacity of every gmail account is growing steadily.


    Because gmail has decided to increase the storage room of all accounts


    I quote (i may quote, can't I?)


    A Google approach to math.   


    On the eve of Gmail's one-year birthday, our engineers were toiling away furiously. Notes scribbled all over the walls. Complex calculations on napkins and empty pizza boxes. Millions of M&Ms.


    The result?... starting today, we're beginning the roll-out of our new and top secret Infinity+1 storage plan. The key features are:


        * Write, don't worry.

          You want to stop caring about storage. We want to keep giving you more. Today, and beyond.


        * The gift that keeps on giving.

          1260.223112 megabytes of storage (and counting) for every user.


        * No complicated equations. No tough algorithms.

          Just this one graph:


    Posted Image

    source :


    Cool isn't it?

  3. Well... The Instruction sets of pentiums are better so they can do the work faster than celerons, even on the same clock speeds. Since the celeron you are talking about has a higher one, it will probably outrun a pentium for normal use (typing, internetting, emailing). But a pentium might perform better on the territory of multimedia and stuff..I suggest you first try both of them to see which one is better. use sysmark or something.Also, are you sure the celeron would FIT in your motherboard, since the p2 uses a special slot on the motherboard. So i doubt it if it would fit in the computer anyway.

  4. VIM, means vim improved. It's a command-line based text editor with line numbers and syntax highlighting. It has a lot of very powerfull functions and tricks which many new editors don't even have. But because it's quite difficult to understand all it's functions, i guess few people use it.

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