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Posts posted by jipman

  1. To be quiet honest, I'd prefer the good old days when you just have command prompt. I don't know why, but Graphical interfaces are just slow to work with. In IRC in which i took my first steps where you all have to type commands, this is much faster than let's say msn messenger, because you don't have to find their names, click on it and then start typing. In IRC you just type immediatly to the person you want.....I'm just an old nostalgic person.....Good old days :)

  2. You might want to explain the registering of your nicknames, microscopic^earthling helped me through it, but i can't really remember all of the steps. So if you place a tutorial for that, it might be convienent for other users.

  3. Yeah, we could create a Xisto whatpulse teamI'm currently in the Tweakers.net team :), but If we have alot of members I might switch sides, and with me i take 1,5 million keys and 400.000 clicks :(Tweakers.net is currently nr 1 with a HUGE number of keys. But we might just have a team for fun.Add on to previous post:M^E with your amount of computer time you might pass my score very soon ;)

  4. I seem to encounter a lot of such messages these days at Xisto

    Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.
    The error returned was:

    Sorry, some required files are missing, if you intended to view a topic, it's possible that it's been moved or deleted. Please go back and try again.

    Is it just me, or are there just a lot of post deleted or something?

    Notice from microscopic^earthling:
    Moved to Hoted Members > Misc.

  5. Still wonder why people like to play Sims anyways ...I rather have a good game of world-war-2-combat-simulation :)Lucky for EA that not all the gamers are like me :(About ripoffs... It happens, like Fifa 1996 97 98 99 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005..... Although they're from the same creator, the games themselves are all the same with just a few graphical improvements.It's all about money.

  6. I don't see any adlinks or any ads, just a big yahoo banner on top.About adsense:I don't like adsense :DFor example they give weird results sometimeseg.There's a site about Long Pimples, that's is a kind of rubber you stick to the surface of your tabletennis bat, but Google then shows ads for clearasil and other pimple-remove-stuff.... quite embarrassing.note. i don't like ads at all.Under FireFox I've got some filters running that blocks images/swf files from being loaded in my browser.It works very good.

  7. Agreed on a few points, - i don't like the disabling of the EDIT button, although i can quite understand the reason- I don't really like the ads, but hey... **** happens- The whole story under your hosting credits is quite a thorn in the eyeBUT there are also good points- Shoutbox ownage- Interesting articles (sometimes :D )- nice moderaters (i've seen forums where you are hardly allowed to express your opinion)- Nice ambience (if i may say so)

  8. I always feel physic when I see a james bond, it usually starts like this.- a criminal does something bad- james is making love with some woman when he gets the message to report to M- M gives him a mission- James goes to Q for his gadgets, along with a car ( which he ALWAYS ruins)- He embarks on the mission- He meets a pretty lady- Together the two of them solve the crime- They make love againThe EndWell..... Not very unpredictable huh?About the games, they're kind of a splintercell clone to me.

  9. Impressive, but quite useless, since the hardware has to operate 2 operating systems, that means that you run out of resources fast and that probably both OS'es will run slowly.Finally, I don't see the use of this all... The boot from cd function appeals more to me because it runs without touching the hardware and it does not have to share it's resources.ps. It is quite cool though.:D

  10. Hmm wait...Isn't the mp3 encoding algorithm a licensed thingy? You might want to sort out if the mp3-encoding-technique is licensed, because else you could use the Ogg Vorbis format which is opensource and gives much better quality/size ratio.

  11. I don't bookmark google, because by the time i find the the bookmark, i could have typed it twice, anyways, I've got my favorites ordered by type of information. Reading stuff, information, online tools, multimedia and funny stuff.I've learned from the past that if you don't order your stuff nicely, you might not be able to find it back.php.nettweakers.net - always keep up with the newsastahost.com - :D

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