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Posts posted by jipman

  1. if you want to protect usernames and password from those hackers, better build an personalize encryption code then encrypt it again with md5. for the whole pages??? wow it cost too much sad.gif better implement a nice programming habbit and a whole month bug testing than those commercial products wink.gif

    Yeah.. + an additional SHA 256 encryption, since MD5 has a bigger chance to a collision.

    But I think that one encryption should be good enough, since 1 good password will be hard to de-md5

  2. Hi all,This hasn't got anything to do with php - but all other compiler based programming languages in general. Try the Aspose Code Obfuscator (http://www.aspose.com/) - it's free and it completely messes up your compiled code to prevent reverse engineering. Works on almost all kinds of compiled .exe-s. It shifts all string tables and embedded resources in your exe and makes it absolutely not worthwhile to decompile your code. Their site even has a Freeware Licensing Engine with which you can make distributable shareware which can be unlocked with a licensing code.

    If that is so they should've used it on their own program.

    Since you can find an keygen on the internet

    just google on "obfuscator serial"

    Nothing is un-crackable

  3. Note.If you use a javascript check you need to check twice for good input because your PHP/asp/whatever language needs to check it too. So it might be better to use the parser check it and echo errors. Since javascript can be turned off so the checking is not trustworthy, using the parser is more secure too.

  4. NEVER EVER take a presscot


    Those bastards heat up to 60 C stressed with the standard cooler and makes so much noise while doing that, I hurts your ears. So You're ending up spending 20 bucks more for a decent cooler, (I spent 35, but I bought a Zalman :(). So AMD would be a good choice, maybe the AMD 64 bits 3500+ CPU.


    The best cooler in my opinion is the Zalman CNPS7700 it's not very expensive, but it's almost the best money can buy (a little bit lot of money ;) ). It has 2 modes, in silent mode, you CANT hear it when you are standing more than 2 feet away from it. In normal mode it is slightly audible. Switch between the 2 modes when you have a lot / little cpu load.


    Also take a goood Powersupply, the OCZ MODSTREAM is in my opinion the most silent and best psu there is.


    About Ram, I don't have much knowledge about that... i'm sorry.


    About harddrives, SATA ones do the job fine and are also fast. For SCSI you need to get a separate controller and stuff, and you also need to install a lot of drivers even before the windows install (quite a hassle i think).


    For graphic cards, take a Nvidia Geforce 6800 (GT / Ultra) if you need the top of the line. Else a 6600 will do fine too. Also if you are planning to do a lot of graphical stuff, consider SLI, thats when you use 2 identical 3d cards so you get about double the performance.


    Also don't forget about a decent mouse which you'll need for decent photoshopping without having to hit UNDO all the time, you could try these.


    - Logitech MX510 : Incredibly precise and accurate, looks and feels really nice too.

    - Logitech MX1000 : Even better better accuracy but a slight lag due to it's wireless-ness

    - Razer Diamondback : Are better than mx510 and below the mx1000, but has a wire, so no lag, but ERGONOMICALY a disaster, it isn't very comfy, especially not for big handed people.


    Good luck with it, and make a good choice, if you got it, post the specs ;) ;).


    Want to add something to the previous post.


    If you take an AMD, the standard cooler will do fine, it makes a little noise, but not irritating.


    The Intel cpu's are always noisy, so take a good cooler.


    Don't forget, 3d card coolers are very noisy, especially the high performance ones, so get a Zalman graphic cards cooler for lets say GF 6600 and up.


    that was it.


    Ps. I'm a Zalman fan, but Arctic is also good and cheaper ;)


    hehe 3rd last addon


    You can have a UBER, and I really mean UBER powerfull computer for € 1400 excl monitor.


    I don't know your budget but I just wanted to add this.


    SOrry in advance


    I reread your post and i overlooked the price thingy a bit, with your budget, you can have an incredible machine, I wish I had that budget...


    since you're from belgium i do the prices in euros

    2000 dollars = about 1500 euros


    Let me give a few hardware tips :


    - AMD 64 3500+ about € 300

    - ASUS A8N-SLI motherboard @ about € 140

    - Leadtek WinFast PX6800 GT TDH @ about € 430 (maybe add another one later)

    - OCZ MODSTREAM 510 Watt powersupply @ about € 110

    - RAM 2x Kingston HyperX 512 @ about 130 each


    This is what I would go for if I had that kind of money.


    Allright, I've posted enough here. Good luck with finding the right stuff.


    PS. could an moderator please add these 4 posts together? Thanks in advance.


    Done :) ask nicely and thou shall receive ;)

  5. // ***********************************************************// CRITICAL REGION

    This is not really necessary in my opinion because it doesn't really matter if the data is PUTted or POSTed.

    and you might want to lower the <?php - tag to under the html stuff. Or else you get syntax errors

    extra note : if you store something in a variable, use ' .... ' instead of " ... " since you only need "...." if you have regular expressions like /n in the data. using single quotes speeds the processing up a tiny bit since the parser does not have to look for regular expressions.

    You also might want to check if the sending succeeds, and use

    if (mail(bla,bla,bla,bla) == false ) { echo 'Sending failed'; }

    or something.

    Those were my suggestions, note that i'm not trying to out-smart you or anything :(, just trying to help :).

    Looking at your code, i can see that you have good coding-etiquette, nice comments and stuff. I hardly comment my code :blush:. So I gotta learn that one day too ;).

  6. Euh....Rom pages are illegal i think. about emulators. I'm gonna give a few names of emu's, but not links because i'm too lazy :)- GB(A) - Visual Boy Advance- snes - zsnesI knew a very good one for nin 64 too, i used it to play zelda and the ocarina of time. And i used very good ps emulator to play tekken 1 2 3....But now i play Call of Duty, under windows, and sometimes Linux.

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